(v. t.) To make smaller in any manner; to reduce in bulk or amount; to lessen; -- opposed to augment or increase.
(v. t.) To lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken.
(v. t.) To make smaller by a half step; to make (an interval) less than minor; as, a diminished seventh.
(v. t.) To take away; to subtract.
(v. i.) To become or appear less or smaller; to lessen; as, the apparent size of an object diminishes as we recede from it.
Example Sentences:
(1) Diminished CMD was most common with AR (7 of 12) but was also seen with acute tubular necrosis (2 of 6) and cyclosporin toxicity (2 of 3).
(2) If women psychiatrists are to fill some of the positions in Departments of Psychiatry, which will fall vacant over the next decade, much more attention must be paid to eliminating or diminishing the multiple obstacles for women who chose a career in academic psychiatry.
(3) The results indicated that the role of contact inhibition phenomena in arresting cellular proliferation was diminished in perfusion system environments.
(4) In vitro studies in cardiac Purkinje fibers suggested that reversal of amitriptyline-induced cardiac membrane effects by sodium bicarbonate may be attributed not only to alkalinization but also to increased in extracellular sodium concentration, diminishing the local anesthetic action of amitriptyline and resulting in less sodium channel block.
(5) Virus replication in nasal turbinates was not diminished while infection in the lung was suppressed sufficiently for the infected mice to survive the infection.
(6) The last stems from trends such as declining birth rate, an increasingly mobile society, diminished importance of the nuclear family, and the diminishing attractiveness of professions involved with providing maintenance care.
(7) In contrast, insertion of a pre-S(1) sequence between HBcAg residues 75 and 83 abrogated recognition of HBcAg by 5 of 6 anti-HBc monoclonal antibodies and diminished recognition by human polyclonal anti-HBc.
(8) In addition, the activity of the large cells diminished with time after primary immunization, but that of the small cells remained stable.
(9) The antibody reacted with adult as well as with cord red cells, and its reactivity was strongly diminished by treatment of the cells with neuraminidase and to a lesser degree by treatment with protease.
(10) The concomitant reduction in aortic pressure and increase in heart rate following total occlusion of the portal vein were most pronounced during the first weeks after stenosis, and were probably due to diminished venous return to the heart.
(11) Conversely, the latter diminished basal plasma glucose levels.
(12) Subsequently, the inflammatory reaction diminishes, as can be seen on smears from tympanic effusions.
(13) Both Apo AI (48%) and Apo AII (5.5%) were greatly diminished and Apo E was present in remarkably high amounts (39%) with two additional isoforms (Apo E'1 and Apo E'2).
(14) (3) The diminished autophosphorylation rate was due to a decreased responsiveness of the kinase activity to the action of insulin.
(15) The isoenzyme mobility diminished in both tumour chromatin extracts, and the slow migrating gamma isoenzyme exhibited sensitivity to L-cysteine inhibition.
(16) Segmental function was diminished an average of 67.8% in "noses" and 46.6% in "bridges".
(17) Flexion of the knee beyond 40 degrees progressively diminished viability of the edges of the wound, particularly the lateral edge.
(18) EEG waves were similar during Aw and Qw but they diminished in amplitude and frequency when passing from these states to Qs, and both parameters increased during As.
(19) After 3-5 days of side-arm traction, swelling had usually diminished sufficiently to allow the elbow to be safely hyperflexed to stabilize the fracture after elective closed reduction.
(20) In the patients with aplastic anaemia the iron flux was diminished, but never eliminated, demonstrating that the exchangeable compartment was not solely erythroblastic, but included non-erythroid transferrin receptors.
(v. t.) To cut into very small pieces; to chop fine; to hash; as, to mince meat.
(v. t.) To suppress or weaken the force of; to extenuate; to palliate; to tell by degrees, instead of directly and frankly; to clip, as words or expressions; to utter half and keep back half of.
(v. t.) To affect; to make a parade of.
(v. i.) To walk with short steps; to walk in a prim, affected manner.
(v. i.) To act or talk with affected nicety; to affect delicacy in manner.
(n.) A short, precise step; an affected manner.
Example Sentences:
(1) The company, part of the John Lewis Partnership, now sources all its beef from the UK, including in its ready meals, sandwiches and fresh mince.
(2) Other Christmas favourites, including stollen, organic mince pies and Schweppes tonic will also be included among 100 seasonal products on the list of 1,000 items which shoppers can choose from over the next few months.
(3) The heterotransplantation of minced human fetal pituitaries into adult thymus-aplastic nude mice is described.
(4) Morphine addition to the PGE1-stimulated minces did not prevent or reverse stimulation of [3H]cAMP accumulation in any of the three experimental groups.
(5) Minced and triturated fragments from the spinal cord of normal rat fetuses (15-18 days gestation) labeled with the fluorescent dye fast blue (FB) were successfully transplanted into juvenile myelin-deficient rat spinal cord under direct observation.
(6) CO2 production from and uptake of alpha-glyceryl mono (palmitate-1-14C) were studied in an in vitro system using minced rat lung.
(7) The zonae pellucidae were isolated from ovarian tissue following described mincing techniques.
(8) Saturable binding of 125I-hCG to testicular homogenates was demonstrated, and physiologic concentrations of hCG were able to stimulate testosterone formation in testicular minces without the addition of exogenous precursors.
(9) A procedure for ethylenediaminetetraacetate extraction of minced Wilm's tumor was assessed as a method for isolating Wilm's tumor antigens.
(10) Minced tissues taken from such animals and infected with NDV in vitro produced similar relative amounts of IFN.
(11) Punch biopsy specimens of skin, obtained from the scalp and back of adult men, were minced and incubated with [3H]testosterone.
(12) Minced von Ebner's glands of rat tongue were incubated in vitro with histamine and histamine receptor antagonists.
(13) In adult guinea-pigs, a portion of the wall of the vas deferens was removed, minced and replaced.
(14) PAGE revealed that the pattern of radioactive proteins in the luminal fluid was markedly different from the well-characterized pattern of secretory proteins obtained by in vitro incubation of epididymal minces with labeled methionine.
(15) The confluent cells were then cultured together with minced rat tail tendon collagen in alpha-MEM lacking proline, lysine, glycine and fetal calf serum for up to 7 days, after which they were processed for electron microscopy.
(16) Each collaborator first examined 2 practice blocks containing 20% mince, and then examined 6 blind duplicate samples of 5 lb cod blocks from each of 3 test lots containing, respectively, 26.25, 18.75, and 12.5% mince.
(17) Lula responded by insisting that his government would not stray from its quest to protect the Amazon and appointed another high-profile environmentalist, Green party founder Carlos Minc, as his new minister.
(18) Minced neonatal pancreatic tissue from 3-6 canine littermates was placed in the peritoneal cavity of five alloxan diabetic dogs without separation of endocrine and exocrine tissue.
(19) The tumor specimens were minced into fragments approximately 1 mm in diameter and cultured in plastic culture flasks in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS) and 50% patients serum.
(20) The authors conclude that minced tissue and omental pouch technique are preferable for autologous splenic implantation.