(1) The first-floor lounge is decorated in plush deep pink, with a mix of contemporary and neoclassical decor, and an antique dining table and chandelier.
(2) But this is how we live even before we are forced, through penury to claim: fine dining on stewed leftovers, nursing our one drink on those rare social events, cutting our own hair, patchwork-darned clothes and leaky shoes.
(3) How can the CHOGM leaders condemn the dictatorship of Musharraf but happily wine and dine with Museveni?
(4) By abusing his power, he was engrossed in irregularities and corruption, had improper relations with several women and was wined and dined at back parlours of deluxe restaurants.
(5) In Study 2, the effects of social vs. isolated dining were compared.
(6) The scene highlighted Dines's explosive charisma and the fact that, since the death of Andrea Dworkin, she has risen to that most difficult and interesting of public roles: the world's leading anti-pornography campaigner.
(7) For some of the pupils, that in itself was a novelty, including those from homes without a table to dine on, or in some cases a family to eat with.
(8) As a result of her research, Dines believes that pornography is driving men to commit particular acts of violence towards women.
(9) The US blamed him and his force last month for an alleged plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the US in a Washington restaurant where he would be dining.
(10) When I got to spend a day with him in 1989 he often related themes to dining out.
(11) Some schools, worried about their lack of kitchen and dining facilities, have asked whether they can offer pupils a sandwich and a yoghurt instead of a hot meal.
(12) Wealthy locals dine in the 32nd-floor restaurant at Grozny City, a five-star hotel, the football team plays at a newly renovated stadium.
(13) Dallas Goldtooth, an organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network and member of the Mdewakanton Dakota and Dine tribes, said he had expected Trump to support the pipeline, but did not imagine it would happen within days of the administration.
(14) Obama and his family vacation every August on Martha’s Vineyard, and he has spent most of this year’s trip on the golf course, at the beach and dining at the island’s upscale restaurants.
(15) First, it would be much less popular and take-up would be lower, meaning that you would get neither the advantages of scale nor the benefits of bringing everyone together in a busy, vibrant dining area.
(16) Adjoining his office, in the green room where Nicolas Sarkozy married Carla Bruni, Hollande settled into a lush dining chair, more elaborate than the rest around the meeting table.
(17) Police officers resigned and politicians were embarrassed as the scandal erupted, but Scotland Yard – with dazzling cynicism – has reacted by trying to silence the kind of police whistleblowers who helped to expose the failures of their leaders; and ambitious politicians continue to dine with Rupert Murdoch.
(18) Thankfully, mazot guests can also use the lounge and dining room in the Chalet Les Mazots, a lovely wood-panelled home full of antique chairs, chests and cabinets, built by a family of silk manufacturers from Leon who chose the location for their farm for its south-facing views of Mont Blanc.
(19) "I've ended up with everything I could want – a pool table, a table football table, dining table and chairs, sofas, carpets.
(20) On the ground beneath their feet lived salamanders, amphibians and plenty of mammals, including the badger-sized beast, repenomamus, which dined on dead dinosaurs.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Pine
(a.) Languishing; drooping; wasting away, as with longing.
(a.) Wasting; consuming.
Example Sentences:
(1) Descriptive features of the syndrome in children, adults and adolescents are given based on the respective work of Pine, Masterson and Kernberg.
(2) Hiddleston, who played spy Jonathan Pine in the Night Manager, has played down speculation that he would take on the role, recently telling the BBC’s Graham Norton Show: “The position isn’t vacant as far as I’m aware.
(3) Might pine martens suppress other predators that affect capercaillies?
(4) Workers exposed to pine and fibre dust have more respiratory symptoms and a greater risk of airflow obstruction.
(5) In areas where there are lots of pine martens, there are lots of red squirrels," she said.
(6) When my floor was dirty, I rose early, and, setting all my furniture out of doors on the grass, bed and bedstead making but one budget, dashed water on the floor, and sprinkled white sand from the pond on it, and then with a broom scrubbed it clean and white... Further - and this is a stroke of his sensitive, pawky genius - he contemplates his momentarily displaced furniture and the nuance of enchanting strangeness: It was pleasant to see my whole household effects out on the grass, making a little pile like a gypsy's pack, and my three-legged table, from which I did not remove the books and pen and ink, standing amid the pines and hickories ...
(7) We first developed a method for isolating from pine tissue the very high molecular weight DNA necessary for the preparation of libraries requiring large inserts.
(8) Teflon and Lucite were used to represent synthetic materials, and dry pine was chosen as a type of organic material.
(9) The American has not secured a major title since Torrey Pines for the 2008 US Open and, while overhauling Jack Nicklaus's record total of 18 majors was once a matter of "when", it is now very much a case of "if".
(10) I think we all pine for the good old days when politicians actually wrote bills, and bills actually became laws and can I rub your arms a little?
(11) This team may have limped to the 50-point mark with their draw against the champions, but they have been pining for the end of this campaign for months.
(12) Unlike aspiration pneumonitis, which follows petroleum distillate ingestion, chemical pneumonitis from pine oil cleaner may occur from gastrointestinal absorption of pine oil and deposition in lung tissue.
(13) Four hundred eighty-five Native American students in grades 7-12 from two remote sites--Pine Ridge, SD, and Many Farms, AZ--and one nonremote site--Lapwai, ID--were scored for the DAI.
(14) You can also enjoy the gorge from the Pine Creek Rail Trail : a 62-mile biking and horseback riding path that runs from the town of Jersey Shore in the south to Stokesdale in the north, passing through the heart of the gorge in the middle.
(15) In 2012, Europe made €12m available to save threatened pine trees in Portugal and Spain.
(16) The serosurvey was performed shortly after a large hepatitis A epidemic on the Pine Ridge reservation in 1983-84, and immediately before a large hepatitis A epidemic on the Rosebud reservation in 1985-86.
(17) The psbA gene, encoding the D1 protein of photosystem II, was found to be duplicated in the chloroplast genome of two pine species, Pinus contorta and P. banksiana.
(18) FIVE MORE FRENCH COASTAL GEMS Marseille grotto Facebook Twitter Pinterest Photograph: Alamy A 40-minute walk from Marseille’s Luminy university campus, Calanque de Sugiton, the most picturesque of the city’s rugged, limestone coves has blue-green waters, twisted pine trees and a narrow island-rock to swim out to known as Le Torpilleur.
(19) Bratwurst grilled by use of pine-cones, spruce-cones and hard wood contained on average 28 ppb BaP.
(20) My undergraduate essays were handwritten, but in my third year I sent my first email using a green interface called Pine.