What's the difference between digested and divested?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Digest

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Tryptic digestion of the membranes caused complete disappearance of the binding activity, but heat-treatment for 5 min at 70 degrees C caused only 40% loss of activity.
  • (2) The neurologic or digestive signs were present in 12% of the children.
  • (3) Lp(a) also complexes to plasmin-fibrinogen digests, and binding increases in proportion to the time of plasmin-induced fibrinogen degradation.
  • (4) To determine whether or not the glycan moieties in hTPO play a role in the disease-associated epitopes in Hashimoto's thyroiditis, radiolabeled recombinant hTPO was immunoprecipitated after digestion with N-glycanase.
  • (5) During the digestion of these radiolabeled bacteria, murine bone marrow macrophages produced low-molecular-weight substances that coeluted chromatographically with the radioactive cell wall marker.
  • (6) This suggests that a physiological mechanism exists which can increase the barrier pressure to gastrooesophageal reflux during periods of active secretion of the stomach, as occurs in digestion.
  • (7) Under milder trypsin digestion conditions three resistant fragments were produced from the free protein.
  • (8) Conditions for limited digestion of the heterodimer by subtilisin, removing only the carboxyl terminus, were determined.
  • (9) High radioactivities were observed in the digestive organs, mesenteric lymphnodes, liver, pancreas, urinary bladder, fat tissue, kidney and spleen after oral administration to rats.
  • (10) Digestion is initiated in the gastric region by secretion of acid and pepsin; however, diversity of digestive enzymes is highest in the post-gastric alimentary canal with the greatest proteolytic activity in the spiral valve.
  • (11) Digestion of cytoplasmic components of horny cells was observed by electron microscopy, but both cell membranes and desmosomes remained intact.
  • (12) Therefore, we conclude this is a bovine DR beta-like pseudogene, BoDR beta I. Exon-containing regions have been used as probes in Southern blot analyses of bovine genomic DNA digested with EcoRI.
  • (13) The effect of dietary fibre digestion in the human gut on its ability to alter bowel habit and impair mineral absorption has been investigated using the technique of metablic balance.
  • (14) Between the 24th and 29th day mature daughter sporocysts with fully developed cercariae ready to emerge, or already emerged, could be seen in the digestive gland of the snail.
  • (15) Amino acid analysis indicated a significant number of serine amino acids: N-terminal sequence data demonstrated a high level of homology; and trypsin digestion followed by reversed-phase HPLC indicated the possibility of multiple phosphorylation sites.
  • (16) Radio-immunoprecipitation and partial proteolytic digest mapping showed that the monoclonal antibodies each recognized a unique epitope.
  • (17) Health information dissemination is severely complicated by the widespread stigma associated with digestive topics, manifested in the American public's general discomfort in communicating with others about digestive health.
  • (18) Since the gastric motor pattern consisted of two major subpatterns, digestive and interdigestive motor activity, motilin was tested for its motor stimulating activity in both states.
  • (19) The product (AF-AGIIb-1) of digestion of AGIIb-1 with exo-alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase had markedly increased anti-complementary activity, as did that (AF-N-I) of N-I.
  • (20) The digestion products were separated by electrophoresis in agarose gels.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Divest

Example Sentences:

  • (1) And it comes as members of the European parliament in Brussels plan to establish a specialist group to campaign in favour of carbon divestment and demand new carbon reporting requirements.
  • (2) The reputations of companies linked to fossil fuels are at immediate risk from a fast-growing divestment campaign, one of Europe’s biggest asset managers has warned.
  • (3) Some of the world’s largest investment firms have thrown their weight behind efforts to combat smoking, sparking renewed calls for UK local authorities to divest all their shares in the tobacco industry from their pension fund investments.
  • (4) Could it be forced to divest parts of its business?
  • (5) Now the UK security firm G4S looks set to scale back its involvement in the Israeli prison system that holds Palestinian children without trial, following an international campaign that saw US churches and the Bill Gates Foundation divest from the company.
  • (6) Earlier this week Shell was reported to be preparing to make significant cutbacks to its operations in the UK North sea, and van Beurden is expected to announce a string of divestment targets at the end of this month.
  • (7) But even if this impact is limited in increasingly secular societies, it still provides succour to those within non-faith groups pushing for divestment.
  • (8) Nonimmortalized mouse mammary epithelial cells expressing Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase from a murine amphotropic packaged retroviral vector were injected into the epithelium-divested mammary fat pads of syngeneic mice.
  • (9) As of late Tuesday, the White House and the intelligence agencies, all belated supporters of the USA Freedom Act, did not respond to questions about whether they will seek legislation in the next Congress to divest the NSA of its domestic phone records database.
  • (10) The fossil fuel industry is a bigger threat to global health than tobacco and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust have a moral obligation to divest from it, an international organisation that represents 1 million medical students has said.
  • (11) If the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust divest from all of the biggest fossil fuel firms, that sends a very clear message.
  • (12) Whether New York is any more likely than London to divest, however, is up in the air, she says.
  • (13) In another demonstration of the growing concern of the scientific community towards the investments held by their funders, hundreds of scientists have answered a Guardian call to write to the Gates Foundation and Wellcome expressing their views on divestment.
  • (14) This means universities, churches, and other investment pools, now increasingly under pressure from mushrooming campaigns to divest funds from fossil fuel companies , must take action.
  • (15) This week it has taken a bold decision to go further : to step up engagement with fund managers on critical topics, including climate change; to increase our exposure to environmental, social and governance (ESG) managers; and, in the medium term, to divest from fossil fuels.
  • (16) That is why NTEU NSW is mounting a campaign for UniSuper to divest from Transfield.
  • (17) Two protesters from Divest from Detention network interrupted Transfield’s chair Diane Smith-Gander’s opening speech to present a letter signed by 844 asylum seekers and refugees on Manus Island and Nauru.
  • (18) Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), founded on the nation’s oil and gas resources and worth now £580bn in total, is being targeted by fossil fuel divestment campaigners.
  • (19) It has now divested and ruled out future investments in any company that makes more than 10% of its revenues from thermal coal – used for electricity generation – and oil from the tar sands.
  • (20) The companies said they were prepared to divest 3m TWC subscribers to help win approval of the deal.

Words possibly related to "digested"

Words possibly related to "divested"