(superl.) Free from moisture; having little humidity or none; arid; not wet or moist; deficient in the natural or normal supply of moisture, as rain or fluid of any kind; -- said especially: (a) Of the weather: Free from rain or mist.
(superl.) Of vegetable matter: Free from juices or sap; not succulent; not green; as, dry wood or hay.
(superl.) Of animals: Not giving milk; as, the cow is dry.
(superl.) Of persons: Thirsty; needing drink.
(superl.) Of the eyes: Not shedding tears.
(superl.) Of certain morbid conditions, in which there is entire or comparative absence of moisture; as, dry gangrene; dry catarrh.
(superl.) Destitute of that which interests or amuses; barren; unembellished; jejune; plain.
(superl.) Characterized by a quality somewhat severe, grave, or hard; hence, sharp; keen; shrewd; quaint; as, a dry tone or manner; dry wit.
(superl.) Exhibiting a sharp, frigid preciseness of execution, or the want of a delicate contour in form, and of easy transition in coloring.
(a.) To make dry; to free from water, or from moisture of any kind, and by any means; to exsiccate; as, to dry the eyes; to dry one's tears; the wind dries the earth; to dry a wet cloth; to dry hay.
(v. i.) To grow dry; to become free from wetness, moisture, or juice; as, the road dries rapidly.
(v. i.) To evaporate wholly; to be exhaled; -- said of moisture, or a liquid; -- sometimes with up; as, the stream dries, or dries up.
(v. i.) To shrivel or wither; to lose vitality.
Example Sentences:
(1) Maximal yields of lipid and aflatoxin were obtained with 30% glucose, whereas mold growth, expressed as dry weight, was maximal when the medium contained 10% glucose.
(2) A 24-h test trial employing a dry target demonstrated a robust memory for the training manifested in passive avoidance behavior.
(3) Over the years the farm dams filled less frequently while the suburbs crept further into the countryside, their swimming pools oblivious to the great drying.
(4) It was shown that gradual recovery of spike wave patterns occurred from initial water swallowing to successive dry swalllowing.
(5) Mucosal drying medications and senile salivary gland atrophy seemed to contribute to the high frequency of sicca in this population with a lesser proportion of the subjects demonstrating previously undiagnosed Sjögren's and possible Sjögren's syndrome.
(6) Where the guanine content was more than or equal to 0.25% in the dry dust, mite numbers were higher than 10 mites per 0.1 g dust in 43 of the 44 samples.
(7) Reconstituted freeze dried allogeneic skin grafts contained virtually no blood, a phenomenon possibly analogous to the 'no reflow' phenomenon of microsurgery.
(8) In Humbo in Ethiopia , FMNR has re-greened 2,800 hectares: springs, dry for 30 years, are flowing again.
(9) 54% of patients in the rainy season were ELISA positive for RSV compared to 8.8% during the dry season.
(10) This study compares the effects of 60 minutes of ischemic arrest with profound topical hypothermia (10 dogs) on myocardial (1) blood flow and distribution (microspheres), (2) metabolism (oxygen and lactate), (3) water content (wet to dry weights), (4) compliance (intraventricular balloon), and (5) performance (isovolumetric function curves) with 180 minutes of cardiopulmonary bypass with the heart in the beating empty state (seven dogs).
(11) Healthbars such as Nakd fit this category and promise to deliver one of your five a day, based on the quantity of freeze-dried date paste used.
(12) Freeze-dried mannitol preparations were shown to be of a crystalline nature.
(13) The dried-specimen-teasing method appears useful, because of the ease of preparation of the specimens, its reproducibility, and the degree of visibility and preservation of cell surface structures and intraclonal relationships.
(14) The parameters of LES relaxation for both wet and dry swallows were similar using either a carefully placed single recording orifice or a Dent sleeve.
(15) The concentration of prey and the ciliate mean cell volume, dry weight, and number per milliliter were determined at known growth rates.
(16) The first stop in this arid place of poor farms and orchards clinging to the dry soil is Rafah, cut off by the border from its Palestinian counterpart.
(17) Percentage of dry tissue and protein concentration increased in parallel during the whole period.
(18) A clinical investigation was made between workers exposed to dried sewage sludge dust and age matched controls not exposed.
(19) During suction a flow of cold, dry room air replaces the warm, moist cavity air, causing cooling both directly and by vaporization of water.
(20) Patients with complaints of dry eyes and dry mouth but with no objective abnormalities served as control group.
(1) She loved us and we loved her.” “We would have loved to have had a little grandchild from her,” she says sadly.
(2) Wimbledon said the world No1 Williams had been suffering from a viral illness and it was a sad and bizarre end to the American’s tournament, not to mention a worrying sight, seeing her hardly able to play.
(3) Sadly, the bullet will not only kill off Greece’s future in Europe.
(4) Calum MacLean, Grangemouth Petrochemicals chairman, says, “This is a hugely sad day for everyone at Grangemouth.
(5) Sadly, the Jewish fanatic who assassinated Rabin in 1995 achieved his broader aim of derailing the peace train.
(6) It also devalues the courage of real whistleblowers who have used proper channels to hold our government accountable.” McCain added: “It is a sad, yet perhaps fitting commentary on President Obama’s failed national security policies that he would commute the sentence of an individual that endangered the lives of American troops, diplomats, and intelligence sources by leaking hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents to WikiLeaks, a virulently anti-American organisation that was a tool of Russia’s recent interference in our elections.” WikiLeaks last year published emails hacked from the accounts of the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.
(7) I watched as she made the briefest eye contact with me on their way back, the flicker of hurt and sadness in her eyes reflecting mine, before the shutters came down.
(8) Only at 3 days did total plasma volume of SAD rats show a modest reduction of about 16% (P less than 0.05 vs. sham-operated plus unoperated controls).
(9) These sad numbers show that more Washington spending, threats of higher taxes on small businesses, and excessive government regulations don't create a healthy environment for job growth," Boehner said.
(10) Thirty-two nursing students were shown silent films in which 10 normal and 10 schizophrenic women described a happy, sad, and an angry personal experience.
(11) World Wildlife Fund Great Barrier Reef campaigner Richard Leck said it was a sad day for the reef and anyone who cared about its future.
(12) It is so sad, we don’t let her go out even if the weather is nice,” he says.
(13) During interviews, married couples experiencing infertility reported emotional reactions such as sadness, depression, anger, confusion, desperation, hurt, embarrassment, and humiliation.
(14) Half of the rats in each group had SAD surgery 1 week prior to study.
(15) There’s an overwhelming sadness among kids like that who have been kept there for a very long time.
(16) It is sadly slightly the territory we have inherited,” he said.
(17) In a statement the family said they were left "extremely sad and disappointed" by the verdicts: "We appreciate the work and effort over the years since events on Broadwater Farm that night in trying to bring people to justice.
(18) Moreover, no differences were found in abnormal lung function patients with and those without SAD in demographic, clinical, roentgenologic, and serologic features and results of pulmonary function tests.
(19) It is sad that the BBC chose to give Nick Griffin a platform.
(20) The only thing I'd say is that I know, from people who've told me firsthand, that sadly mixed marriages can be a bit conflicted on everyday issues.