(1) Expression of the DIT and DIT2 genes is restricted to sporulating cells, with the DIT1 transcripts accumulating at the time of prospore enclosure and just prior to the time of dityrosine biosynthesis.
(2) The volume fraction of synthetic organelles in smooth muscle cells from the DIT of both males and females is of a highly significant difference from the volume fraction of synthetic organelles in cells of the subjacent media.
(3) Urinary excretion of intact DIT was low, being less than 1% of the administered dose of exogenous DIT within 2 days.
(4) Our data confirm the in vivo generation of extrathyroidal DIT from T4 in the rat.
(5) In contrast, 52% of the iodine administered in the form of DIT was excreted in the urine in the same time interval.
(6) Short periods of loading do not alter deiodination of L-DIT in liver or kidney at all; but lead to significant elevation of L-T4-deiodination in liver tissue.
(7) DIT may play a central role in the regulation of energy expenditure and in the etiology of certain types of obesity.
(8) DIT and BAT are controlled by hormonal action: noradrenaline appears to be the primary activator of BAT and insulin may be required for DIT and may even activate thermogenesis.
(9) The levels of MIT, DIT, T3 and T4 in the thyroid, and T3, T4 and TSH in serum, and the amount of iodine transport and synthesis of organic iodine in thyroid were determined.
(10) Higher doses or longer periods of loading cause a significant rise of L-DIT-deiodination in liver and kidney, while the L-T4-deiodination in liver is significantly decreased and in kidney significantly elevated.
(11) The secretion of gastric acid in the peptic ulcer patients were examined by the dopamine infusion test (DIT).
(12) In rats hypothyroidized with methylthiouracil (MTU), methimazol (MMI), or radiothyroidectomy, the extent of deiodination for L-diiodotyrosine (L-DIT) and L-thyroxine (L-T4) was investigated in homogenate supernatants of liver and kidney.
(13) two pentapeptides, apparently of the sequence Tyr-Asn-Asx-Lys-Gly, isolated as the DIT and MIT derivatives.
(14) There was no significant correlation between sex, age, presence of diabetes, mode of dialysis, years of chronic renal failure, years of dialysis or years of aluminum ingestion and any neurologic or neurobehavioral measurement, serum aluminum level, or DIT.
(15) The carbonyl complexes were found to be efficient hepatobiliary agents and cleared more rapidly than the corresponding 99mTcN- and 99mTc(dit)-complexes.
(16) From the results of kinetic studies and RIA measurements, the fraction of circulating T4 converted to DIT was calculated to be 3.9-4.3%.
(17) While rT3 is elevated in almost all critically ill patients, the increase in DIT is indicative of severe infection.
(18) The reaction is effectively quenched by the antioxidant, 2,6-dit-butyl-4-hydroxymethyl phenol as well as by Mn+2 (10(-5)-10(-3)M).
(19) The relative affinity of T3, T4, rT3, MIT, and DIT were in good agreement with their biological activity.
(20) Splitting off of sialic acid diminishes thenumber of phenolic groups of tyrosine, MIT, DIT and T4, which dissociate below pH 12-5.
() obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Sit, for sitteth.
(v. t.) To rest upon the haunches, or the lower extremity of the trunk of the body; -- said of human beings, and sometimes of other animals; as, to sit on a sofa, on a chair, or on the ground.
(v. t.) To perch; to rest with the feet drawn up, as birds do on a branch, pole, etc.
(v. t.) To remain in a state of repose; to rest; to abide; to rest in any position or condition.
(v. t.) To lie, rest, or bear; to press or weigh; -- with on; as, a weight or burden sits lightly upon him.
(v. t.) To be adjusted; to fit; as, a coat sts well or ill.
(v. t.) To suit one well or ill, as an act; to become; to befit; -- used impersonally.
(v. t.) To cover and warm eggs for hatching, as a fowl; to brood; to incubate.
(v. t.) To have position, as at the point blown from; to hold a relative position; to have direction.
(v. t.) To occupy a place or seat as a member of an official body; as, to sit in Congress.
(v. t.) To hold a session; to be in session for official business; -- said of legislative assemblies, courts, etc.; as, the court sits in January; the aldermen sit to-night.
(v. t.) To take a position for the purpose of having some artistic representation of one's self made, as a picture or a bust; as, to sit to a painter.
(v. t.) To sit upon; to keep one's seat upon; as, he sits a horse well.
(v. t.) To cause to be seated or in a sitting posture; to furnish a seat to; -- used reflexively.
(v. t.) To suit (well / ill); to become.
Example Sentences:
(1) Behind her balcony, decorated with a flourishing pothos plant and a monarch butterfly chrysalis tied to a succulent with dental floss, sits the university’s power plant.
(2) I’m not in charge of it but he’s stood up and presented that, and when Jenny, you know, criticised it, or raised some issues about grandparent carers – 3,700 of them he calculated – he said “Let’s sit down”.
(3) The adaptive filter processor was tested for retrospective identification of artifacts in 20 male volunteers who performed the following specific movements between epochs of quiet, supine breathing: raising arms and legs (slowly, quickly, once, and several times), sitting up, breathing deeply and rapidly, and rolling from a supine to a lateral decubitus position.
(4) Patients had improved sitting balance and endurance after surgery.
(5) They were protecting the sit-in because they believed that, if they left, the police would follow them."
(6) Both former presidents Bush have said they will sit out the 2016 campaign, as has former presidential candidate Jeb Bush.
(7) He missed the start of the season while rehabbing from last season's ankle injury, played exactly six games with the Los Angeles Lakers before getting hurt again and even if he's healthy he may still sit the game out .
(8) Wharton feared that if his bill had not cleared the Commons on this occasion, it would have failed as there are only three sitting Fridays in the Commons next year when the legislation could be heard again should peers in the House of Lords successfully pass amendments.
(9) One is the right not to be impeded when they are going to the House of Commons to vote, which may partly explain why the police decided to arrest Green and raid his offices last week on Thursday, when the Commons was not sitting.
(10) The inverse relation between PGE2 and NE for the difference in hormone concentrations between supine and sitting (r=-0.44, p less than 0.05) may be explained by an inhibitory effect of PGE2 on renal NE release, earlier observed in experiments in vitro.
(11) He won the Labour candidacy for the Scottish seat of Kilmarnock and Loudon in 1997, within weeks of polling day, after the sitting Labour MP, Willie McKelvey, decided to stand down when he suffered a stroke.
(12) If there’s a fire in the house, you don’t sit there saying we’re going to wait until the fire commissioner comes,” she said.
(13) I want to follow the west bank of the river south for some 100 miles to a bluff overlooking the river, where Sitting Bull is buried – and then, in the evening, to return to Bismarck.
(14) The media's image of a "gamer" might still be of a man in his teens or 20s sitting in front of Call of Duty for six-hour stretches, but that stereotype is now more inaccurate than ever.
(15) I could walk around more freely than in North Korea, but it was very apparent I was being watched.” The country consistently sits at the bottom of global freedom rankings, in the company of North Korea and Eritrea.
(16) And it means the Foreign Office dealing with those in the Middle East and North Africa who are on the side of democracy and human rights, not sitting down to tea with torturers.
(17) There can’t be something, someone that could fix this and chooses not to.” Years of agnosticism and an open attitude to religious beliefs thrust under the bus, acknowledging the shame that comes from sitting down with those the world forgot.
(18) Trump might say that is what he wants to happen but for us, that’s deeply upsetting,” says Moore, who sits on the board of the Center Against Sexual and Family Violence and expects the case to have a chilling effect on reports of abuse.
(19) Egypt has been without a sitting lower house of parliament since summer 2012, when it was dissolved by the country's supreme court .
(20) On the 18th I will be sitting down to the university Christmas meal two hours after the results are passed on to me.