(1) To evaluate the in vivo hemodynamics of smaller-sized (21 mm and 23 mm) Medtronic Hall (MH) valves in the aortic position, we measured the maximal pressure gradients (maxPG) at rest and during dobutamine (DOB) administration by continuous-wave Doppler echocardiography in 20 patients with aortic valve replacement.
(2) The second 12 cases were given the same doses of DOB instead of DOA.
(3) The most behaviorally potent analogues examined, DOB, DOM, and 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, were found to possess rather high affirmities (pA2 = 7.35, 7.12, and 7.08, respectively) for the 5-HT receptors of the model system.
(4) [82Br]-DOB has been suggested as a potential brain scanning agent for nuclear medicine; 3b would have the advantage over DOB of providing the superior gamma-ray imaging properties of 131I or 123I.
(5) Potassium (K) values were almost constant during infusion of both drugs, but DOB reduced K concentration at the dose of 20 micrograms.kg-1.min-1.
(6) The results were as follows: 1) the effect of catecholamine on Ees prior to brain death was DA = DOB greater than NAD = AD.
(7) The study was aimed at comparing the effects of dobutamine (dob) and dopamine (dop) on isotonic contraction and rhythmicity of isolated guinea-pig papillary muscles (in oxygenated Tyrode at 37 degrees C), by taking into account: 1) the rate of stimulation (50% above the diastolic threshold) at 5 fixed periods: (RR: 1600, 1200, 1000, 800 and 400 ms); 2) 7 log concentrations (logC) of the index amine (from 10(-9) to 10(-3) M).
(8) Our results suggest that even in case of hypothermia, DOB retains a selective inotropic effect with no threat of arrhythmogenicity, and produces stable hemodynamics.
(9) Moreover, a significant correlation exists between drug potencies for (R)-(-)-[77Br]DOB-labeled sites and human hallucinogenic drug potencies (r = 0.89; p less than 0.01).
(10) People can also use their phones to dob in the neighbours.
(11) On the other hand, when CP and freqCP were coded, explanatory variables were AMP% and logAMP% (4.86 > t < 6.95, 0.06 > r2 < 0.09, p < 0.00001), but not the variable used to code the type of treatment (dob versus dop).
(12) In both systems, expression of this single serotonin receptor cDNA led to the appearance of both [3H]DOB and [3H]ketanserin binding sites with properties that matched their binding characteristics in mammalian brain homogenates.
(13) In competition experiments 8-OH-DPAT, TFMPP, mesulergine, DOB, and ICS 205-930 had low affinity for 3H-5HT-labeled 5HT1D sites, indicating that the pharmacology of the 5HT1D site is distinct from previously identified 5HT1A, 5HT1B, 5HT1C, 5HT2, and 5HT3 sites.
(14) Chronic DOB infusion was without effect on CRF concentrations in all hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic brain regions studied.
(15) This effect was apparently associated with down-regulation of the 5-HT2 receptor because high-affinity cortical [3H]DOB and hypothalamic (+-)-[125I]-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-amino-propane binding were decreased at this time as well.
(16) The effects of the 5-HT2-selective agonists 1-(4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOB) and 1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI) on cat platelet aggregation were investigated and compared with those produced by serotonin (5-HT) and a positional isomer of DOB (i.e., isoDOB).
(17) (4) The Dob IgG is relatively resistant to digestion with papain and trypsin; however, it is readily digested with pepsin, although at an unusual site.
(18) In contrast, specific [3H]DOB binding cannot be detected in bovine cortical membranes.
(19) Classical serotonin antagonists, most of which are rather selective for 5-HT2 sites, and 5-HT2-selective antagonists are able to block the stimulus effects of DOM, DOB, and DOI, but not those of 8-OH DPAT or TFMPP.
(20) (3) The Dob heavy chain has three fewer residues of half-cystine than expected in gamma1 chains.
(n.) A large European scaraboid beetle (Geotrupes stercorarius), which makes a droning noise while flying. The name is also applied to allied American species, as the June bug. Called also dorr, dorbeetle, or dorrbeetle, dorbug, dorrfly, and buzzard clock.
(n.) A trick, joke, or deception.
(v. t.) To make a fool of; to deceive.
Example Sentences:
(1) That's the sixth hit allowed tonight dor Wainwright.
(2) The two dead Israeli soldiers were identified as Captain Yochai Klengel, 25, and Sergeant Dor Nini, 20.
(3) Phenotype effects (obese greater than lean) were present for retroperitoneal (RP) and dorsal (DOR) white fat depot weight, adipocyte number per depot, and adipocyte lipid content.
(4) Phenotype effects (corpulent greater than lean) were present for fat pad weight, adipocyte number, and adipocyte lipid content in the dorsal (DOR) and retroperitoneal (RP) WAT depots.
(5) Furthermore, the data indicated that neither the Lb nor the DOR scales could differentiate the Low Back patients from other psychosomatic and psychiatric patients and suggested that these two scales should be used with extreme caution by clinicians.
(6) Presently, the surgical technique of our preference is the anterior SemiNissen or Dor's hemivalve, with closure of the His' angle, the hiatus and the pillars of the diaphragm, when indicated, and pexia of the round ligament.
(7) Furthermore, contrary to the impression given in some DOR is not alone in making premium payments to government, nor is it the highest payer.
(8) Perry says: “The staff on East Coast, I’ve talked to dozens of them, are really excited to be working with two very customer-facing brands.” Horne adds: “One member said he’d wished we’d taken over years ago, I certainly haven’t detected regret that they’re not working for DOR any more.
(9) Evidence is also presented which shows that each of the pathological MMPI profile types examined across "functional," "organic," and "mixed" classification is significantly more elevated than a normal profile group on two scales (Lb, DOR) designed to measure functional aspects of pain.
(10) DOR images of a contrast-detail phantom are superior to those produced by conventional medium-speed screen-film radiography.
(11) The 27Al DOR NMR spectra of CAW measured at 9.4 and 11.7 T and spinning rates of 800-1150 Hz of the outer and 5 kHz of the inner rotor show seven sharp central lines accompanied by a manifold of spinning sidebands.
(12) Based on the demonstrated influence of L-lactate, pyruvate, and phenazine methosulfate on the salvage synthesis of purine nucleotides [K. Ravid, P. Diamant, and Y. Avi-Dor, (1984) Arch.
(13) Scores from the Low Back (Lb) and the Dorsal (DOR) scales of 20 patients with functional low back pain, 20 patients with functional gastrointestinal pain, and 20 psychoneurotic patients were compared.
(14) Genes ecs, dor and swi from this cluster have been mapped in D. funebris, D. virilis, D. hydei, D. repleta, D. mercatorum and D. paranaensis to the telomeric region of the X chromosome, in D. kanekoi to the distal region, and in D. pseudoobscura, to the proximal region of the X chromosome.
(15) Rotor synchronized pulse excitation is applied in the DOR experiments.
(16) When is the last time that you heard of good old British Rail offering any kind of customer incentives?” Even if the political divide can be encapsulated in a supermarket loyalty programme, the management of East Coast under DOR claims to have “relentlessly focused” on customers (it did, in fact, operate a rewards points scheme).
(17) The rate increase dor sulfate and L-(+)-tartrate is ca.
(18) Nissen's (106), Tupe (47), Belsi's (3), Dor's (5), and atypical methods were applied.
(19) All of these Dor-Nissen partial wrap-around operations were technically easy to do and all the postoperative patients have been problem-free both clinically and radiologically.
(20) The mixed and functional groups differed significantly from the organic group on the Hs, Hy, Pt, Sc, Hy-O, D-O, and DOR scales.