What's the difference between dietician and dietitian?



Example Sentences:



  • (n.) One skilled in dietetics.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The data given in response to these questions are presented together with data on the involvement of dietitians and social workers in the treatment of patients with end stage renal failure.
  • (2) In order to meet its need for a current, integrated picture of the dynamic profession of dietetics, The American Dietetic Association, with assistance from American College Testing, undertook a study focusing on the roles of entry-level dietetic technicians and registered dietitians and beyond-entry-level registered dietitians.
  • (3) Three groups of allied health professionals, including dental hygienists, dietitians, and certified nurse-midwives, were surveyed to determine current practice, beliefs, and attitudes regarding health promotion and disease prevention.
  • (4) A nationwide sample of administrative and generalist dietitians rated five competencies with sub-competencies and ninety-two descriptors related to menu planning.
  • (5) Administrative dietitians have applied the concepts of using human error rates (the number of errors divided by the number of opportunities for error) at four hospitals, with a total bed capacity of 788, within a tertiary-care medical center.
  • (6) The dietitian thus plays an integral role in identifying patterns in the blood glucose profile and assisting the patient in making intelligent dietary choices to improve diabetes control.
  • (7) Daily oral calcium intakes were estimated from dietary histories obtained by a dietitian.
  • (8) Throughout the study, interpersonal skills were high and adherence promotion skills were low for dietitians in both groups.
  • (9) First, because LT is an essential amino acid, questions concerning LT-containing products and EMS are often directed to dietitians.
  • (10) Men seem to lose relatively little weight whether or not they are referred to a dietitian, whereas women referred to a dietitian achieve substantial and sustained weight loss.
  • (11) A nationwide mail survey was conducted on random samples of 3,559 dietitians who had been registered for up to 3 years, 6,647 dietitians who had been registered for more than 3 years, and all 1,226 graduates (in the previous 3 years) from the 70 ADA-approved programs preparing dietetic technicians that agreed to participate (out of the 77 ADA-approved programs).
  • (12) Resources and personalized guidance from a registered dietitian can be helpful for many older athletes.
  • (13) Because water may account for up to 10% of an individual's daily sodium consumption, dietitians should know the sodium content of the public water supply.
  • (14) One hundred twenty-seven dietitians in 49 hospitals in Texas collected time data according to nutrition care activity, diet order classification, care level, and diagnosis.
  • (15) A questionnaire was developed and sent to a random sample of 300 clinical dietitians listed as members of a nutrition support service.
  • (16) Dietitians must be responsive to the changing needs of their clients and employers, to societal concerns, and to legal mandates.
  • (17) An exception was that a majority of the dietitians perceived older adults as resistant to treatment.
  • (18) Modern management of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a specialised area, usually undertaken as a team effort by general practitioner, diabetes specialist, diabetes educator and dietitian.
  • (19) An analysis was conducted to evaluate the effect of nutrition assessment by a registered dietitian on tube feeding (TF) tolerance and the length of time required to meet patients' nutritional requirements via those TFs.
  • (20) The changing role of the clinical dietitian has resulted in evaluation of the clinical dietetic technician's role.

Words possibly related to "dietician"

Words possibly related to "dietitian"