What's the difference between dipodid and jerboa?



Example Sentences:



  • (n.) Any small jumping rodent of the genus Dipus, esp. D. Aegyptius, which is common in Egypt and the adjacent countries. The jerboas have very long hind legs and a long tail.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The sexual differences and the seasonal variation in the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) content of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of a desert rodent, the jerboa (Jaculus orientalis) were studied using immunocytochemical techniques.
  • (2) The effect of lipolytic hormones (norepinephrine and glucagon) and antilipolytic hormone (insulin) on in vitro glycerol release by adipose tissue isolated from hibernating or euthermic jerboa has been studied.
  • (3) 22 species of fleas have been found on five species of jerboa in southern Pribalkhashje.
  • (4) The adrenal of the jerboa is characterized by absence of a compression and a juxta-medullary zone, as well as of a connective tissue layer between the cortex and medulla, availability of two different types of cells in the medulla which produce different catecholamines.
  • (5) The structural properties of skeletal muscle phosphofructokinase from euthermic and hibernating jerboa were compared.
  • (6) Plasma glucose, glycerol, free fatty acids and total lipid content of the white adipose tissue were measured in euthermic and hibernating jerboa.
  • (7) Of them 8 species are parasites of jerboa, 13 -- of gerbils and one -- of birds.
  • (8) Most abundant are three species of fleas of jerboa: M. lenis, M. eucta and O. volgensis.
  • (9) Jerboa labelled absorptive cells were located along the colonic mucosal surface.
  • (10) Seasonal variations in daytime pineal 5-methoxytryptophol (5-ML) and in the daily pattern of both pineal 5-ML and melatonin concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay in male and female jerboas, Jaculus orientalis.
  • (11) Western blot experiments confirmed the presence of calbindin D28k in the adult pig intestine, in the jerboa colon and the absence of cross-reactivity between calbindin D28k antibody and calbindin D9k.
  • (12) We have described the presence of calbindin D28k-immunoreactivity in intestinal absorptive cells of pig and jerboa (Jaculus jaculus).
  • (13) Thankfully, there are enough silly baby animals in Life Story to refocus your attention, such as the jerboa, which jumps at every noise its huge ears detect.
  • (14) Of gerbils' fleas representatives of the genus Xenopsylla were dominant on jerboa.
  • (15) Chemical analysis of kidney tissue from jerboa (Jaculus orientalis) during hibernation shows that the cortico-papillary gradient of Na+ ions is strongly reduced, whereas that of urea is completely suppressed.
  • (16) When jerboas were adapted for several weeks to a hydrated diet and excreted a more diluted urine, Na-K-ATPase activity was altered in specific segments of the nephron: 1.
  • (17) Under study was the histological structure of the adrenal of the gopher Spermophilopsis leptodactylus L., jerboa Dipus sagitta Pall.
  • (18) The white adipose tissue from hibernating jerboa presented a higher sensitivity to norepinephrine and glucagon than that of euthermic jerboa; insulin did not modify either basal glycerol release or lipolysis induced by the two lipolytic hormones at low temperatures (7 degrees C) and during the rewarming (from 7 degrees C to 37 degrees C) of the tissue slices.
  • (19) Na-K-ATPase activity was measured in individual pieces of nephron microdissected from collagenase-treated kidneys of jerboas, Jaculus orientalis.
  • (20) Calbindin D28K was also observed in endocrine cells which were numerous in pig and goat duodenum and very rare in mouse and jerboa.

Words possibly related to "dipodid"

Words possibly related to "jerboa"