(v. i.) To go out of the way; to turn aside from a course or a method; to stray or go astray; to err; to digress; to diverge; to vary.
(v. t.) To cause to deviate.
Example Sentences:
(1) Only in 17 of the 97 examinees all the examined parameters were found normal, in the rest deviations from the normal echographic picture were revealed.
(2) Deviations in two planes simultaneously cause less error than deviation in one plane.
(3) The percent pause time, the standard deviation of the voice fundamental frequency distribution, the standard deviation of the rate of change of the voice fundamental frequency and the average speed of voice change were found to correlate to the clinical state of the patient.
(4) This study examined the frequency of occurrence of velar deviations in spontaneous single-word utterances over a 6-month period for 40 children who ranged in age from 1:11 (years:months) to 3:1 at the first observation.
(5) The average lung density, its standard deviation which was used as a measure of the density homogeneity throughout the lung, and the densities of smaller lung regions were measured before and up to 76 weeks after irradiation in rat lungs.
(6) The zeta potential as a function of ionic strength deviates significantly from the predictions of the double-layer theory in the 10(-3)-5.10(-2) M range.
(7) The most striking differences were observed on the factors: Psychopathic deviation, Mania, Schizophrenia greater than controls and social introversion lower than controls.
(8) A maximum deviation of approximately 10% was found.
(9) Deviations from isotropic motion observed for the non-aromatic moieties are discussed.
(10) The most substantial deviations between actual and theoretical osmolarity values occurred with the calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride and dextrose solutions.
(11) Deviations from Michealis-Menten kinetics in the pig-heart citrate synthase (citrate-oxaloacetate-lyase(pro-3S-CH2-COO-leads to acetyl-CoA), EC system have been characterized and analyzed in view of the kinetic theory described in the preceding paper.
(12) Finally, the in vivo loss of cholesterol feedback control was found to occur in at least two minimal deviation hepatomas and in one highly malignant adenocarcinoma of hepatic origin.
(13) For data sampled at a high rate (approximately 200 Hz) pupil velocity deviations from zero can simply be used, giving a satisfactory inaccuracy of about 5 ms. For data sampled at a low rate (less than 50 Hz), e.g.
(14) Breakpoints and other deviations from a linear PPR over the whole ICP range are studied by the analysis of the transfer function.
(15) The three counties sampled showed surprisingly little deviation in the percentages of inventories suggesting alcohol production and in the preferences for specific types of drinks.
(16) The fraction of ligands that initially escaped into the solvent decreased when the temperature was lowered, and the Arrhenius plots for the rebinding rate coefficients were found to deviate significantly from linearity.
(17) The jaw deviated to the right when he opened his mouth fully.
(18) With the Cardiovascular Measurement System (CMS), 1 standard deviation for repeat measurements of minimum diameter increased from 0.087 mm (same frame to 0.240 mm (films one to 6 months apart).
(19) The standard deviations were greatest when the AI was near 50% and least when the AI was near 0% or 100%.
(20) Variability of basal blood flow in terms of standard deviations and in terms of coefficients of variation computed from duplicate determinations were significantly higher than for the other parameters and significantly more elevated in the forearm than in the calf.
(v. t.) To turnanother way; to divert.
(v. t.) To turn from truth, rectitude, or propriety; to divert from a right use, end, or way; to lead astray; to corrupt; also, to misapply; to misinterpret designedly; as, to pervert one's words.
(v. i.) To become perverted; to take the wrong course.
(n.) One who has been perverted; one who has turned to error, especially in religion; -- opposed to convert. See the Synonym of Convert.
Example Sentences:
(1) He denies perverting the course of justice by asking his then wife Vicky Pryce to take speeding penalty points onto her driving licence.
(2) The idea that these problems exist on the other side of the world, and that we Australians can ignore them by sheltering comfortably in our own sequestered corner of the globe, is a fool’s delusion.” Brandis sought to reach out to Australian Muslims, saying the threat came “principally from a small number of people among us who try to justify criminal acts by perverting the meaning of Islam”.
(3) Indonesia’s largest Muslim group, Nahdlatul Ulama, in February described gay lifestyles as perverted and a desecration of human dignity.
(4) "Pulpit poofs" were hounded from the church, playground workers were exposed as "lesbians plotting to pervert nursery tots", celebrities such as Kenny Everett, Russell Harty and Freddie Mercury were hounded as diseased vermin.
(5) On the face of it, Huhne's guilty plea last month on a charge of perverting the course of justice over a 2003 speeding case ought to have killed the Liberal Democrats' hopes of holding the seat.
(6) Following an eight-month trial, Brooks was in June cleared at the Old Bailey of conspiring to hack phones, illegal payments to a public official and perverting the course of justice.
(7) For instance Alive appealed to young men who liked true adventure stories, but my next book, Polonaise , was a novel about a sexually perverted Polish intellectual.
(8) Milonov later tweeted that "completely boycotting" the show was not necessary, but said the "pervert from Austria" should be excluded.
(9) The pair were given identical jail terms for perverting the course of justice on Monday afternoon following a sentencing and mitigation hearing at which they spent almost three hours sitting just over a metre apart in the dock without acknowledging the other's presence.
(10) Jimmy Savile was left free to sexually attack nearly 70 victims, including one five-year-old, over half a century in his home city of Leeds despite rumours among local police officers that he was a "pervert".
(11) Sampson recommended that the junior officer who had carried out the destruction be granted immunity from prosecution in return for giving evidence against the MI5 chief and his deputy, whom he believed should be prosecuted for “doing an act with intent and tending to pervert the course of public justice”.
(12) Six others face one charge of conspiring to pervert the course of justice, including her husband Charlie, her former personal assistant Cheryl Carter and her ex-chauffeur Paul Edwards.
(13) He directed them to acquit Payne of manslaughter and of intending to pervert the course of justice.
(14) We are going to mourn our dead ... but tomorrow, we will kiss each other like the abominable perverts we are,” journalist Luc Vaillant said in a column published in the left-wing newspaper Libération.
(15) He was found guilty in his absence in 2008 for theft, furnishing false information and perverting the course of justice after being accused of perpetrating a £36m fraud.
(16) Dave Small, who was elected to Redditch borough council on Friday, faces being kicked out of the party for referring to gay people as "perverts" and African immigrants as "scroungers".
(17) Here we have an allegation of suborning witnesses and perverting the course of justice.
(18) Fillery is arrested on suspicion of attempting to pervert the course of justice.
(19) Fulford is the presiding judge in the trial scheduled for later this year in which former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks faces charges of perverting the course of justice.
(20) So hopefully that makes it clear, I would never support Manchester United but I would pretend to be a pervert dad having sex with an imaginary adult daughter.