What's the difference between discount and factoring?



  • (v.) To deduct from an account, debt, charge, and the like; to make an abatement of; as, merchants sometimes discount five or six per cent for prompt payment of bills.
  • (v.) To lend money upon, deducting the discount or allowance for interest; as, the banks discount notes and bills of exchange.
  • (v.) To take into consideration beforehand; to anticipate and form conclusions concerning (an event).
  • (v.) To leave out of account; to take no notice of.
  • (v. i.) To lend, or make a practice of lending, money, abating the discount; as, the discount for sixty or ninety days.
  • (v. t.) A counting off or deduction made from a gross sum on any account whatever; an allowance upon an account, debt, demand, price asked, and the like; something taken or deducted.
  • (v. t.) A deduction made for interest, in advancing money upon, or purchasing, a bill or note not due; payment in advance of interest upon money.
  • (v. t.) The rate of interest charged in discounting.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The government’s increase in the discount offered to tenants has prompted a massive increase in purchases of local authority accommodation.
  • (2) A 20% discount will save the average first-time buyer £43,000 on a £218,000 home (the average cost paid by such buyers), which would leave a revenue shortfall of £8bn from income if current regulatory obligations had been retained on the 200,000 homes.
  • (3) • plans to consult on increasing discounts under right to buy.
  • (4) Tesco has revamped its budget range of value products with a new range of own-label “farm” brands as it steps up its fight against German discounters Aldi and Lidl.
  • (5) They cover popular claims involving discounts such as "was £3, now £2" or "half price", which must now only be offered for the same or less time than the product was initially sold at the higher price.
  • (6) • Plans to consult on increasing discounts under right to buy – the scheme which allows social housing tenants to buy their properties.
  • (7) A modified delayed-reinforcement scheduling procedure enabled a previous methodological criticism to be discounted.
  • (8) When I peruse a potential bargain I know I am influenced more by the extent of the reduction than whether the discounted item is something we really want.
  • (9) This difference was even more significant--16.4 and -0.5%--when usage of oral contraceptives and intrauterine devices was discounted.
  • (10) A major disruption in primary metabolism and hence secondary metabolism was discounted since eight primary metabolism enzymes showed no evidence of unusual changes in specific activity when normal and manganese-deficient cultures were compared.
  • (11) "Women with children are blamed for combining motherhood with paid work, and women with no children are sidelined and discounted because they are not mothers."
  • (12) Britain's Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS) seems to have badly miscalculated in discounting the political necessity of immediately introducing legislation to ban surrogate parenthood arrangements.
  • (13) The new plug-in car grant, a plan first revealed by the Guardian last April , will offer car-buyers a maximum £5,000 discount on electric, plug-in hybrid and hydrogen vehicles from 1 January 2011.
  • (14) Comparison of these figures assumes the controversial point that preclinical cancer will always progress to invasive carcinoma if left untreated and takes no account of inflation and discounting.
  • (15) The discount retailer, which sells products ranging from biscuits to dog food and washing-up liquid, said total sales increased more than 12% to nearly £350m in the three months to the end of December.
  • (16) By discounting the relevance of child sexual trauma, psychiatric clinicians and theoreticians overlook not only the therapeutic needs of many survivors but the opportunity to reconceptualize the role of trauma in the etiology and treatment of conditions presumed to be incurable.
  • (17) Established methods of drug product management, such as formularies and MACs, were most commonly reported by HMOs; however, nearly half reported using new approaches, including contracts with manufacturers, incentives, such as discounts and rebates based on use, and exclusive or preferred status.
  • (18) In one clothes shop, with racks of discounted Calvin Klein and DKNY, the manager, Sav, explains what's happened: "In this crisis, the middle classes have been hollowed out."
  • (19) The average amount of life expectancy gained by immediate cholecystectomy compared with expectant management is 52 days, which is reduced to 23 days using 5% discounting.
  • (20) Tesco’s accounting scandal has led to concerns about the way the sector handles payments from suppliers for promoting products or hitting sales targets, and UK grocers are operating under fierce competition from discounters such as the German company Aldi which has reported a 65% rise in profits in the UK.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Factor
  • (n.) The act of resolving into factors.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These factors might account for the lower systemic bioavailability of these compounds.
  • (2) The effect of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) on growth of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines was studied.
  • (3) It is supposed that delta-sleep peptide along with other oligopeptides is one of the factors determining individual animal resistance to emotional stress, which is supported by significant delta-sleep peptide increase in hypothalamus in stable rats.
  • (4) We attribute this in part to early diagnosis by computed tomography (CT), but a contributory factor may be earlier referrals from country centres to a paediatric trauma centre and rapid transfer, by air or road, by medical retrieval teams.
  • (5) After stimulation with lipopolysaccharide and calcium ionophore A23187, culture supernatants of clones c18A and c29A showed cytotoxic activity against human melanoma A375 Met-Mix and other cell lines which were resistant to the tumor necrosis factor, lymphotoxin and interleukin 1.
  • (6) Perinatal mortality is strongly associated with obstetrical factors, respiratory distress syndrome, and prematurity.
  • (7) Technical factors that account for increased difficulty in these patients include: problems with guide catheter impaction and ostial trauma; inability to inflate the balloon with adequate guide catheter support; and need for increased intracoronary manipulation.
  • (8) A study of factors influencing genetic counseling attendance rate has been conducted in the Bouches-du-Rhône area, in the south of France.
  • (9) The rise of malaria despite of control measures involves several factors: the house spraying is no more accepted by a large percentage of house holders and the alternative larviciding has only a limited efficacy; the houses of American Indians have no walls to be sprayed; there is a continuous introduction of parasites by migrants.
  • (10) The major treatable risk factors in thromboembolic stroke are hypertension and transient ischemic attacks (TIA).
  • (11) In this study, the role of psychological make-up was assessed as a risk factor in the etiology of vasospasm in variant angina (VA) using the Cornell Medical Index (CMI).
  • (12) The vascular endothelium is capable of regulating tissue perfusion by the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor to modulate vasomotor tone of the resistance vasculature.
  • (13) The observed relationship between prorenin and renin substrate concentrations might be a consequence of their regulation by common factors.
  • (14) Under blood preservation conditions the difference of the rates of ATP-production and -consumption is the most important factor for a high ATP-level over long periods.
  • (15) Male sex, age under 19 or over 45, few social supports, and a history of previous suicide attempts are all factors associated with increased suicide rates.
  • (16) In addition to their involvement in thrombosis, activated platelets release growth factors, most notably a platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) which may be the principal mediator of smooth muscle cell migration from the media into the intima and of smooth muscle cell proliferation in the intima as well as of vasoconstriction.
  • (17) It was concluded that the significant factors affecting outcome are tumor cell type and presence or absence or mitoses.
  • (18) Bradykinin also stimulated arachidonic acid release in decidual fibroblasts, an effect which was potentiated in the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF), but which was not accompanied by an increase in PGF2 alpha production.
  • (19) In choosing between various scanning techniques the factors to be considered include availability, cost, the type of equipment, the expertise of the medical and technical staff, and the inherent capabilities of the system.
  • (20) Nutritional factors or environmental toxins have important effects on CNS degenerative changes.

Words possibly related to "factoring"