What's the difference between dichromacy and dichromatism?



Example Sentences:



  • (n.) The state of being dichromatic.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Although the lens did not alter stereopsis, it did produce severe color discrimination losses for normal and dichromatic subjects.
  • (2) Furthermore, it was suggested that the patterns of the panel D-15 test differ by the convergence points among dichromats even of the same type.
  • (3) Discrimination tests reveal that these squirrels have dichromatic colour vision with spectral neutral points centered at 507.5 nm.
  • (4) The results indicate that dichromatic and trichromatic monkeys differ only trivially on tests where performance is based on the contributions of non-opponent mechanisms, that the contribution of spectrally opponent mechanisms to the "brightness signal" is very similar in trichromatic and dichromatic monkeys, and that in increment-threshold discriminations where there are both chromaticity and luminance cues some test wavelengths yield superior performance for trichromats while others appear to favor the dichromat.
  • (5) Both sets of data for the two types of dichromat satisfy linearity properties.
  • (6) Spectral characteristics of X-linked Dichromats (13 protanopes, 20 deuteranopes) were studied with spectral ERG.
  • (7) The results imply that newborns have some, albeit limited, ability to discriminate chromatic from achromatic stimuli and hence, that they are at least dichromats.
  • (8) Measurements were carried out using noninvasive techniques: quantitative computer tomography and dual photon absorptiometry (mono- and dichromatic).
  • (9) Many errors were due to the small number of protanopes averaged and inability to distinguish trichromats from dichromats.
  • (10) If dichromats lack one of the normal pigments then the upset of these matches monitors the change in spectral sensitivity of a single mechanism.3.
  • (11) Then, the chromaticity-coordinates of each color cap were calculated using the spectral distribution of standard illuminant C. The theoretical patterns of the panel D-15 test for dichromats were obtained based on the confusion lines.
  • (12) Two of the four observers had normal trichromatic colour vision; the other two were dichromats (protanopes).
  • (13) Thus the color vision in these animals is dichromatic.
  • (14) Spectrophotometric analysis of this blue dye at different concentrations and with or without heparin showed that the reddish hues are due to dichromatism and not metachromasia.
  • (15) The results suggest that the adult expression of dichromatic color vision does not depend on color experience during the first 4 months of life.
  • (16) Collectively, these and previous results imply that although newborns have at least dichromatic color vision, they possess relatively poor chromatic-achromatic discrimination in two spectral regions - in the short-wavelengths (including stimuli of 470-480 nm) and in the mid-wavelengths (including 565 nm).
  • (17) (3)-(8) are consistent and allow the calculation of a maximum optical density for those pigments which underlie the dichromats' long-wave mechanism.
  • (18) An intense background also changes the relative spectral sensitivity of the dichromats.
  • (19) Temporal properties of the short-wavelength cone mechanism of the California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi), a dichromat, were explored with single light pulses and pulse trains.
  • (20) Sampling was from the femoral artery through a dichromatic cuvette densitometer.

Words possibly related to "dichromacy"

Words possibly related to "dichromatism"