(1) In one of the cirrhotic patients, postmortem correlation of sonographic, angiographic, and pathological findings showed that the dilated vessels seen on sonography were cystic veins draining normally into the portal vein rather than portosystemic anastomoses.
(2) Intraperitoneal drain should therefore be used when choledochus has been explored.
(3) It is usually associated with a left superior caval vein draining into the coronary sinus and is frequently part of a complex congenital malformation of the heart.
(4) Ovarian venous concentrations of these four steroids from the side draining the tumor-bearing ovary were increased in 40 to 80% of the women.
(5) Radioactive lactic acid was detected in the drained perfusion solution with D(U-14C)-glucose, but not when D(U-14C)-fructose was used.
(6) Draining of thin films has thus a dehydrating effect as well as a sorting and ordering effect.
(7) Regarding ureters read as true positives on indirect study, if that ureter has ever shown reflux at any time, or if it drained a scarred kidney specificity was improved to 97% without changing the sensitivity.
(8) In tests on 13 cells pacing at a 200 mua drain without recharging, the simulated mean duration of pacing before total discharge was 4.8 years.
(9) An abscess of a lingual tonsil should be drained under general anesthesia, and lingual thyroid should be treated conservatively unless it produces obstructive symptoms.
(10) Among them 8 cases were coelio-drained for 24 hours with very little thin bloody drainage.
(11) Lymphocytes obtained from lymph nodes draining foot pads infected with R. conorii or R. akari demonstrated cross-reactivity similar to that found with immune spleen cells.
(12) The experiments show that the single cephalad channel venous island flap is perfused by and drains through its single cephalad vein.
(13) But it has a tainted reputation: the 2007 foot and mouth outbreak was traced to a leak from Pirbright’s drains.
(14) The well drained soils of the Suiá--Missu forest are very uniform, deep latosols (oxisols) of very dystrophic nature with pH (in water) between 4.0 and 5.0 (see table 2, p. 203).
(15) That would mark a controversial break from its existing policy, whereby the ECB offsets bond purchases by draining liquidity from the system in separate operations.
(16) In 13 growing pigs (mini-pigs) all veins draining the head of femur were ligated intra-abdominally.
(17) However, we demonstrate that topical exposure to DNTB causes activation of the draining lymph node in mice and the induction of contact sensitization in both rodents and a single human volunteer.
(18) The malformations over the surface drain into the superior sagittal sinus.
(19) Our current recommendation for initial treatment is excision of the primary tumor followed by irradiation with generous fields to include the primary tumor site and draining regional lymphatics to doses of 46-50 Gy in 2 Gy fractions.
(20) The region was perfused at constant flow through the aorta and drained at constant pressure from the inferior vena cava.
(imp. & p. p.) of Tire
(a.) Weary; fatigued; exhausted.
Example Sentences:
(1) As he sits in Athens wondering when the International Monetary Fund is going to deliver another bailout, George Papandreou might be tempted to hum a few lines of Tired of Waiting for You.
(2) I was so tired I just used to fall asleep on my feet.
(3) According to articles presented by Breitbart, Clinton is tired and ailing.
(4) That may sound familiar to Tottenham fans, who grew tired with their team’s aimless, sideways passing under André Villas-Boas.
(5) I’m personally sick and tired of Pristina and Belgrade, because we’ve been victimised by high politicians.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest The bridge connecting the Albanian and Serb parts of Mitrovica.
(6) An example calculation of rolling resistance for a polyurethane tire is given in detail.
(7) The extent of inadequate rest has prompted fears that many people are too tired to do their jobs properly, with some so sleep-deprived their brains are as confused as if they had consumed too much alcohol.
(8) Do you not get tired of the mass surveillance in this country?” Finicum told reporters.
(9) We’re tired of answering these questions,” one woman said.
(10) I’m tired, man.” But he hopes that it might be done quickly.
(11) I, along with many others, am tired of this toxic propaganda.
(12) Further the diabetics claimed to be more tired and diabetic males had more sexual concerns.
(13) Apart from that, it’s becoming increasingly tiring to see people posing about how there is no point voting because it’s all rigged, the politicians are all the same and the rest.
(14) In any case, people had tired of combative rhetoric and wanted softer platitudes.
(15) There is no guarantee of surgical success with such an injury but Murray was tiring of the constant reliance on pain killers to get through tough matches.
(16) The concentrations of 1-NP and airborne particulates changed significantly in all examined areas in parallel with the rise and fall of the frequencies of studded tire use.
(17) Transposable and interspersed repetitive elements (TIREs) are ubiquitous features of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.
(18) The players come to Australia tired and exhausted already because they’ve been going since mid-November.” Another issue is the way the women treat their practice time.
(19) But when you're tired, you've played in 94 or 95 minutes, players choose power rather than technique, rather than placing it.
(20) On the return journey, the tired passengers exchange smuggling anecdotes and safety tips.