What's the difference between disowned and estranged?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Disown

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Disowned by family and despised by public opinion, she is now in prison.
  • (2) I have disowned him Ibrohim Kurbonov The International Crisis Group also believe the situation in central Asia is rapidly deteriorating, as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan unites with Isis.
  • (3) Within hours of the judge Hans-Joachim Eckert publishing his summary of Garcia’s 430-page report, which effectively cleared Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022 of serious wrongdoing and praised Blatter and the process, the US attorney had disowned it .
  • (4) So perhaps the most surprising thing about the Roberts affair is the speed and frankness with which his own bosses publicly disowned him.
  • (5) I've never posted a picture of my child on it and it transpires that was wise, because my best friend would have disowned me.
  • (6) While promising to investigate Henwood's comments, Ukip has declined to disown him outright, instead claiming the party was the victim of smear campaigns orchestrated by other parties alarmed at Ukip's success in the polls.
  • (7) He had also threatened to hang himself, and had been disowned by his mother and two sisters for being violent and aggressive.
  • (8) In April 1994, the Saudi government stripped Bin Laden of his citizenship and his family disowned his actions.
  • (9) In many cases tabloid newspapers published stories identifying men or women who were subsequently disowned by their family or assaulted in the street.
  • (10) Unusually, the BND’s analysis was disowned by the German government after the Saudis complained.
  • (11) The EGAF report has now been disowned by the original study's co-authors , the European Climate Foundation.
  • (12) Her plans were disowned by Cameron in the Commons when the pressure became too great, giving her the unlikely status of the first coalition Conservative martyr.
  • (13) These include (1) disownment and redirection of an intolerable experience to another, (2) manipulation of the recipient in an attempt to control, and (3) an induction of congruent responses in the recipient.
  • (14) Is Labour not letting us all down by not hounding Osborne, demanding details, making it plain that if the turkeys do vote for this Christmas, it will be the type that even Scrooge would disown?
  • (15) But when Parnell’s secret affair with Kitty O’Shea blew open in 1890, Gladstone disowned him – and the home rulers made the fatal mistake of sacking the charismatic Parnell in order to keep in with the Liberals.
  • (16) What if the claims made for neuroscience are so extreme that most neuroscientists would disown them?
  • (17) Farage disowned the entire 2010 Ukip manifesto – and not in the open manner of an honest politician admitting to past mistakes.
  • (18) But less than 24 hours after his comments disowning the book were published, a statement from Talese’s publisher Grove Press revealed a change of heart.
  • (19) In fairness to Cameron, he understands this and disowns the "bonfire" phrase as simplistic.
  • (20) Garcia has disowned Eckert’s summary of his 430-page report, which effectively cleared Russia and Qatar.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Estrange

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Unfortunately, a provision in the deal ensures that Sterling’s estranged wife Shelly, current trustee of the Sterling Family Trust, will remain associated with the team as its “owner emeritus and No1 fan”.
  • (2) A day after making a personal appeal to the US and Cuban leaders to end their half-century of estrangement , Francis issued his plea to Colombia’s warring factions from Revolution Plaza at the end of his Sunday mass.
  • (3) As a result of this synthesis the sensation of "ego", appears, and information estranged from it and offered for others is determined.
  • (4) Attorney Adam Streisand said the deal was closed Tuesday morning following weeks of legal wrangling between the team’s previous owner, billionaire Donald Sterling, and his estranged wife, Shelly.
  • (5) Her estranged father had initially opposed her wishes.
  • (6) The claim was made in the high court in London by Young's estranged wife, Michelle, who is divorcing him.
  • (7) As a result of Wesker’s affairs, Dusty and Wesker were estranged and Wesker went to live in Wales.
  • (8) The revulsion was shared by Breivik's estranged father.
  • (9) Another told police that Lahouaiej-Bouhlel “couldn’t understand why Isis couldn’t claim its own territory” and others quizzed by detectives, including his estranged wife, spoke of his “violent behaviour”, Molins said.
  • (10) In the vocational, comprehensive, and agricultural schools, the dropouts scored more positively on the self-estrangement, meaninglessness, and misfeasance scales.
  • (11) So Shelly Sterling’s reward is to remain a visible part of the franchise, courtside whenever she feels like it, while her estranged husband is banned from the stadium.
  • (12) It is one of the few things upon which politicians and an estranged electorate agree.
  • (13) Faced with a violent stepfather and a mother with mental health issues (from whom he is now estranged), he took solace in his teddy bear, Alan Measles.
  • (14) The King's friendship with Robert Carr (who was later made Earl of Somerset), coupled with his estrangement from Queen Anne, may have been an inspiration for at least two literary accounts of kingship confounded by sex: Lady Mary Wroth's Urania (1621) and Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (1608).
  • (15) The planned apology over Iraq is aimed at helping win back party members who either left or have stayed but felt estranged as a result of the decision to go to war, which Corbyn voted against.
  • (16) Before she got that opportunity, however, she was shot dead in 2009 by her estranged husband, who promptly killed himself as well.
  • (17) Certain family situiations create a split between some family members and the suicidal adolescent to the point of total estrangement.
  • (18) Although Levene and PiL frontman John Lydon remain estranged, Commercial Zone 2014 has the support of the band's former drummer, Martin Atkins.
  • (19) I asked Coleman if it is ever really possible to be estranged from your family when online culture is so prevalent.
  • (20) might persuade his estranged wife to lobby on his behalf to her dad.

Words possibly related to "disowned"