(n.) A visionary; one lost in wild imaginations or vain schemes of some anticipated good; as, a political dreamer.
Example Sentences:
(1) In 1945 Aneurin Bevan said: ‘We have been the dreamers, we have been the sufferers, and now, we are the builders.’ And my God, how they built.
(2) Our board of trustees already involves [the ice hockey player] Ilya Kovalchuk and his wife Nicole, and we are now negotiating with [the boxer] Roy Jones Jr, who recently received Russian citizenship.” It is clear that Shatov is an achiever more than than a dreamer – a down-to-earth character who will never forget where he came from.
(3) The two-year institution’s enrollment includes about 1,200 so-called Dreamers – undocumented students who were brought to the US illegally by their parents.
(4) If you are a DREAMER, immigration rights experts are suggesting that you do not apply for a temporary work permit if you don’t already have one as it could open up undocumented young people to possible deportation under a Trump administration.
(5) Three judges attempted to sort randomly selected dreams of normal college students and schizophrenic patients according to dreamer, night of occurrence, and sequential order within a night.
(6) As a sport, we mourn for Kirsty and remember her great contribution to swimming and the Loxton community.” Boden was a keen traveller and said she was “just your average dreamer, with a full-time job and a constant longing to go where I haven’t been”.
(7) The various forms that these dreams take and their characteristic thematic content were described for 154 dreams by 60 dreamers.
(8) Significant differences were found between the two groups, with eating-disordered women having more dream scenarios depicting themes of: impending doom at the end of the dream, attitudes of 'whatever I do I won't succeed', and images of the dreamer being attacked, and being watched.
(9) In dreams in which the dreamer was either the aggressor or victim, dreamers from the East coast were more likely to be the aggressor than those from the Midwest and West coast.
(10) He's a dreamer with a tendency to be unrealistic about things, which is a great quality for a director but less useful when it comes to crossing the road.
(11) "By GOD," Hilary gasps in episode one, possibly realising she has signed up for months of sitting in this dusty 90s hellhole with Perfect Peter Jones and know-it-all Theo having to entertain a dismal tribe of jabberers, snake-oil salesmen, "mumpreneurs" and emotionally adrift dreamers who researchers found in mid-afternoon Wetherspoons.
(12) An attempt is made to show how personal concerns of the dreamers are mediated through the culturally shared idiom of the saint.
(13) It was these motley collections of dreamers and bean-counters who began constructing massive, complex systems for seemingly private communication inside games.
(14) He also contends that the president’s deferral of deportations of young people who were brought to the US as children illegally by their parents – known as Dreamers – has acted as a magnet for illegal migrants.
(15) A single subject, a proficient lucid dreamer experienced with signaling the onset of lucidity (reflective consciousness of dreaming) by means of voluntary eye movements, spent 4 nonconsecutive nights in the sleep laboratory.
(16) She has played middling singers and capricious interns, dancers, dreamers and damsels in distress, and she has done so with such ease and abandon that the actor and her alter egos have a tendency to blur.
(17) Being able to make something physical makes an individual’s experience of being a fan unique,” says Erin Fae, a 33-year-old New Yorker who recently published the 96-page Mess of a Dreamer: A Taylor Swift Fanzine .
(18) Apart from wish fulfillment attributed to its content by Freud himself, this dream contains themes of the dreamer's creativity and points out the developmental state of psychoanalysis existing at that time.
(19) Most of the dreamers and visionaries had been shot in 1916, and a more pragmatic and conservative leadership concentrated totally on the nationalist goal of separation from the UK.
(20) It's known from the construction of one of Babbage's simpler machines, The Difference Engine No 2 , that he was no foolish dreamer.
(superl.) Abounding in dreams or given to dreaming; appropriate to, or like, dreams; visionary.
Example Sentences:
(1) While there's no discernible forró influence in the dreamy 80s indie-guitar music of Fortaleza's Cidadão Instigado, they do take influence from popular local style brega, a 1970s and 80s Brazilian romantic pop music.
(2) I think, in all honestly, if I could be Bradley Whitford I would be very, very happy.” He becomes almost drawlingly dreamy, rolling his “r”s as he leans against the warm oolite cliffs of this Jurassic Coast, until rudely interrupted by me, asking whether there’s talk of a Broadchurch 3 .
(3) Debating issues such as unemployment benefits and the rehabilitation of prisoners, I was suddenly propelled into the role of standalone lefty whose views were brandished "dreamy" and "irrational".
(4) Jack is played with dreamy intensity and later (as the realities of criminal life begin to kick in) with steely resolve by LaBeouf, who must be able to sympathise with Jack's predicament.
(5) As she spoke, McAllister, leaning on a lectern sipping water, had the dreamy-eyed look of someone listening to a nightclub crooner.
(6) But Brief Encounter has survived such threats, because it is so well made, because Laura's voiceover narration is truly anguished and dreamy, because the music suckers all of us, and because Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard are perfect.
(7) Lunch had an effect on mood, with subjects feeling more lethargic, feeble, clumsy, muzzy, dreamy, bored and mentally slow after the meal.
(8) Besides the latter movement disorders, "dreamy state", episodic amnesia ("ictal" amnesia) and amnestic "black out" as transient memory disorders have been observed.
(9) Nitrous oxide produced a variety of subjective effects, including some that are characteristic of psychedelic drugs, such as happy, euphoric mood changes, changes in body awareness and image, alterations of time perception, and experiences of a dreamy, detached reverie state.
(10) Or the dreamy sex expert inspired by the time Demetriou swiped right on Tinder.
(11) Politics are just one element in a dreamy, flowing landscape with no clear boundaries.
(12) ADD-H children were more day-dreamy and lethargic by teacher report, more impaired in perceptual-motor speed, and had more anxiety disorders among their relatives than did ADD+H children.
(13) Memory troubles like dreamy-state are due to a simultaneous impairment of some neo-cortical areas and of Ammon's horn.
(14) But if the meaning was a little vague, the clothes were pretty, and played the good-guys in this dystopian vision, with butter-wouldn’t-melt artist-smock shapes in dreamy chambray and broderie anglaise.
(15) Pentazocine, 45 mg intramuscularly, caused deterioration in tracking performance and was followed by reports of depression, gloominess, dreaminess, nausea, and injection site pain.
(16) In many ways, Comfort feels like a night-time counterpart to last year's dreamy Playin' Me by Cooly G, another debut album from a cutting-edge London producer overlooked by the Mercury panel: this year's shortlist may feature more dance albums than ever, but it's evident that those in charge simply don't know where to look beyond those whose commercial success makes them unignorable (Rudimental, Disclosure), or those that offer polite, 6music-friendly takes on dancefloor innovations of eight years ago (Jon Hopkins).
(17) It induces euphoria, a feeling of pleasant dreaminess.
(18) Six years ago, this dreamy spot drew British couple Emma and Ben Heywood to what would become Villa Miela, an old stone house they converted into the base for their Undiscovered Montenegro activity holidays.
(19) I even had a dreamy doctor boyfriend – a mastectomy specialist, not a gynecologist like Jon Fielding – who was ultimately unnerved by my growing contempt for the closet.
(20) He transformed Montreal from a provincial town to a global city, with a combination of dreamy ideas and tough-mindedness.