What's the difference between disease and pneumococcus?



  • (n.) Lack of ease; uneasiness; trouble; vexation; disquiet.
  • (n.) An alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the vital functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness; malady; affection; illness; sickness; disorder; -- applied figuratively to the mind, to the moral character and habits, to institutions, the state, etc.
  • (v. t.) To deprive of ease; to disquiet; to trouble; to distress.
  • (v. t.) To derange the vital functions of; to afflict with disease or sickness; to disorder; -- used almost exclusively in the participle diseased.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Forty-nine patients (with 83 eyes showing signs of the disease) were followed up for between six months and 12 years.
  • (2) However, as other patients who lived at the periphery of the Valserine valley do not appear to be related to any patients living in the valley, and because there has been considerable immigration into the valley, a number of hypotheses to explain the distribution of the disease in the region remain possible.
  • (3) A 2.5-month-old child with cyanotic heart disease who required long-term PGE1 infusions; developed widespread periosteal reactions during the course of therapy.
  • (4) Disease stabilisation was associated with prolonged periods of comparatively high plasma levels of drug, which appeared to be determined primarily by reduced drug clearance.
  • (5) Among the pathological or abnormal ECGs (25.6%) prevailed the vegetative-functional heart diseases with 92%.
  • (6) Clinical signs of disease developed as early as 15 days after transition to the experimental diets and included impaired vision, decreased response to external stimuli, and abnormal gait.
  • (7) These results suggest the presence of a new antigen-antibody system for another human type C retrovirus related antigens(s) and a participation of retrovirus in autoimmune diseases.
  • (8) We considered the days of the disease and the persistence of symptoms since the admission as peculiar parameters between the two groups.
  • (9) Treatment termination due to lack of efficacy or combined insufficient therapeutic response and toxicity proved to be influenced by the initial disease activity and by the rank order of prescription.
  • (10) Coronary arteritis has to be considered as a possible etiology of ischemic symptoms also in subjects who appear affected by typical atherosclerotic ischemic heart disease.
  • (11) Of 19 patients with coronary artery disease and "normal" omnicardiograms, only 8 (42%) had normal ventricular angiography.
  • (12) A disease in an IgD (lambda) plasmocytoma is described, where after therapy with Alkeran and prednisone a disappearance of all clinical and laboratory findings indicating an activity could be observed.
  • (13) In order to control noise- and vibration-caused diseases it was necessary not only to improve machines' quality and service conditions but also to pay special attention to the choice of operators and to the quality of monitoring their adaptation process.
  • (14) Acquired drug resistance to INH, RMP, and EMB can be demonstrated in M. kansasii, and SMX in combination with other agents chosen on the basis of MIC determinations are effective in the treatment of disease caused by RMP-resistant M. kansasii.
  • (15) Despite of the increasing diagnostic importance of the direct determination of the parathormone which is at first available only in special institutions in these cases methodical problems play a less important part than the still not infrequent appearing misunderstanding of the adequate basic disease.
  • (16) Diseases of the gastric musculature, including the inflammatory and endocrine myopathies, muscular dystrophies, and infiltrative disorders, can result in significant gastroparesis.
  • (17) In patients with coronary artery disease, electrocardiographic signs of left atrial enlargement (LAE-negative P wave deflection greater than or equal to 1 mm2 in lead V1) are associated with increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP).
  • (18) Road traffic accidents (RTAs) comprised 40% and ischaemic heart disease (IHD) 13% of the total.
  • (19) We measured soluble CD8 (sCD8) levels in the CSF of patients with MS, other inflammatory neurologic diseases (INDs), and noninflammatory neurologic diseases (NINDs).
  • (20) Measurement of urinary GGT levels represents a means by which proximal tubular disease in equidae could be diagnosed in its developmental stages.



  • (n.) A form of micrococcus found in the sputum (and elsewhere) of persons suffering with pneumonia, and thought to be the cause of this disease.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The experience illustrates the danger of assuming that all pneumococcus peritonitis is the primary variety and the advisability of routine Gram stain of the peritoneal fluid at operation in order to select the appropriate antibiotic.
  • (2) Cefotaxime, cephalosporin of the third generation, keeps its effectiveness on the main germs as a whole (Pneumococcus, Meningococcus, haemophilus influenzae).
  • (3) From October 1973 to December 1977, 64 (0.71%) of 8995 pneumococcus isolates were resistant to erythromycin.
  • (4) The capsular material of these strains reacts with antisera both to homologous strains and to noncapsulated strains of pneumococcus and with human C-reactive protein.
  • (5) Prophylaxis with 23-polyvalent anti-pneumococcus vaccine would prevent severe processes in high risk populations.
  • (6) The kinetics of the anti-DNP antibody response to DNP-pneumococcus appearing in tears and bile (IgA) and serum (IgM and IgG) was examined in rats after the application of antigen either via the ocular-topical (OT) or gastrointestinal (GI) routes.
  • (7) The fluoroquinolones have less activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae and limited anaerobic activity, which should limit the use of these drugs in empiric therapy of community-acquired pneumonia where the pneumococcus or anaerobes play a predominant role.
  • (8) Compared with saline-inoculated ears, significant increases in the mean concentrations of all four metabolites were observed in the pneumococcus-inoculated ears 24 hours after inoculation, but not after 6, 48, or 72 hours.
  • (9) Thymidine starvation induces a decrease in transforming activity of pneumococcus deoxyribonucleic acid.
  • (10) The phosphate groups in the type-specific substance S. 10A from Pneumococcus type 10A (34) were shown to join the hydroxyl group at position 1 or 5 of ribitol and the hydroxyl group at position 5 or 6 of a d-galactofuranosyl residue in the next repeating unit.
  • (11) The development of an appropriate technique for the identification of autolysin-defective mutants of pneumococcus has been a fundamental step to carry out studies on the molecular characteristics of the lytic enzymes of Streptococcus pneumoniae and its bacteriophage.
  • (12) Transformation of the pneumococcus mutant 401 by DNA's bearing the standard reference marker and several other markers belonging to two unlinked loci has shown that differences in the integration efficiencies of these markers were considerably reduced in this strain compared to the wild-type strain Cl(3).
  • (13) Survival rate after an intraperitoneal challenge with pneumococcus in groups 1 wk following total splenectomy and partial dearterlization was not significantly different than controls.
  • (14) These H-like receptors, associated with pneumococcus type XIV cross-reactivity, belong to a glycoprotein fraction and not to the galactan itself.
  • (15) A sulfonamide-resistant mutant of pneumococcus, sulr-c, displays a genetic instability, regularly segregating to wild type.
  • (16) The commonest serotype of pneumococcus in adults was type 3 (39 episodes), and these strains were associated with a high mortality.
  • (17) The presence of antibiotic resistance in pneumococcus was high and global mortality was low.
  • (18) The structure of the Pneumococcus type-14 capsular polysaccharide has been reinvestigated by using methylation analysis, different specific degradations, and n.m.r.
  • (19) Splenectomy, the only therapeutic mean considered in these patients, has been followed, in our patient, by reimplantation of splenic tissue, in order to prevent the septic complicances (mainly due to pneumococcus) frequently occurring in splenectomized patients.
  • (20) A comparative estimation of the prognostic value of skin tests was made with tuberculin, coli-bacillus antigens, Candida, blue pus bacillus and more complete set of microbic allergens (hemolytic staphylococcus, white streptococcus, blue pus bacillus, coli-bacillus, group pneumococcus, Candida, Proteus Mirabilis).

Words possibly related to "pneumococcus"