(1) No disorganization of the muscle structure was detected by polarized light and electron microscopic inspection.
(2) The "hierarchy" of the individual prognostic parameters has been established: current severe infection, granulocyte count, percentage of the nonmyeloid cells on the bone marrow slides, platelet count, reticulocyte count, 59Fe utilization, and stromal disorganization on the bone marrow biopsy specimen.
(3) Areas suggestive of cellular dissolution and disorganization were also reported in experimental parathyroids
(4) Pathologic examination revealed no endometriosis, but examination of the distal appendix showed structural disorganization of its entire wall, with lack of proper differentiation of its normal coats and irregular overgrowth of fibroadipose, fibromuscular, and neural elements.
(5) Variations of fiber calibration, fiber I predominance and a myofibrillar disorganization were seen in two cases.
(6) A factor analysis of the family questionnaire indeed yielded three more evaluative constructs: conflict, cohesion, and disorganization.
(7) During ciliogenesis, the Golgi apparatus is disorganized, and generally the production of mucous granules is arrested.
(8) The persons with trisomies XXY and XXX (the presence of the additional heterochromatic X-chromosome) have the tendency to an increase of the longitudinal body sizes independently on sex; they have a delayed development of mental functions and reduced possibilities to compensation of these functions; they also have different degrees of disorganization of the social behaviour and the disadaptation to social environment.
(9) In the area where the collagen was disorganized, and also near the periosteum, woven bone was first formed, which was then remodeled into lamellar bone.
(10) In the areas of disorganized collagen fibres cervical fibroblasts seemed to be activated characterized by fine granular loosening of the cytoplasma, dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmatic reticulum, vacuolized enlarged mitochondria and an increased number of cytoplasmatic vesicles close to the cell surface.
(11) In addition to a severe disorganization of the inner optic chiasm irreC mutants display a subtle phenotype in the outer optic chiasm, in which some bundles of axons that leave the posterior equatorial part of the lamina on their way to the anterior medulla take a long detour before eventually finding their specific targets in the medulla neuropile.
(12) Degenerated intervertebral disks (type IV) had either dense disorganized fibrous tissue or fluid replacing the normal fibrocartilaginous structure of the nucleus pulposus.
(13) Chloroquine at 1.0n mols per ml was lethal to developing gametocytes during their first six days of growth probably due, at least in part, to the drug disorganizing the parasite's digestion of host erythrocyte haemoglobin.
(14) In some poorly differentiated tumors both a population heterogeneity and even a lack of expression or a disorganization of basement membrane receptor integrins was obvious.
(15) It is hypothesized that the suicides are but one of many indicators of general community disorganization and problems.
(16) The effects of DMSO and cooling on fertilization are likely to be due to zona hardening by cortical granule release and to disorganization of the egg cytoskeleton and plasma membrane.
(17) Seventy-two hours p.i., the cellular secretory system of infected PC12 cells showed degenerative changes with vesiculation, disorganization, and dispersion of the Golgi complexes and fragmentation, focal cystic dilation, and dissolution of the RER in the same manner as those seen in the secretory system of JE-virus-infected neurons in the mouse brain.
(18) On the contrary, the SEPs obtained with a cephalic reference on stimulating the posterior tibial nerves were of small amplitude and disorganized.
(19) Utilizing the Gottschalk-Gleser verbal behavior scales of Anxiety, Depression, Social Alienation-Personal Disorganization and Cognitive Impairment a significant correlation was revealed between low platelet MAO activity and high Total Anxiety scale and Shame Anxiety subscale scores.
(20) Electron microscopy confirmed that the nuclear envelope disassembled and revealed many microtubules in a disorganized manner.
(imp. & p. p.) of Organize
Example Sentences:
(1) The high amino acid levels in the cells suggest that these cells act as inter-organ transporters and reservoirs of amino acids, they have a different role in their handling and metabolism from those of mammals.
(2) These organic compounds were found to be stable on the sorbent tubes for at least seven days.
(3) The main clinical features pertaining to the concept of the "psycho-organic syndrome" (POS) were investigated in a sample of children who suffered from severe craniocerebral trauma.
(4) After 3 and 6 months, blood collected by cardiocentesis using ether anesthesia and then sacrificed to remove CNS and internal organs.
(5) Addition of phospholipase A2 from Vipera russelli venom led to a significant increase in the activity of guanylate cyclase in various rat organs.
(6) For the first time it was organized on the basis of population.
(7) Acceptance of less than ideal donors is ill-advised even though rejection of such donors conflicts with the current shortage of organs.
(8) There is no evidence that health-maintenance organizations reduce admissions in discretionary or "unnecessary" categories; instead, the data suggest lower admission rates across the board.
(9) We conclude that chloramphenicol resistance encoded by Tn1696 is due to a permeability barrier and hypothesize that the gene from P. aeruginosa may share a common ancestral origin with these genes from other gram-negative organisms.
(10) Recovery of CV-3988 from plasma averaged 81.7% for the column procedure and 40% for the organic extraction.
(11) One of the main users is coastal planning organizations and conservation organizations that are working on coral reefs.
(12) Infection with opportunistic organisms, either singly or in combination, is known to occur in immunocompromised patients.
(13) The causative organisms included viruses, fungi, and bacteria of both high and low pathogenicity.
(14) A chronic cannulation procedure is described which allows for sampling vomeronasal organ (VNO) contents repeatedly in freely moving conscious subjects.
(15) Neither Brucella organisms, nor increased numbers of neutrophils could be found in semen samples collected from the experimental animals.
(16) The lineage and clonality of Hodgkin's disease (HD) were investigated by analyzing the organization of the immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor beta-chain (T beta) gene loci in 18 cases of HD, and for comparison, in a panel of 103 cases of B- and T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) and lymphoid leukemias (LLs).
(17) A review is made from literature and an inventory of psychological and organic factors implicated in this pathology.
(18) The authors conclude that H. pylori alone causes little or no effect on an intact gastric mucosa in the rat, that either intact organisms or bacteria-free filtrates cause similar prolongation and delayed healing of pre-existing ulcers with active chronic inflammation, and that the presence of predisposing factors leading to disruption of gastric mucosal integrity may be required for the H. pylori enhancement of inflammation and tissue damage in the stomach.
(19) Data is available to support the early influences of enamel organ epithelium upon a responding mesenchyme in the determination of dental morphogenetic fields (Dryburg, 1967; Miller, 1969).
(20) The four deaths were not related to the injuries of parenchymatous organs.