(a.) Pertaining to, or situated near, the back, or dorsum, of an animal or of one of its parts; notal; tergal; neural; as, the dorsal fin of a fish; the dorsal artery of the tongue; -- opposed to ventral.
(a.) Pertaining to the surface naturally inferior, as of a leaf.
(a.) Pertaining to the surface naturally superior, as of a creeping hepatic moss.
(a.) A hanging, usually of rich stuff, at the back of a throne, or of an altar, or in any similar position.
Example Sentences:
(1) Two small populations of GLY + neurons were observed outside of the named nuclei of the SOC; one was located dorsal to the LSO, near its dorsal hilus, and the other was identified near the medial pole of the LSO.
(2) It is concluded that in the mouse model the ability of buspirone to reduce the aversive response to a brightly illuminated area may reflect an anxiolytic action, that the dorsal raphe nucleus may be an important locus of action, and that the effects of buspirone may reflect an interaction at 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors.
(3) An opening wedge osteotomy is then directed posterior-dorsal to anterior-plantar, to effectively plantarflex the posterior aspect of the calcaneus.
(4) Rapid injection of 2 m Ci TC 99m into a dorsal vein of the foot produced isotope phlebograms with a Dyna camera 2 C.
(5) Using a monoclonal antibody against dopamine and a rabbit antiserum against serotonin, 5-methoxytryptamine or tryptamine, we were able to achieve the simultaneous localization of two amines in glutaraldehyde-fixed sections of rat dorsal raphe nuclei.
(6) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
(7) The pattern of results is consistent with a role for the dorsal bundle in attentional processes but appears to contradict the predictions required if the dorsal bundle were to have a role in frustrative nonreward.
(8) The Ca2+ channel current recorded under identical conditions in rat dorsal root ganglion neurones was less sensitive to blockade by PCP (IC50, 90 microM).
(9) Rats were injected subcutaneously with 10 ml of air into the dorsal skin to make an air-pouch and with 2 ml of antiserum at an appropriate dilution for passive sensitization, and then 5 ml of air was removed.
(10) Conservatively treated compressed fractures of the distal radius dorsal metaphysis healed despite primarily good reduction and consequent treatment with a decrease in dorsal length.
(11) One month after unilateral transection of the fimbria-fornix an almost complete lack of cholinergic fibers persists in all layers of the dorsal hippocampus and fascia dentata ipsilateral to the lesion when compared to the contralateral hippocampus or to unlesioned control rats.
(12) Three animals received unilateral lesions which included both the inferior parietal lobule and a portion of adjacent dorsal prestriate cortex (IPL-PS).
(13) We have characterized previously a model of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection of rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) following cutaneous infection.
(14) After intravenous or dorsal lymph sac injections of 3H-22:6, most of the retinal label was seen in rod photoreceptor cells.
(15) Spinal cord stimulation would suppress at least the dorsal horn neurons which were destroyed by various kinds of diseases.
(16) This study presents data supporting a selective antinociceptive role for DA at the spinal level, where it has a widespread antinociceptive influence, on cells in both the superficial and deeper dorsal horn.
(17) The first spinal nerve and the spinal accessory nerve (XI) have no sensory projections, but the second spinal nerve has typical projections along the dorsal funiculus of the spinal cord.
(18) Neurons containing moderate to high concentrations of ChE reaction product were found in 3 distinct regions of the dorsal thalamus.
(19) Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons cultured from neonatal rats contained high concentrations of protein kinase C (PKC).
(20) Stimulating the dorsal root at L5 was found to produce hindleg twitches in EAE rats with complete hindlimb paralysis.
(n.) The dorsal portion of an arthromere or somite of an articulate animal. See Illust. under Coleoptera.
Example Sentences:
(1) By the structure of hypopigium males belong to the group of the species A. mariae and A. pulchritarsis but differ from the former in smaller basal warts and approximated lobes of IXth tergite and from the latter in the square shape of phallosome, approximated lobes and in the absence of the thorn on the basal wart.
(2) Genetically marked clones are produced in the tergites in the embryo and in the sternites and pleura during larval life.
(3) Mitotic recombination was X-ray induced in larvae and clones scored in the tergites of emerged adults.
(4) The adults are characterized by 4 dark postsutural mesonotal vittae, 1-2 bristles dorsally on the stem vein, the hairs on the ventral surface of r4 + 5 confined to the vein base, and the predominantly orange-yellow tergite I + II.
(5) The microtrichia of abdominal tergite six and sometimes four and five of the males of ten species of Sergentomyia (Subgenera Grassomyia, Sintonius, Sergentomyia and Parrotomyia) were found to be dimorphic.
(6) If P element mutagenesis creates additional variation for quantitative traits, accelerated response to artificial selection of progeny of M female female X P male male strain crosses is expected, compared with that from progeny of P female female X M male male strain crosses.--Divergent artificial selection for number of bristles on the last abdominal tergite was carried out for 16 generations among the progeny of P-strain males (Harwich) and M-strain females (Canton-S) and also of M-strain males (Canton-S) and P-strain females (Harwich).
(7) This is particularly striking in clones in the wing disc, slightly so in clones in the tergites.
(8) Labeled grafts were reimplanted into paired animals to detect cytotoxicity as follows: grafts removed from under the second tergite were placed back into their original positions to serve as autograft controls; grafts removed from under the fourth tergite were reciprocally transferred between paired animals; and grafts were recovered after various time intervals and processed for scintillation counting.
(9) The main consequences of treatment were failed eclosions at higher alkaloid concentrations (10(-4) M), while lower concentrations (10(-5) M) permitted the eclosion of adults, but these showed abdominal abnormalities ranging from severe distortions to reduced numbers of tergite bristles.
(10) Most of this pheromone is produced by cells whose precursors on the blastoderm surface are very close to, or identical with, the blastoderm precursors of the tergites.
(11) The cuticular pattern elements and pigmentation in the fifth sternite of the male housefly, when compared to those of other segments as well as the tergites of both sexes, are quite distinct.
(12) Both Minute and non-Minute adult progeny from Minute mothers suffer from Minute maternal effects such as abdominal segmentation defects, fused tergites, and missing or defective legs and halteres.
(13) Making wounds across the border leads to greater effects on polarity of epidermal cells than making similar wounds elsewhere on the tergites.
(14) The females of A. rempeli differ from this species by light bands at the bases of tergites narrow to the middle.
(15) Transformations to abdominal tergite occurred primarily in cells taken from the eye region of the compound disc.
(16) Both tergite and sternite defects occurred, and duplications of parts of these structures were observed in both cases.
(17) Small quantity of cells innervating various tissues was found together with 3 varieties of neurones, located near the nervous trunks, as well as 4 pairs of the abdominal stretch receptors (one pair of unicellular and one pair of bicellular receptors in tergites and sternites).
(18) We have studied the clonal behaviour of some lethal alleles in genetic mosaics in the imaginal development of thorax, head and tergite epidermis.
(19) A translocation, T(2;3)Es that is associated with a lethal allele in one of these complementation groups is also broken at the engrailed (en) locus on the second chromosome and has a dominant phenotype that may be due to the expression of en in the anterior portion of the abdominal tergites where en is not normally expressed.
(20) In the subgenus: Parvidens, S. lesleyae males had dimorphic microtrichia on tergites five and six while those of S. heischi were monomorphic.