What's the difference between dismay and distress?



  • (v. i.) To disable with alarm or apprehensions; to depress the spirits or courage of; to deprive or firmness and energy through fear; to daunt; to appall; to terrify.
  • (v. i.) To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet.
  • (v. i.) To take dismay or fright; to be filled with dismay.
  • (v. t.) Loss of courage and firmness through fear; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits; consternation.
  • (v. t.) Condition fitted to dismay; ruin.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) National newspapers and the BBC have joined forces to oppose Hague's secrecy application and on Friday expressed their dismay at the ruling.
  • (2) I scanned quickly through the available faces: there was one, all scrunched up in dismay about something or other.
  • (3) Brantly said he was first tested for malaria, but to his dismay, the results came back negative.
  • (4) Because the housing crisis goes far beyond us Focus E15 mums | Jasmin Stone Read more Annette May, 68, from Lambeth Annette May has watched with mounting dismay as the community fabric of the council estate where she has lived for 44 years steadily unravels.
  • (5) English speakers are the least optimistic about the chances of avoiding dangerous climate change Out of more than 6,000 self-selecting respondents, many expressed dismay at the slow pace of political action on climate change.
  • (6) "I feel gutted and dismayed but it's very important that we do everything we humanly can to protect vulnerable young people," Abbott told ABC radio.
  • (7) Leading figures in the social care sector have rushed to voice dismay at the feud.
  • (8) Chris Thomson, principal of Brighton, Hove and Sussex sixth form college What dismays me is the emphasis on qualifications rather than education.
  • (9) For all of this though, the visibility of people living on the streets can be shocking and it makes Perlman’s dismay wholly understandable.
  • (10) The Spanish family, who abandoned a private equity-backed takeover of National Express last month , was dismayed when National Express subsequently rejected a bid approach from Stagecoach, a rival public transport group.
  • (11) They’re dismayed because they’re seeing conservatives uniting behind our campaign.
  • (12) It was emphatically not, as the Tory right and the dismayed left have already concluded, evidence that Britain remains a fundamentally conservative country.
  • (13) It said it was "heavily dismayed to learn of the behaviour of Lee Trading with regard to the timely payment of its workers".
  • (14) I am dismayed at the terrible experience that Wafula Strike had … She is right to bring this matter to the department’s attention and I applaud her bravery for speaking openly about her experience.” The Paralympian condemned Stapleton’s experience: “It’s a real shame that what happened to me is still happening to other people.
  • (15) It dismays Kirk that Warp moved to London but he's still in touch with them and their releases, effusing particularly about DJ Mujava and "Township Funk".
  • (16) Suu Kyi's relationship with the generals has reportedly turned sour again In her tireless efforts to secure cooperation from the military, Suu Kyi has repeatedly expressed her appreciation, respect and “genuine” affection for the Tatmadaw (feudal military), which her father founded under Japan’s fascist patronage in December 1942, much to the dismay of many minorities who have borne the brunt of the organisation’s ruthless policies.
  • (17) Mark Malloch Brown, Britain's foreign office minister for Africa, Asia and the UN, expressed "dismay" over the law's impact on women's rights.
  • (18) We’ve maintained that commitment, but we have to make sure that we’re spending that money as effectively as possible.” The announcement will dismay some rightwing Conservatives, who fear it could push some wavering voters to Ukip.
  • (19) Hart respects the Argentinian but was dismayed to be sidelined for him.
  • (20) To the dismay of the Fostering Network and foster carers, however, there have been no moves to roll out the scheme nationally so that more of the 6,000 young people who leave care annually can opt to stay on in a supportive family environment.



  • (n.) Extreme pain or suffering; anguish of body or mind; as, to suffer distress from the gout, or from the loss of friends.
  • (n.) That which occasions suffering; painful situation; misfortune; affliction; misery.
  • (n.) A state of danger or necessity; as, a ship in distress, from leaking, loss of spars, want of provisions or water, etc.
  • (n.) The act of distraining; the taking of a personal chattel out of the possession of a wrongdoer, by way of pledge for redress of an injury, or for the performance of a duty, as for nonpayment of rent or taxes, or for injury done by cattle, etc.
  • (n.) The thing taken by distraining; that which is seized to procure satisfaction.
  • (n.) To cause pain or anguish to; to pain; to oppress with calamity; to afflict; to harass; to make miserable.
  • (n.) To compel by pain or suffering.
  • (n.) To seize for debt; to distrain.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Perinatal mortality is strongly associated with obstetrical factors, respiratory distress syndrome, and prematurity.
  • (2) No respiratory-distress syndrome of the newborn occurred when total amniotic-fluid cortisol was greater than 60 ng per milliliter (16 patients).
  • (3) Early views of the Type A behaviour pattern (TABP) sought to disengage it from either neuroticism or emotional distress.
  • (4) Sleep alterations in addicted newborns could be related to central nervous system (CNS) distress caused by withdrawal.
  • (5) For many it had still a moderating effect on distress at the present but appeared to be mainly used out of "psychological dependence".
  • (6) Marie Johansson, clinical lead at Oxford University's mindfulness centre , stressed the need for proper training of at least a year until health professionals can teach meditation, partly because on rare occasions it can throw up "extremely distressing experiences".
  • (7) In contrast, the number of distressful childhood experiences reported was generally unrelated to empathy scores.
  • (8) The lavage model was considered suitable for reproduction of severe respiratory distress.
  • (9) Twenty-seven infants with respiratory distress and hypoxemia of noncardiac etiology were treated with tolazoline.
  • (10) A clearly recognizable relationship of SEH to gestational age and clinical status exists in that all SEH occur in premature infants under 2500 g birthweight (although only 56% of all premature infants have SEH) and 95% of SEH occur in infants with the respiratory distress syndrome (although only 60% of infants with the respiratory distress syndrome have SEH).
  • (11) Four hours after infusion, the animals displayed a clinical and pathological pattern which closely resembled post-traumatic acute respiratory distress syndrome, including hypoxia, hypocarbia, thrombocytopenia, increased pulmonary capillary permeability to albumin, interstitial edema, hypertrophy of alveolar lining cells, and intra-alveolar hemorrhage.
  • (12) In turn, nursing strategies that are selected as a result of such theoretically based assessments are likely to be effective in preventing spiritual distress.
  • (13) There is no support in the system and it’s a very frightening and distressing situation to be in.
  • (14) Therefore, after head injuries we searched for C activation because it could result in the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
  • (15) It has to be assumed that in calves with respiratory distress syndrome--in analogy to pulmonary immaturity--the blood clotting mechanism is not yet fully developed.
  • (16) At birth, the animals were in no distress but had mild pulmonary hypertension.
  • (17) If these recordings are repeated before or at the same time as other signs of fetal distress have been found we must think of pathological features such as intrauterine growth retardation, post-maturity, infections, rhesus incompatibility and diabetes.
  • (18) Sustained intubation (7 days) was necessary in only two infants because of developing respiratory distress as a result of prematurity or recurrent pleural fluid accumulation.
  • (19) Financial experts aren't immediately sure what to make of the report, but one theory is that the figure includes the 'profits' the European Central Bank has made by buying Greek debt at distressed levels since the crisis began: econhedge (@econhedge) suggestion that this is planned EUR31.5b+ECB profits.
  • (20) The results do not indicate any disorder in liver and muscle functions in prematurely born calves with or without respiratory distress syndrome.