(n.) The thoughts, or series of thoughts, or imaginary transactions, which occupy the mind during sleep; a sleeping vision.
(n.) A visionary scheme; a wild conceit; an idle fancy; a vagary; a revery; -- in this sense, applied to an imaginary or anticipated state of happiness; as, a dream of bliss; the dream of his youth.
(n.) To have ideas or images in the mind while in the state of sleep; to experience sleeping visions; -- often with of; as, to dream of a battle, or of an absent friend.
(n.) To let the mind run on in idle revery or vagary; to anticipate vaguely as a coming and happy reality; to have a visionary notion or idea; to imagine.
(v. t.) To have a dream of; to see, or have a vision of, in sleep, or in idle fancy; -- often followed by an objective clause.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the ketamine group, 36% of the patients complained of unpleasant dreams.
(2) That's why the big dreams have come from the smaller candidates such as the radical left's Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
(3) There are no oceans wide enough to stop us from dreaming.
(4) She has imbued me with the confidence of encouraging other girls to dream alternative futures that do not rely on FGM as a prerequisite.
(5) Crushing their dream of denying healthcare to millions of people will put them on that road to despair.
(6) Originally, it was to be named Le Reve, after one of the Picassos that Wynn and his wife own; but, as of last month, it is to be called Wynn Las Vegas, embodying a dream of a different kind.
(7) "I am doing the best for my child, helping her strive towards her dreams.
(8) According to Hairullo, it was always Nazarov’s dream to live lavishly and easily.
(9) It seems like an awfully long way from the ground.” He added: “When I was younger, I dreamed of being an astronaut, but I also wanted to be a policeman or a firebreather.
(10) The "Dream Toys" for Christmas list includes a few old favourites alongside some new, and sparkly, additions.
(11) Likud warned: “Peres will divide Jerusalem.” Arab states feared that his dream of a borderless Middle East spelled Israeli economic colonialism by stealth.
(12) Last night, in a dramatic announcement that led some to accuse him of playing God, Venter said the dream had come true, saying he had created an organism with manmade DNA .
(13) I met a mum there who said to me – this is what I’ve dreamed of for my child... ...proper uniforms, high standards... ...this is going to give my child a good start in life.
(14) A three-dimensional model of adult dreaming styles shows a close correspondence with other models representing frameworks of waking experience and interpersonal behavior.
(15) Bloody odd combination but those Orange Foam Headphones would blast those magnificent records into my developing brain over and over again" chernypyos – Björk's Human Behavior and Sinead O'Connor's Fire On Babylon: "bjork's 'human behavior' and sinead o'connor's "fire on babylon" oddly stick in my head from that one evening walking in the woods, breathing the damp air, and feeling pleasantly invisible" Pyromancer – REM – Automatic for the People Blood Sugar Sex Magic Pearl Jam - Vs RATM's first album Portishead Maxinquaye by Tricky Manic Street Preachers – Gold Against the Soul Smashing Pumpkins, Siamese Dream "I used to go to the local library and take out a CD (50p for 3 weeks!
(16) My dream is that one day, young kids in Nepal won’t have to risk working on the mountain as porters or guides, they will be able to get an education and build better lives for themselves,” Sherpa told AFP.
(17) He just never dreamed it would be life without parole,’ his sister said.
(18) Indeed, some of his ideas for fixing this broken American dream echo Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s – most notably a $1tn investment in public infrastructure, which Sanders claims would create 16m new jobs.
(19) I sat there thinking that in Canton we never had time to sleep, much less dream.” The late Edward Kennedy called it “the great aria of the civil rights movement”.
(20) He just never dreamed it would be life without parole.” Obama reduces sentences of 46 inmates convicted of nonviolent drug crimes Read more As his sister put it, Bennett “got caught up” in a five-man drug ring run by an old friend, John Hansley, to pay for his addiction to crack.
(n.) The act or state of vanishing away; disappearance; as, the evanescence of vapor, of a dream, of earthly plants or hopes.
Example Sentences:
(1) It is based on the selective evanescent field excitation of ligands adsorbed to supported planar bilayers on argon-sputtered glass plates.
(2) The reproducibility of findings on repeated examinations must mean that there is a local anatomical basis for the muscular impressions seen and that such contractions do not represent evanescent peristaltic type activity.
(3) Adult-onset Still's disease is characterized by high spiking fever, evanescent maculopapular rash and arthritis.
(4) As a follow-up of a preliminary trial, the therapeutic results obtained in 40 cases of acute and chronic dermatitis by the topical application of 10-undecen-1-yl-pseudothiourea hydroiodide (AHR-1911) in an evanescent vehicle containing triethanolamine stearate are presented.
(5) Digital ischaemia in the presence of an otherwise well-perfused foot in the non-diabetic patient presents diagnostic problems especially as the manifestations are frequently evanescent.
(6) Recently, we saw a patient with bilateral uveitis, evanescent cranial nerve palsies, and other clinical manifestations suggesting central nervous system and ocular sarcoidosis.
(7) The appropriate diagnosis of this syndrome may be overlooked because its presentation is frequently delayed, and its symptoms and signs are varied and frequently evanescent.
(8) Another young woman developed unilateral multiple evanescent white dot syndrome and central macular lesions typical of acute macular neuroretinopathy that appeared soon after the peripheral macular and juxtapapillary white lesions resolved.
(9) A combination of fluorescence excitation in the evanescent field and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching allowed us to measure the amount of adsorbed fluorescent lysozyme and the equilibrium exchange kinetics with molecules in solution.
(10) This aspect is usually described as "multiple evanescent white dot syndrome".
(11) That is, any water or choline group structure may be evanescent on this time scale.
(12) Lesions in the stomach generally disappeared in several days despite the continuation of stress; some duodenal lesions were equally evanescent, but in 2 monkeys, lesions lasted over a week.
(13) In contrast to these evanescent developmental sites, oxytocin receptors in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus only appeared in adulthood, presumably in response to the surge of gonadal steroids at puberty.
(14) The contention of the author is that--instead-sound bio-social principles, easily available from child psychiatry as a field, would provide a dynamic substructure that would not be voguish and evanescent.
(15) Multiple evanescent white-dot syndrome recurred in two men (23 and 44 years of age, respectively).
(16) The depression improved only evanescently after 17 ECT sessions but the hypothalamic-pituitary suppression cleared completely and permanently, based on responses to four metyrapone stress tests in a 2-year follow-up period.
(17) The clinical picture of these cases is differentiated from acute inflammatory diseases primarily involving the retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptors, and conforms to the multiple evanescent white dot syndrome that has recently been found in residents of the midwest region of the United States of America.
(18) Shifts in extracellular calcium either from high to low concentrations or vice versa elicited similar evanescent increases in expression of mRNA with a peak at 1 h. Synthesis of the peptide seems to be controlled by mRNA expression, and peptide in the medium appears to be continuously degraded or taken up by cells because its concentration in the medium showed a time course similar to that of mRNA expression.
(19) Thus, late potentials were both common and evanescent in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus.
(20) The derived intensity profiles are used to develop expressions for the shapes of fluorescence photobleaching recovery curves when evanescent interference patterns are used for fluorescence excitation and bleaching.