(n.) Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling; independent right of possession, use, and control; sovereignty; supremacy.
(n.) Superior prominence; predominance; ascendency.
(n.) That which is governed; territory over which authority is exercised; the tract, district, or county, considered as subject; as, the dominions of a king. Also used figuratively; as, the dominion of the passions.
(n.) A supposed high order of angels; dominations. See Domination, 3.
Example Sentences:
(1) One exception to this rule is France, which once counted the Central African Republic amongst its dominions.
(2) The Dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa have assented to the new legislation, and the Free State Dail meets to-day.
(3) Thus, individual preganglionic axons do not require exclusive dominion over a particular part of a postsynaptic cell in order to maintain their connection with the cell.
(4) The Court upheld Pennsylvania's law defining medical emergency, as construed by the Court of Appeals; allowed a 24-hour waiting period for women who must 1st hear information about pregnancy and abortion to insure thoughtful informed consent; allowed a parental consent provision, with a judicial bypass; and allowed a recordkeeping and reporting requirement; but disallowed a spousal notification requirement, noting that "[a] State may not give to a man the kind of dominion over his wife that parents exercise over their children."
(5) A news helicopter hovered overhead, along with a swarm of television news trucks in what is ordinarily a tranquil meadow in a large, wooded section within sight of a roller coaster at the Kings Dominion amusement park along Interstate 95.
(6) Fortunes were made by the likes of Rockefeller, Mellon and Carnegie, living standards rose and, in 1890, the US Bureau of Census announced that there was no longer a frontier – the US, its laws and its dominion stretched "from sea to shining sea".
(7) The idea of taxing anybody on this "remittance basis" was introduced when income tax was first imposed - in 1799 - in order to allow those who owned land in his majesty's dominions to escape tax on their colonial wealth unless they brought it back to England.
(8) Some contentious issues may be clarified if this area of human dominion, namely control over genetic expression among offspring, is acknowledged to be the legitimate persisting concern of those who have produced sperm and ova after storage commences.
(9) It also insists that exercising the dominion granted to humankind in Genesis means tilling “ the whole Earth ”, transforming it “from wilderness to garden and ultimately to garden city”.
(10) When I met Boris in his office, the nucleus of his dominion, I glanced at his library.
(11) Ukip's total victory has transformed the electoral landscape for ever, from a world of three-party politics to a single-party dominion set to last 500,000 years.
(12) Mastery is a human response to difficult or stressful circumstances in which competency, control, and dominion have been gained over the experience of stress.
(13) Thomas Jefferson believed that the constitution should expire after 19 years, so that the dead would not have dominion over the living.
(14) But with the results out of the way, and the first chapter of what promises to be a long-running accounting inquiry complete, new boss Dave Lewis feels it is now safe to leave the country, at least for a couple of days, to inspect his dominion.
(15) This is in response to an increasingly aggressive China, which claims dominion over vast areas of the Pacific that the US considers international waters, and has alarmed smaller Asian neighbours by reigniting old territorial disputes, including confrontations over the South China Sea.
(16) If men turned away from "softness, play, emotional connection, all the so-called feminine attributes", society would reward the traditional man, if not with material wealth and political prominence, at least with dominion over wife and children.
(17) Another is the Canzuk concept, the dream of a free trade and free movement zone between the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – three nations from what used to be called the “white dominions”.
(18) Nine of 25 runners in the 1989 Old Dominion 100-mile Endurance Race took 800 mg of cimetidine 1 hr before the start and at 50 miles.
(19) They hit hard, as if their aim was to establish an "illimitable dominion over all".
(20) As Rick Santorum explained at an energy summit in Colorado : "We were put on this Earth as creatures of God to have dominion over the Earth … for our benefit not for the Earth's benefit."
(n.) The position or authority of a master; dominion; command; supremacy; superiority.
(n.) Superiority in war or competition; victory; triumph; preeminence.
(n.) Contest for superiority.
(n.) A masterly operation; a feat.
(n.) Specifically, the philosopher's stone.
(n.) The act process of mastering; the state of having mastered.
Example Sentences:
(1) Somewhat more children of both Head Start and the nursery school showed semantic mastery based on both heard and spoken identification for positions based on body-object relations (in, on, and under) than for those based on object-object relations (in fromt of, between, and in back of).
(2) The level of competency in the diagnosis and treatment of common and emergency disorders needed by nonophthalmologists is assessed and then translated into explicit objectives that specify the levels of mastery to be learned.
(3) But against the backdrop of centuries of “struggle for mastery” in Europe they remain remarkable.
(4) Ideas for further research relating humor to social competence, social cognition, and mastery motivation are discussed.
(5) In Study 3, three forms of experimenter-guided mastery imagery reduced AIDS social anxiety and increased AIDS altruism.
(6) Somewhat more children showed semantic mastery for the warn colors, orange and red, than for the cool colors, blue and green.
(7) The effects of mastery as a mediator of coping and stress are discussed, as well as the advisability of incorporating treatments that specifically address feelings of lack of control over stressful events into chronic pain programs, especially when marital problems are identified.
(8) Also, its relationship to two factors of mental health reported by participants in a multisession experimental intervention to increase personal control and mastery was assessed.
(9) The authors present the results of a one-year study showing equivalent mastery of basic psychiatric knowledge and skills and equally favorable student reactions after psychiatry clerkships on a consultation-liaison service and on other more traditional psychiatry services.
(10) Eventual mastery of the burdensome experience involves reorganization of the individual's "assumptive world," namely of his intrapsychic maps of external reality and his internal system for guiding and motivating his behavior, which have been disorganized by the loss of their anchorage in the ruptured attachment.
(11) These patients may experience delayed mastery of developmental tasks, intimacy, and independence and may have long-term psychological sequelae.
(12) It beat shows with higher ratings, perhaps reflecting that its young fan base had better mastery of the text and online voting.
(13) The occupational adaptation practice model emphasizes the creation of a therapeutic climate, the use of occupational activity, and the importance of relative mastery.
(14) He explores different meanings and arguments on both sides of the controversy and attempts to identify three therapeutic change agents that all schools of therapy share as the basis of their different techniques: affective experiencing, cognitive mastery, and behavioral regulation.
(15) For many items, parents reported earlier skill mastery, but parental and professional estimates eventually converged during adolescence.
(16) Mastery modeling enhanced perceived coping and cognitive control efficacy, decreased perceived vulnerability to assault, and reduced the incidence of intrusive negative thinking and anxiety arousal.
(17) It is provisionally suggested that enhancement of the perseveration represents an innate response to stressful stimuli, but as animals learn mastery over the response contingencies, the persistence in adopting such a response strategy wanes.
(18) Although one response is a paranoidlike reaction, aggression is also displayed directly in an attempt at mastery of the overwhelming frustration and life-threatening aspects of the ghetto.
(19) Power and achievement characteristics reported by the protege to be very important included mastery of concepts and ideas (55.2 per cent) and capacity to work hard (52.1 per cent).
(20) For example, principles of mastery learning, competency-based instruction, performance objectives, a systems approach to instructional design, and the evaluation of instruction as well as the instructional program should help ensure meaningful, relevant training and appropriate, effective instruction.