(v. t.) To drive away by scattering, or so to cause to vanish; to clear away; to banish; to dissipate; as, to dispel a cloud, vapors, cares, doubts, illusions.
Example Sentences:
(1) At least any notion that this tournament had meant little to the European champions can be dispelled.
(2) Together, they dispel the myth that changing initial responses more often is detrimental than beneficial.
(3) Thus, knowledge of HIV antibody status appears to dispel a sense of gloom in persons who incorrectly believe themselves to be infected with HIV, but does not appear to induce significant distress in those whose expectation of a positive result is confirmed.
(4) As we settle down to chat in the deputy prime minister's ramshackle constituency base at 85 Netherfield Road, Sheffield, it is hard to dispel the impression that he's still a man under siege.
(5) The results suggest that the action of Flos Caryophylli on dispelling the cold by warming the middle-jiao and curing abdominalgia is related to its anti-ulcer, choleresis increasing, anti-diarrhea and analgesic functions.
(6) But it’s optimistic to imagine that such action would dispel all the rage MPs such as Reeves are encountering every day.
(7) We have attempted to dispel many of the myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of narcotic analgesics in the treatment of childhood pain.
(8) She says: "We spend a lot of time in linguistics dispelling myths and the notion of hierarchical languages in terms of attractiveness, grammar and rules.
(9) The government took over Bankia, which holds 10% of Spanish deposits, in an attempt to dispel concerns over toxic real estate assets left over from a 2008 property crash.
(10) He dispelled speculation that the £5.5bn Thameslink programme would receive fewer trains to conserve costs.
(11) Immunohistochemical staining with neuroendocrine markers should dispel any doubt about their identity.
(12) Even when we had 14 pairs here, the RSPB still wanted more, instead of dispelling the myth that the harrier could take gamekeepers’ livelihoods away.” Grouse moorland is “the best and the worst place for the hen harrier,” added Murphy.
(13) If we can dispel the possibility our team is being investigated, I’ll be right up waving happily a flag over my head in celebration,” Nevin told Pohl.
(14) We hope it gives everyone opportunity to dispel any myths and misunderstanding surrounding TB, explain the science that backs up the government policy and the need to include badgers as part of the solution to ridding our countryside, both for cattle and for badgers, of bovine TB.
(15) Pharmacists--especially those serving rural areas--should be familiar with current snakebite treatments, both local and systemic, and should be prepared to provide important information and dispel any myths about snakebite poisoning.
(16) It is great to see research continued in this area to help dispel more autism myths.” Lasota has been campaigning for employers to consider people with learning disabilities when they’re hiring, and hopes that studies like this will help.
(17) In April 1997 the haze of uncertainty about Labour had long been dispelled.
(18) PNPs can dispel the common myths that have existed for so long to help open communication with parents and children to promote safe and proper treatment.
(19) Mr Murdoch's latest comments would seem to dispel such ideas.
(20) Club leaders, who argue that a wife should serve as a "good sex worker" and a "whore" to her husband, showed the book to journalists last month in an effort to dispel what they called misconceptions that it was obscene and demeaning to women.
(v. t.) To impel or urge onward by force in a direction away from one, or along before one; to push forward; to compel to move on; to communicate motion to; as, to drive cattle; to drive a nail; smoke drives persons from a room.
(v. t.) To urge on and direct the motions of, as the beasts which draw a vehicle, or the vehicle borne by them; hence, also, to take in a carriage; to convey in a vehicle drawn by beasts; as, to drive a pair of horses or a stage; to drive a person to his own door.
(v. t.) To urge, impel, or hurry forward; to force; to constrain; to urge, press, or bring to a point or state; as, to drive a person by necessity, by persuasion, by force of circumstances, by argument, and the like.
(v. t.) To carry or; to keep in motion; to conduct; to prosecute.
(v. t.) To clear, by forcing away what is contained.
(v. t.) To dig Horizontally; to cut a horizontal gallery or tunnel.
(v. t.) To pass away; -- said of time.
(v. i.) To rush and press with violence; to move furiously.
(v. i.) To be forced along; to be impelled; to be moved by any physical force or agent; to be driven.
(v. i.) To go by carriage; to pass in a carriage; to proceed by directing or urging on a vehicle or the animals that draw it; as, the coachman drove to my door.
(v. i.) To press forward; to aim, or tend, to a point; to make an effort; to strive; -- usually with at.
(v. i.) To distrain for rent.
(p. p.) Driven.
(n.) The act of driving; a trip or an excursion in a carriage, as for exercise or pleasure; -- distinguished from a ride taken on horseback.
(n.) A place suitable or agreeable for driving; a road prepared for driving.
(n.) Violent or rapid motion; a rushing onward or away; esp., a forced or hurried dispatch of business.
(n.) In type founding and forging, an impression or matrix, formed by a punch drift.
(n.) A collection of objects that are driven; a mass of logs to be floated down a river.
Example Sentences:
(1) The hemodynamic efficiency of the drive was tested in a number of in vivo experiments.
(2) John Lewis’s marketing, advertising and reputation are all built on their promises of good customer services, and it is a large part of what still drives people to their stores despite cheaper online outlets.
(3) This force will be numerically similar to the net driving Starling force in small pores, but distinctly different in large pores.
(4) Liu was a driving force behind the modernisation of China's rail system, a project that included building 10,000 miles of high-speed rail track by 2020 – with a budget of £170bn, one of the most expensive engineering feats in recent history.
(5) I am rooting hard for you.” Ronald Reagan simply told his former vice-president Bush: “Don’t let the turkeys get you down.” By 10.30am Michelle Obama and Melania Trump will join the outgoing and incoming presidents in a presidential limousine to drive to the Capitol.
(6) This hydrostatic pressure may well be the driving force for creating channels for acid and pepsin to cross the mucus layer covering the mucosal surface.
(7) After all, you can only drive one car at a time or go on one holiday at a time.
(8) The difference in APD between the first drive train and drive trains after at least 3 minutes of pacing when APD had stabilized was not significant for an inter-train pause exceeding 8 seconds.
(9) Analysis of caloric components (fat, protein and carbohydrates) reveals that carbohydrates are the most important factor driving the total energy effect.
(10) The solution of these differential equations gives the velocity of the basilar membrane and hence other related quantities, e.g., displacement, pressure, driving-point impedance at the stapes.
(11) The statistics underline the significant strides being taken by the industry to meet a government drive to reduce Britain's carbon emissions, although the scale of renewable energy subsidies remains controversial.
(12) However, because my film was dominated by a piano, I didn't want the driving-strings sound he'd used for Greenaway.
(13) said Wanis Kilani, a uniformed rebel driving a pickup truck with a machine-gun mounted on the back.
(14) But Steven Brounstein, a lawyer for one of the officers, said: 'For the DA to be equating this case to a drive-by shooting is absurd.
(15) "But it is necessary to collect tax that is owed and it is necessary to reduce tax avoidance and the crown dependencies and the overseas territories need to play their part in that drive and they need to do more."
(16) However, there are conflicting views as to the way these patients drive.
(17) "We see him driving around, but he keeps to himself and we're quite close neighbours," said Libbi Darroch, as she groomed her 7-year-old showjumper Muffy at the Coatesville pony club.
(18) The best was the oral version of the Symbol Digit Modalities test, which by itself accounted for 70% of the variance of the full-sized-vehicle driving score.
(19) Mild amelioration of sleep-wakefulness cycles and impulse and drive functions could be observed clinically in both groups.
(20) He unleashes a scorching drive from about 18 yards, which Joe Hart tips wide via his right post.