(a.) Relating to or indicating a difference; creating a difference; discriminating; special; as, differential characteristics; differential duties; a differential rate.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a differential, or to differentials.
(a.) Relating to differences of motion or leverage; producing effects by such differences; said of mechanism.
(n.) An increment, usually an indefinitely small one, which is given to a variable quantity.
(n.) A small difference in rates which competing railroad lines, in establishing a common tariff, allow one of their number to make, in order to get a fair share of the business. The lower rate is called a differential rate. Differentials are also sometimes granted to cities.
(n.) One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one another or to a magnet or armature common to both, that one coil produces polar action contrary to that of the other.
(n.) A form of conductor used for dividing and distributing the current to a series of electric lamps so as to maintain equal action in all.
Example Sentences:
(1) AEDs may also have differential effects on nighttime sleep.
(2) We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the breakpoint area of alpha-thalassemia-1 of Southeast Asia type and several parts of the alpha-globin gene cluster to make a differential diagnosis between alpha-thalassemia-1 and Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis.
(3) We also show that proliferation of primary amnion cells is not dependent on a high c-fos expression, suggesting that the function of c-fos is more likely to be associated with other cellular functions in the differentiated amnion cell.
(4) The subcellular distribution of sialyltransferase and its product of action, sialic acid, was investigated in the undifferentiated cells of the rat intestinal crypts and compared with the pattern observed in the differentiated cells present in the surface epithelium.
(5) We have investigated the increase in the spcDNA population upon cycloheximide treatment of individual sequences, which are found to amplify differentially.
(6) Periosteal chondroma is an uncommon benign cartilagenous lesion, and its importance lies primarily in its characteristic radiographic and pathologic appearance which should be of assistance in the differential diagnosis of eccentric lesions of bones.
(7) The differential diagnosis is more complex in Hawaii due to the presence of granulomatous diseases such as tuberculosis and leprosy.
(8) At 48 h after pretreatment, a differential effect on the absorption of sulfanilamide and L-tryptophan was observed in in situ recirculation experiments.
(9) The results suggest differential regulation of IL-6 expression between fibroblasts and macrophages.
(10) Differentiation between these two types of lesions is of utmost importance since the surgical approach will be different.
(11) The following conclusions emerge: (i) when the 3' or the 3' penultimate base of the oligonucleotide mismatched an allele, no amplification product could be detected; (ii) when the mismatches were 3 and 4 bases from the 3' end of the primer, differential amplification was still observed, but only at certain concentrations of magnesium chloride; (iii) the mismatched allele can be detected in the presence of a 40-fold excess of the matched allele; (iv) primers as short as 13 nucleotides were effective; and (v) the specificity of the amplification could be overwhelmed by greatly increasing the concentration of target DNA.
(12) Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) treatment of Neuro 2A neuroblastoma cells induces cell differentiation and neurite outgrowth.
(13) This experimental system allows separation of three B lymphocyte developmental stages: early differentiation in vitro, progression to IgM secretion in vivo, and late differentiation dependent upon mature T lymphocytes in vivo.
(14) A murine keratinocyte cell line that is resistant to the growth-inhibitory effects of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) was examined for differential gene expression patterns that may be related to the mechanism of the loss of TGF beta 1 responsiveness.
(15) SD is shown to have therapeutic and differential diagnostic significance in varying pathological conditions of cerebral dopaminergic systems.
(16) Aside from these characteristic findings of HCC, it was important to reveal the following features for the diagnosis of well differentiated type of small HCC: variable thickening or distortion of trabecular structure in association with nuclear crowding, acinar formation, selective cytoplasmic accumulation of Mallory bodies, nuclear abnormalities consisting of thickening of nucleolus, hepatic cords in close contact with bile ducts or blood vessels, and hepatocytes growing in a fibrous environment.
(17) Friend erythroleukemia cells were induced to differentiate by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and hexamethylene-bis-acetamide (HBMA) in order to investigate whether their lipid characteristics, common to other systems of transformed cells, revert to a normal differentiation pattern.
(18) By growing purified human cytotrophoblasts under serum-free conditions and manipulating the culture surface, we were able to disassociate morphologic from biochemical differentiation.
(19) Therefore, the measurement of the alpha-antitrypsin content plays the crucial part in differential diagnosis of primary (hereditary determined) and secondary (obstructive) emphysema.
(20) Although each of palate and limb is concurrently susceptible to epigenetic regulation, their differential intrinsic genomic capabilities appear to have been uncoupled.
(a.) Marking or expressing distinction or difference; distinguishing; characteristic; peculiar.
(a.) Having the power to distinguish and discern; discriminating.
Example Sentences:
(1) Phospholipid methylation in human EGMs is distinctly different from that in rat EGMs (Hirata and Axelrod 1980) in that the human activity is not Mg++-dependent, and apparent methyltransferase I activity is located in the external membrane surface.
(2) The populations of Asia-Oceania have some features of the class II RFLPs in common, which are distinctly different from Caucasoids.
(3) From the biochemical markers in follicular fluid, cyclic adenosine monophosphate has a distinct predictive value in regard to pregnancy in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles.
(4) Nucleotide sequence analysis of cDNAs for asparagine synthetase (AS) of Pisum sativum has uncovered two distinct AS mRNAs (AS1 and AS2) encoding polypeptides that are highly homologous to the human AS enzyme.
(5) Recognition of the distinctive morphology of MH and the performance of ancillary studies on cytologic preparations should facilitate the rapid diagnosis and early treatment of this aggressive disease.
(6) It has been found that the epidermal staining pattern for ICAM-1 in each of these diseases in distinctive and different in each disease.
(7) We identified four distinct clinical patterns in the 244 patients with true positive MAI infections: (a) pulmonary nodules ("tuberculomas") indistinguishable from pulmonary neoplasms (78 patients); (b) chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis with sputum repeatedly positive for MAI or granulomas on biopsy (58 patients, virtually all older white women); (c) cavitary lung disease and scattered pulmonary nodules mimicking M. tuberculosis infection (12 patients); (d) diffuse pulmonary infiltrations in immunocompromised hosts, primarily patients with AIDS (96 patients).
(8) [125I]AaIT was shown to cross the midgut of Sarcophaga through a morphologically distinct segment of the midgut previously shown to be permeable to a cytotoxic, positively charged polypeptide of similar molecular weight.
(9) Three distinct G-proteins have been found in mammalian heart sarcolemma: Gi (alpha i = 40 kDa, beta = 36 kDa, and lambda less than 14 kDa), Gp (alpha p = 23 kDa, beta = 36 kDa, and lambda less than 14 kDa), and Gs (alpha s = 42 kDa).
(10) Two lectins, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and peanut agglutinin (PNA), were used to compare domains within the interphotoreceptor matrices (IPM) of the cat and monkey, two species where the morphological relationship between the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptors is distinctly different.
(11) The second protein could represent either an allozymic form of the enzyme or the product of a distinct locus.
(12) Chromatographic separation revealed that the bulk (85%) of the mitogenic activity in SSV-transformed NRK cells was not due to p28v-sis but rather two distinct endothelial cell growth factors that eluted off heparin-Sepharose between 1 and 2 M NaCl.
(13) The shape of the nucleus changes from ovoid to a distinctive, radially splayed lobulated structure.
(14) Three distinct antigenic regions of bovine somatotropin (bST) were identified on the basis of the ability of a set of monoclonal antibodies to bind to proteolytic fragments and deletion variants of recombinant bST (rbST) in Western blot analyses.
(15) A rapid and simple method has been developed for the nondestructive distinction between aflatoxin B1 and the feed antioxidant, ethoxyquin.
(16) Each of the phospholipid classes displayed a distinctive fatty acid pattern which was the same in all fractions and in whole platelets.
(17) Two human B-cell differentiation antigens, Bp35 and Bp50, apparently play distinct roles as signal receptors in B-cell activation.
(18) The region is distinctive in that the sequence is absent from the homologous domain of the erythroid alpha chain and diverges from the normal internal repeat structure observed throughout other spectrins.
(19) Therefore, a mortality analysis of overall survival time alone may conceal important differences between the forces of mortality (hazard functions) associated with distinct states of active disease, for example pre-remission state and first relapse.
(20) Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma has distinctly different clinical behavior compared to serous carcinoma and should be regarded as an aggressive epithelial histologic type.