(1) Subsequently, the study of bundle branch block and A-V block cases revealed that no explicit correlation existed between histopathological changes and functional disturbances nor between disturbances in conduction (i.e.
(2) The judge, Mr Justice John Royce, told George she was "cold" and "calculating", as further disturbing details of her relationship with the co-accused, Colin Blanchard and Angela Allen, emerged.
(3) For assessment of clinical status, investigators must rely on the use of standardized instruments for patient self-reporting of fatigue, mood disturbance, functional status, sleep disorder, global well-being, and pain.
(4) More disturbing than his ideas was Malema's style and tone.
(5) There was no correlation between disturbed gastric clearance, impaired gall bladder contraction, and prolonged colonic transit time in the patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy nor was there a correlation between any disturbed motor function and age or duration of diabetes.
(6) Knapman concluded that the 40-year-old designer, whose full name was Lee Alexander McQueen, "killed himself while the balance of his mind was disturbed".
(7) Of great influence on the results of measurements are preparation and registration (warm-up-time, amplification, closeness of pressure-system, unhurt catheters), factors relating to equipment and methods (air-bubbles in pressure-system, damping by filters, continuous infusion of the micro-catheter, level of zero-pressure), factors which occur during intravital measurement (pressure-drop along the arteria pulmonalis, influence of normal breathing, great intrapleural pressure changes, pressure damping in the catheter by thrombosis and external disturbances) and last not least positive and negative acceleration forces, which influence the diastolic and systolic pulmonary artery pressure.
(8) Only one part of the theory of Alajouanine and colleagues has been confirmed by our experiments for our results have shown that there is a very close correlation between semantic paraphasias and disorders of semantic differentiation whilst no correlation can be found between phonemic paraphasias and disturbances in auditory phonemic discrimination.
(9) This method avoids disturbance of the cellular metabolism.
(10) This study provides strong and unexpected evidence that one admission to hospital of more than a week's duration or repeated admissions before the age of five years (in particular between six months and four years) are associated with an increased risk of behaviour disturbance and poor reading in adolescence.
(11) This quantitative characterization of the properties of conduction and refractoriness of both the accessory pathway and ventriculoatrial conduction system and the relation between these characteristics and the accessory pathway location in ART patients provides additional insight into the prerequisites for the initiation and maintenance of this rhythm disturbance.
(12) A 68-year-old male was hospitalized because of headache, nausea, and disturbance of consciousness.
(13) Bereaved individuals were significantly more likely to report heightened dysphoria, dissatisfaction, and somatic disturbances typical of depression, even when variations in age, sex, number of years married, and educational and occupational status were taken into account.
(14) Although not common, the disorder is the most frequently diagnosed disturbance of porphyrin metabolism in many countries, and further insight into its unusual pathogenesis may clarify the hepatotoxic effects of the 4 etiologic agents.
(15) Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica - an epiphyseal developmental disturbance of the skeleton - is combined with exostose-like, tumor-simulating cartilaginous hypertrophy of bone tissue, mainly located at the epiphyses of the lower extremities and at the tarsal bones.
(16) Following an encephalopathic illness, a 13-year-old Chinese boy had a partial form of Klüver-Bucy syndrome with emotional disturbance, recent memory loss, hypersexuality, and polyphagia.
(17) Moreover, complete absence of rhythm disturbances right up to the beginning of cardiac arrest was as frequent in the patient groups as in the control series (around 20%).
(18) In short term clinical studies, the beneficial effects of transdermal estradiol on plasma gonadotrophins, maturation of the vaginal epithelium, metabolic parameters of bone resorption and menopausal symptoms (hot flushes, sleep disturbance, genitourinary discomfort and mood alteration) appear to be comparable to those of oral and subcutaneous estrogens, while the undesirable effects of oral estrogens on hepatic metabolism are avoided.
(19) That is why in the patients with disturbances it is necessary to carry out adequate conservative therapy directed at improvement of the metabolism of the neuromuscular structures both before the operation and during the postoperative period, e.g.
(20) Then, all had eye movements disturbances and ataxia.
(a.) Inclined to worry or fret; also, causing worry or annoyance.
Example Sentences:
(1) Although the histologic changes in the right atrium and contralateral lung are worrisome, no cardiac nor pulmonary problems arose over the 1 year follow-up.
(2) It was found, contrary to expectation, that the prevalence was 2.96% and preponderant symptoms seemed to be worrisome, tense, irritable and depressive.
(3) Even more worrisome to these institutions is the possibility of other third-party payors following Medicare's lead and converting to this reimbursement plan.
(4) A worrisome lesion in a 62-year-old black man prompted a review of the differential diagnosis of pigmented lesions involving palmar skin.
(5) Frequent silent ischemic events during ambulatory monitoring are worrisome because they reflect the disease "activity" of single or multiple coronary atherosclerotic lesions.
(6) Such imaginary groups, when compared to the sum as a whole, are about as worrisome as America's hockey moms turned out to be.
(7) For indigenous leaders who have vowed to continue fighting the pipeline on the ground , the FBI investigations and ongoing federal prosecutions have become increasingly worrisome.
(8) A rational and flexible approach to drug regulation could ease some of the most worrisome constraints without jeopardizing the public welfare.
(9) Though he conceded that Arab leaders saw his creation, Israel’s secret Dimona plant in the Negev Desert, as “a worrisome fuzzy deterrent”, Peres the politician enjoyed creating such deliberate ambiguities.
(10) Even more worrisome is the way the vocabulary of this rhetoric is coded, as Los Angeles Times journalist Jose Antonio Vargas has noted extensively.
(11) These lesions are not associated with systemic disease or dissemination and heal spontaneously despite their worrisome microscopic appearance.
(12) Professional nursing has been grappling with many different care delivery models in order to deal with a dramatic rise in patient acuity levels, increasing financial constraints, and a worrisome nursing shortage.
(13) This possibility is worrisome with respect to transmission of hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency viruses (HBV, HIV).
(14) However, it is worrisome that a large number of girls suffering from early anorexia nervosa and an even greater number suffering from bulimia do not seek treatment for their disorder.
(15) The large number of pesticides that have never been adequately tested for effects on human health is particularly worrisome in light of emerging information about delayed nervous system effects.
(16) A worrisome model is the possibility that when Treatment B alternates rapidly with Treatment C, the effects of each will not be the same as when each is the only treatment used.
(17) Delays in stump preparation or other treatment aims due to continued surgical procedures can be worrisome.
(18) Metabolic alterations will require long-term followup, and are particularly worrisome in children and young adults.
(19) "Internationally, it is particularly worrisome in areas with fewer resources and less access to effective therapies.
(20) Southern Europe continues to be the "more worrisome part of the world economy", he said, highlighting strong exports but weak internal demand.