What's the difference between dip and div?



  • (v. t.) To plunge or immerse; especially, to put for a moment into a liquid; to insert into a fluid and withdraw again.
  • (v. t.) To immerse for baptism; to baptize by immersion.
  • (v. t.) To wet, as if by immersing; to moisten.
  • (v. t.) To plunge or engage thoroughly in any affair.
  • (v. t.) To take out, by dipping a dipper, ladle, or other receptacle, into a fluid and removing a part; -- often with out; as, to dip water from a boiler; to dip out water.
  • (v. t.) To engage as a pledge; to mortgage.
  • (v. i.) To immerse one's self; to become plunged in a liquid; to sink.
  • (v. i.) To perform the action of plunging some receptacle, as a dipper, ladle. etc.; into a liquid or a soft substance and removing a part.
  • (v. i.) To pierce; to penetrate; -- followed by in or into.
  • (v. i.) To enter slightly or cursorily; to engage one's self desultorily or by the way; to partake limitedly; -- followed by in or into.
  • (v. i.) To incline downward from the plane of the horizon; as, strata of rock dip.
  • (v. i.) To dip snuff.
  • (n.) The action of dipping or plunging for a moment into a liquid.
  • (n.) Inclination downward; direction below a horizontal line; slope; pitch.
  • (n.) A liquid, as a sauce or gravy, served at table with a ladle or spoon.
  • (n.) A dipped candle.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A J-shaped relationship with a dip at the middle SBP (140-149 mmHg) was recognized between treated SBP and CVD.
  • (2) S&P – the only one of the three major agencies not to have stripped the UK of its coveted AAA status – said it had been surprised at the pick-up in activity during 2013 – a year that began with fears of a triple-dip recession.
  • (3) "Android’s gain came mainly at the expense of BlackBerry, which saw its global smartphone share dip from 4 percent to 1 percent in the past year due to a weak line-up of BB10 devices," said Strategy Analytics' senior analyst Scott Bicheno.
  • (4) The dip-strip home cultures are an effective way for screening or follow-up of patients with bacteriuria.
  • (5) A further 26 herds (iiii) which did not employ iodine-containing teat-dips, were also studied.
  • (6) According to a survey by Deloitte of corporate finance officers, there is a danger of a "triple-dip recession" within the next two years, with companies cutting back rather than expanding.
  • (7) a digital processing (DIP) method for assessing bone mass was developed on the basis of image analysis of roentgenograms.
  • (8) The shares fell 45% on his watch, with an especially big dip coming after the Autonomy deal was announced.
  • (9) It therefore seems inevitable that the region will have fallen back into a new recession in the third quarter And here's a summary of the data, showing that only two countries expanded: Ireland: 51.8 (2-month high) The Netherlands: 50.7 (13-month high) Germany: 47.4 (6-month high) Italy: 45.7 (6-month high) Austria: 45.1 (39-month low) Spain: 44.5 (6 month low) France: 42.7 (41-month low) Greece: 42.2 (4-month high) 9.07am BST EUROZONE RECESSION ALL BUT CERTAIN The eurozone's manufacturing sector shrank again in September, making a double-dip recession all but certain.
  • (10) The striking weakness of Clegg's thesis was what it left out in its attempt to carve out a position for restless party activists as their poll ratings dip (down to 14% according to ICM) as Miliband tones down his own anti-Lib Dem rhetoric to woo them.
  • (11) Viable spleen cells collected 7 days after irradiation were totally unresponsive to mitogenic or antigenic stimulation regardless of Cu-DIPS or vehicle treatment, suggesting that Cu-DIPS did not prevent radiation-induced damage to mature lymphocytes.
  • (12) Demographic factors could also be behind any dip in applications.
  • (13) Total UK ad spend hit a previous high of £13.1bn in 2007 before dipping to £11.3bn in 2009 following the credit crunch and ensuing recession.
  • (14) Measles was diagnosed by isolation of measles virus by cell culture, direct immunoperoxidase (DIP), direct immunofluorescence (DIF) and ELISA.
  • (15) Aliquots of saliva from 50 schoolchildren and 51 adults were tested by the dip-slide method and by conventional plating methods in MSB agar.
  • (16) With time and sufficient promotion by pH fluctuations or metal-complexing agents, DIP and LAS expand.
  • (17) The last few months have seen the former secretary of state dogged by a relentless focus over her use of a private email server , dipping favorabillity numbers and the rise of Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator who is challenging her for the Democratic party’s nomination.
  • (18) Real wages are falling, household incomes have dipped and GDP per person is still some way off its pre-downturn peak.
  • (19) This is clinically significant and offers new possibilities for treatment of the so-called "morning dip."
  • (20) DIP was shown to inhibit phosphodiesterase (PDE) from both platelets and bovine coronary arteries.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Early (i.e., at 2 to 3 DIV) changes in glial numbers may result from an inhibition of the proliferative rate of non-GFAP-containing glia or astrocyte precursors, or an enhanced rate of glial death.
  • (2) Transmission electron microscopic analysis of explants fixed at 18 DIV confirmed these phase-contrast results and also showed a predominance of axonal profiles within the neurite population.
  • (3) For the late exposure (LE) to Pb, Pb was applied from 8 DIV to 20 DIV (12 day exposure) while for the early exposure (EE), Pb was applied from 2 DIV to 20 DIV (18 day exposure).
  • (4) Glutamate-induced neuronal death was dramatically reduced in cultures treated daily with ubiquinone since the second DIV.
  • (5) The efficacy of recovery of peritonitis-causing microorganisms from peritoneal dialysate fluid by using the Septi-Chek blood culture system (Roche Diagnostics, Div.
  • (6) The properties of D-aspartate release were studied in cerebellar astrocytes (14-15 DIV) in primary cultures in the rat.
  • (7) Minicells produced by Bacillus subtilis strains carrying the div IV-B1 mutation, (CU 403 div IV-B1 and CU 403 div IV-B1, tag-1), were purified by a procedure which destroys parental cells with ultrasound, but spares minicells.
  • (8) In this morphometric analysis of immunoreactive serotonin (5-HT) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) neurons in culture, 5-HT and the MAO inhibitor nialamide influenced the survival, cell body size and neurite outgrowth of embryonic day 14 (E14) 5-HT neurons after treatment from 1-3 days in vitro (DIV), but did not significantly affect E14 or E15 TH neurons of either the noradrenergic or dopaminergic phenotype.
  • (9) Axonal outgrowth rate in control cultures reached a maximum at 8 days in vitro (DIV) and declined to a low level at 21 DIV.
  • (10) Baker Chemical Co.) at final concentrations of 0.1 to 0.25% and SeaPrep ultralow gelling agarose (Marine Colloids Div., FMC Corp.) at a final concentration of 1.0%.
  • (11) One or two days after the formation of differentiated synapses (11 DIV), a Ca2+-dependent liberation of GABA was observed.
  • (12) Instead, there was increased 3H-labeling of glucocerebrosides (GlcCe) and its homologues, with tetrahexosylceramides (GL-4) being a major product, which continued through 8 div.
  • (13) EF Synergy Quad plates, standard microdilution panels prepared in house, Pasco MIC Gram-Positive panels (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.), MicroScan MIC Type 5 dry panels (Baxter Healthcare Corp., MicroScan Div., West Sacramento, Calif.), and Vitek GPS-TA cards (Vitek Systems Inc., Hazelwood, Mo.).
  • (14) In contrast, levels of NSE rose continuously up to DIV 12.
  • (15) Neurons in 11-DIV cultures were undamaged even 10 days after exposure to QUIN; nor were the individual, isolated neurons probably not connected synaptically with the other ones in 20-21 DIV cultures.
  • (16) The teeth were sealed (Concise, White Sealant, 3M Dental Products Div., St Paul, MN, USA) and an impression taken, yielding a baseline record.
  • (17) Dissociated cell cultures were prepared from di- or mesencephalon of gestational day 14 rat embryos and raised in the absence or presence of 17 beta-estradiol or testosterone for up to 13 days in vitro (DIV).
  • (18) Urinary NAG was measured to evaluate the nephrotoxicity of CDDP in 18 patients (DIV: 12 patients, Intra-Peritoneal: 6 patients) with or without Fosfomycin.
  • (19) The systems evaluated were the MS-2 system (Abbott Diagnostics Div., Mississauga, Ontario), the AutoMicrobic system (AMS) (Vitek Systems, Inc., Hazelwood, Mo.)
  • (20) As compared with American Caucasians, the backward rotation of the mandible was evidently observed in Japanese with Angle class II, div.