(1) A calculational study of a conceptual tangential beam and a filtered radial beam in the DIDO type reactor HIFAR was undertaken.
(2) Structural separation of Openreach is at the heart of creating an industry that provides the incentive to invest Jeremy Darroch, Sky TalkTalk’s chief executive, Dido Harding, said Ofcom should use the review to end the conflict of interest that deterred Openreach from meeting its obligations to BT’s competitors.
(3) With Dido and Norah Jones ruling the album chart, the Beatles and Led Zeppelin selling plenty of DVDs, Duran Duran and Tears for Fears suddenly returning from oblivion and Franz Ferdinand achieving instant success, it looks as if the fifty-quid bloke is keeping the music business afloat.
(4) Dido In Virgil's Aeneid, the queen of Carthage, an exile from Tyre after the murder of her husband, was doing very nicely thank you very much, founding a new city in what is now Tunisia.
(5) But the TalkTalk chief executive, Dido Harding, insisted the data stolen in the cyberattack would not allow criminals to plunder customers’ bank accounts.
(6) Britain's broadband logo Photograph: Guardian The £2.5bn fibre broadband network that BT Group is building risks remaining empty unless the regulator acts now to promote competition, according to the TalkTalk chief executive, Dido Harding.
(7) Belle is inspired by a portrait of Dido Belle and her cousin … the first in the UK where a person of colour is treated as an equal.
(8) Dido Harding, TalkTalk’s chief executive, told Sky News: “The financial information they have on its own is not enough for them to access your bank account.” She warned customers not to give out financial details if they were contacted by phone or email by anyone asking for personal information: “Those are criminals doing that and we all need to make sure that we don’t let them win.” The Metropolitan police cybercrime unit’s criminal investigation was continuing, the company added.
(9) We also did a production of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas .
(10) Dido Harding, chief executive at TalkTalk, revealed that the rate of demand among its customers has surged from about 1,000 per day in mid-November to a current rate of 10,000 a week with "momentum strengthening".
(11) Dido Harding, the chief executive of TalkTalk, said a full split was needed, and believes that it will eventually happen.
(12) We welcome the fact that the regulator has finally made a decision,” said Dido Harding, the chief executive at TalkTalk.
(13) "We have the UK's fastest-growing new TV business and our customers clearly appreciate its comprehensive content and value-for-money pricing," said the TalkTalk chief executive, Dido Harding.
(14) Seven three-bedroom apartments have been built for fly-in fly-out (Fifo) or drive-in drive-out (Dido) mining industry workers on a single block at the end of the cul-de-sac.
(15) "Reaching this milestone in less than a year is a great achievement, but it's just the beginning," said Dido Harding, chief executive of TalkTalk .
(16) Like, it was ironic and also, totally funny at the same time.” Luke & Charlotte, however, are duller than Dido in a load of beige-grey ditchwater.
(17) Dido Harding, the chief executive of TalkTalk, said on Wednesday that it will reveal to investors on 26 July the roll-out and pricing of its YouView-enabled TV service.
(18) TalkTalk chief executive Dido Harding has insisted the company’s cybersecurity is “head and shoulders” better than its competitors in the wake of the massive hack attack affecting thousands of customers.
(19) Facebook Twitter Pinterest TalkTalk chief executive Dido Harding has apologised to customers for the third cyber-attack.
(20) Turner's art is full of references to antiquity – from Dido to Ulysses – and also to contemporary events, whether it was the burning of the Houses of Parliament or the scandal of a slave ship captain throwing his dying cargo overboard.