(n.) The space between two objects; the length of a line, especially the shortest line joining two points or things that are separate; measure of separation in place.
(n.) Remoteness of place; a remote place.
(n.) A space marked out in the last part of a race course.
(n.) Relative space, between troops in ranks, measured from front to rear; -- contrasted with interval, which is measured from right to left.
(n.) Space between two antagonists in fencing.
(n.) The part of a picture which contains the representation of those objects which are the farthest away, esp. in a landscape.
(n.) Ideal disjunction; discrepancy; contrariety.
(n.) Length or interval of time; period, past or future, between two eras or events.
(n.) The remoteness or reserve which respect requires; hence, respect; ceremoniousness.
(n.) A withholding of intimacy; alienation; coldness; disagreement; variance; restraint; reserve.
(n.) Remoteness in succession or relation; as, the distance between a descendant and his ancestor.
(n.) The interval between two notes; as, the distance of a fourth or seventh.
(v. t.) To place at a distance or remotely.
(v. t.) To cause to appear as if at a distance; to make seem remote.
(v. t.) To outstrip by as much as a distance (see Distance, n., 3); to leave far behind; to surpass greatly.
Example Sentences:
(1) The distance between the end of fic and the start of pabA was 31 base pairs.
(2) Standard nerve conduction techniques using constant measured distances were applied to evaluate the median, ulnar and radial nerves.
(3) Accuracy of discrimination of letters at various preselected distances was determined each session while Ortho-rater examinations were given periodically throughout training.
(4) The capillary-adipocyte distances were shorter and the vascularization density was higher in old rats.
(5) Within the capillary-perfused mucosa and muscularis (between 50 and 2000 microns from the urothelial surface), concentrations decreased by 50% for each 500-microns distance.
(6) When compared with nonspecialized regions of the cell membranes, these contact sites were characterized by a decreased intercellular distance, subplasmalemmal densities and coated pits.
(7) The distance of nucleoid sedimentation increased as a function of exposure temperature and exposure time, and was proportional to an increased protein to DNA ratio in the nucleoids.
(8) The bond distances of Cu to Cl(1), Cl(2), N(3) and N(3') atoms are 2.299 (1), 2.267 (1), 1.985 (4) and 1.996 (3) A, respectively.
(9) The authors used a linear multivariate regression to evaluate the effects of distance from the highway, age and sex of the child, and housing condition.
(10) Tests in which the size of the landmark was altered from that used in training suggest that distance is not learned solely in terms of the apparent size of the landmark as seen from the goal.
(11) The difference in Brazil will be the huge distances involved, with the crazy decision not to host the group stages in geographical clusters leading to logistical and planning nightmares.
(12) Long-distanced urethrocystopexy which permits to avoid an unwanted increase of outflow resistance with following retention of urine should be preferred.
(13) After using the OK method to obtain a distance curve for height, we introduce a new method (VADK) to derive velocity and acceleration curves from the fitted distance curve.
(14) Shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt said people would see through her attempts to distance herself from Gove.
(15) Transplanted cells divided in vivo and progressively migrated into the host brain from the site of implantation up to distances of about 1 mm.
(16) Discrimination was possible among these four groups on the basis of the Mahalanobis' generalized distance.
(17) Extrapolating animal data to the neonates, we found the thoracic segment length recommended (the average of 29% of body length and electrode distance) to be accurate.
(18) The arrest of the Washington Post’s Tehran correspondent Jason Rezaian and his journalist wife, Yeganeh Salehi, as well as a photographer and her partner, is a brutal reminder of the distance between President Hassan Rouhani’s reforming promises and his willingness to act.
(19) The duration of electrophoresis was based on the migration of a marker dye for a predetermined distance.
(20) Near acuity with distance correction was J2 or more in 93.1% of the bifocals and in 17.4% of the monofocals (without correction: 79.3% and 41.4%, respectively).
(n.) An oval or oblong figure, bounded by a regular curve, which corresponds to an oblique projection of a circle, or an oblique section of a cone through its opposite sides. The greatest diameter of the ellipse is the major axis, and the least diameter is the minor axis. See Conic section, under Conic, and cf. Focus.
(n.) Omission. See Ellipsis.
(n.) The elliptical orbit of a planet.
Example Sentences:
(1) The authors have presented in two previous articles the graphic solutions resembling Tscherning ellipses, for spherical as well as for aspherical ophthalmic lenses free of astigmatism or power error.
(2) The Ta loop was a smooth, elongated ellipse in configuration and showed clockwise rotation in all planes, as did the P loop.
(3) Eighty degrees further forward, along the minor axis, was the crank arm orientation for the second ellipse, Eng90.
(4) A calculation for the correct circumference of an ellipse is proposed using the simple formula for a circle times a correction factor.
(5) Results show that the 3-D disc is mostly preceded by impressions of elastic amoeba-like deformations, whereas the 3-D egg is mostly preceded by the percept of a rotating flat ellipse.
(6) The lumina of most nonrespiratory bronchioles from normal lungs conformed closely to their respective ellipses, thus corroborating previous observations that they are normally cylindroid.
(7) Using a carbon dioxide laser, an ellipse of conjunctival-tarsal-inferior muscle tissue was excised from the inner surface of the ectropic lid inferior to the punctum.
(8) The lateral margins and base of transverse sections through the ellipse were free of tumor.
(9) Three commonly used prostate volume measurement techniques were analyzed: planimetry, prolate ellipse volume calculation (HWL), and an ellipsoid volume measurement technique.
(10) In this article four additional ideas are reviewed to improve the final cosmetic result of the ellipse.
(11) The shapes of the ellipses obtained characterized the rheological properties of each bronchial mucus sample before and after treatment.
(12) The long-term surgical outcome as determined by sexual function indicated that the penile prosthesis group remained the most sexually active, followed by the Nesbit ellipse group with the tunica vaginalis graft group being the least sexually active.
(13) With a set of discrete basic elements (cell nuclei) having several measurable features (area, surface, main and minor axis of best-fitting ellipses) a graph is defined as having attributes associated with edges.
(14) In all cases significant variations of the posturographic parameters regarding in a particular way the total tracing length, the ellipse surface and the mean speed have been recorded.
(15) The corneo-limbal ring (CLR) is defined here as the best fitting ellipse within the limbal region and characterized by the horizontal diameter (Dh), the vertical diameter (Dv), the eccentricity (e), and the circumference (O).
(16) These solutions, as expected, resemble the Tscherning ellipses, but strongly deformed.
(17) Two-year-old children received intradimensional discrimination training at initially distant points on a circle-ellipse continuum.
(18) Genioglossal muscle shortening increases pharyngeal area and reduces pharyngeal resistance more effectively when the pharynx is elliptical, with the long axis of the ellipse oriented laterally.
(19) The area of the stenosis by the edge detection method was calculated by analyzing two orthogonal projections for irregular stenoses and with use of the formula for the area of an ellipse (ellipse method).
(20) In children aged 3 years the shape of the upper dental arch was in most cases similar to a semi-ellipse and that of the lower arch approached parabole.