(n.) That which is taught or authoritatively set forth; precept; instruction; dogma.
(n.) An example for instruction or warning.
(n.) An original or official paper relied upon as the basis, proof, or support of anything else; -- in its most extended sense, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information in the case; any material substance on which the thoughts of men are represented by any species of conventional mark or symbol.
(v. t.) To teach; to school.
(v. t.) To furnish with documents or papers necessary to establish facts or give information; as, a a ship should be documented according to the directions of law.
Example Sentences:
(1) By presenting the case history of a man who successively developed facial and trigeminal neural dysfunction after Mohs chemosurgery of a PCSCC, this paper documents histologically the occurrence of such neural invasion, and illustrates the utility of gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance scanning in patient management.
(2) Nine of 14 patients studied for documented clinical relapse had positive repeat studies.
(3) Tumor shrinkage was documented by A-scan ultrasonography in all but one patient.
(4) The performance characteristics of the CCD are well documented and understood, having been quantified by many experimenters, especially in the physical sciences.
(5) Of the 594 patients, 23.7% died and 38.7% had documented inhalation injury.
(6) There have been numerous documented cases of people being forced to seek hospital treatment after eating meat contaminated with high concentrations of clenbuterol.
(7) The patients were classified into two groups according to the presence (n = 166) or absence (n = 176) of documented episodes of atrial fibrillation preoperatively.
(8) In documents due to be published by the bank, it will signal a need to shed costs from a business that employs 10,000 people as it scrambles to return to profit.
(9) Four of the five ectopic pregnancies occurred in patients with previously documented tubal pathology.
(10) They more precisely delineate the hazard identification process and the factors important in supporting risk decisions for developmental toxicants than does any other document.
(11) The present study was done in order to document the ability of the eighth cranial nerve of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) to regenerate, the anatomic characteristics of the regenerated fibers, and the specificity of projections from individual endorgan branches of the nerve.
(12) Keep it in the ground campaign Though they draw on completely different archives, leaked documents, and interviews with ex-employees, they reach the same damning conclusion: Exxon knew all that there was to know about climate change decades ago, and instead of alerting the rest of us denied the science and obstructed the politics of global warming.
(13) On Friday, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry appeared to confirm those fears, telling reporters that the joint declaration, a deal negotiated by London and Beijing guaranteeing Hong Kong’s way of life for 50 years, “was a historical document that no longer had any practical significance”.
(14) New studies have documented otolaryngologic abnormalities.
(15) 83 well documented cases of amoebic hepatic abscess, treated in the Philippines between 1967 and 1975, are presented with a view to showing the results of 3 different methods of management and comparing the diagnostic accuracy and overall mortality in 2 separate groups.
(16) These data support a modest role for alpha 1-adrenergic coronary vasoconstriction during exercise but fail to document an additional role for postsynaptic alpha 2-adrenergic coronary vasoconstriction during exercise.
(17) A retrospective review of 388 patients who presented to the Mayo Clinic for treatment of endometrial carcinoma between 1979 and 1983 was performed and the surgical and pathologic observations were documented.
(18) However, the effect of prior jaw motion and the effect of the recording site on the EMG amplitudes and on the vertical dimension of minimum EMG activity have not been documented.
(19) The frequency of spontaneously occurring mutants resistant to 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 micrograms of temafloxacin or ciprofloxacin per milliliter was documented with four Staphylococcus aureus and four Staphylococcus epidermidis strains.
(20) Documents seen by the Guardian show that blood supplies for one fiscal year were paid for by donations from America’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and Britain’s Department for International Development (DfID) – and both countries have imposed economic sanctions against the Syrian government.
(n.) A mark left by something that has passed along; as, the track, or wake, of a ship; the track of a meteor; the track of a sled or a wheel.
(n.) A mark or impression left by the foot, either of man or beast; trace; vestige; footprint.
(n.) The entire lower surface of the foot; -- said of birds, etc.
(n.) A road; a beaten path.
(n.) Course; way; as, the track of a comet.
(n.) A path or course laid out for a race, for exercise, etc.
(n.) The permanent way; the rails.
(n.) A tract or area, as of land.
(v. t.) To follow the tracks or traces of; to pursue by following the marks of the feet; to trace; to trail; as, to track a deer in the snow.
(v. t.) To draw along continuously, as a vessel, by a line, men or animals on shore being the motive power; to tow.
Example Sentences:
(1) Lucy and Ed will combine coverage of hard and breaking news with a commitment to investigative journalism, which their track record so clearly demonstrates”.
(2) DATA Modern football data analysis has its origins in a video-based system that used computer vision algorithms to automatically track players.
(3) The company said it was on track to meet forecasts for annual profit of about £110m.
(4) Liu was a driving force behind the modernisation of China's rail system, a project that included building 10,000 miles of high-speed rail track by 2020 – with a budget of £170bn, one of the most expensive engineering feats in recent history.
(5) Tracks were almost exclusively written on tour, including this jolting number, with an additional four tracks recorded in the studio.
(6) Both microcomputer use and tracking patient care experience are technical skills similar to learning any medical procedure with which physicians are already familiar.
(7) Nevertheless, Richard Bacon MP, a member of the Public Accounts Committee, who has tirelessly tracked failings in NHS IT, said last night: "I think the chances that Lorenzo will be turned into a credible and popular product are vanishingly small.
(8) Gerhard Schröder , Merkel’s immediate predecessor, had pushed through parliament a radical reform agenda to get the country’s spluttering economy back on track.
(9) That would be the first step towards banning Russia’s track team from next year’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
(10) Piedmont’s research, which was conducted among 3,000 filmgoers and weighted to the demographics of the cinemagoing public, is not the same as the Hollywood tracking system, which delivers predictions of box-office success.
(11) Only two of the 31 commandos escaped; the rest were tracked down and killed.
(12) Latencies were increased two- to threefold, and tracking was more variable.
(13) However, clemastine caused a decay in subjects' performance in both Experiments I and II, but only on the tracking task.
(14) Burns has a successful track record of opposing fees.
(15) The workforce has changed dramatically since 1900 – just 29,000 Americans today work in fishing and the number of job titles tracked by the Bureau of Labor Statistics has grown to almost 600 – everything from “animal trainers” to “wind turbine service technicians” (and there are even more sub categories).
(16) The fact that we’re tracking towards the hottest year on record should send chills through anyone who says they care about climate change – especially negotiators at the UN climate talks here in Lima,” said Samantha Smith, who heads WWF’s climate and energy initiative.
(17) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Beyoncé’s last album was an iTunes exclusive, with videos for every track.
(18) Cameras have been set up by the zoo to track his movements and footpaths in the area closed by the county council.
(19) Comparison of these tracks and the Hadar hominid foot fossils by Tuttle has led him to conclude that Australopithecus afarensis did not make the Tanzanian prints and that a more derived form of hominid is therefore indicated at Laetoli.
(20) A lot is being expected of rookie cornerbacks Desmond Trufant and Robert Alford, but defensive co-ordinator Mike Nolan has a good track record of keeping his units competitive.