(1) Fairly frequently the patients complained about mucosal dryness and sporadically about dyspeptic symptoms, but these symptoms were not disturbing the course of the treatment.
(2) The acquisition of dryness is accelerated by eradication of bacteriuria and a sympathetic and energetic management regime, which should place responsibility on the child and result in the child voiding more frequently and completely.
(3) After evaporation to dryness, the residue is reconstituted in mobile phase.
(4) This therapy is done in three stages: (1) dryness (assessment and detoxification); (2) sobriety (achieving stable abstinence); and (3) wellness (using sobriety as a basis for personal growth and intimacy.
(5) The most relevant factors causing these differences were: saltiness, fluor flavor, stickiness, dryness, and uniformity of color.
(6) The main clinical neurological features were proximal lower limb weakness (100%), depressed tendon reflexes (94%) and dryness of the mouth (66%).
(7) Degree of atrophy correlated with physical thinness (p less than 0.01), low parity (p less than 0.01) and dryness on vaginal examination (p less than 0.001).
(8) Although there were great variations in individual responses, as a group these subjects preferred nonpreserved drops to reduce their symptoms of dryness.
(9) There were no significant differences in sputum production, sputum thickness, dyspnea, or mouth dryness among the 3 treatment periods.
(10) Cimetidine was extracted from alkalized plasma with ethyl acetate, washed once over hydrochloric acid, re-extracted into ethyl acetate, and the organic phase was evaporated to dryness.
(11) Up to 1 mL of plasma containing 2-MSP and an internal standard was extracted with 3 mL of methylene chloride, usually twice, evaporated to dryness, resuspended in mobile phase, and chromatographed on two 15-cm C8 reversed-phase LC columns in series.
(12) While vaginal dryness affects enjoyment and desire for intercourse, only dyspareunia was associated with a reduction in the frequency of intercourse.
(13) The observations recorded were the basic patterns of dryness, of infertile or of fertile mucus, and the transitions between patterns of mucus signs.
(14) Two methods for the competitive binding assay were tested: (1) a classical one (method A) defined as a 'two-step competition' because the E2 sample was first incubated alone, and then E2-beta-galactosidase conjugate was added; (2) and a new one (method B) also performed in two steps but in which the E2 sample was evaporated to dryness.
(15) Twenty-nine patients (12.3% of 236) reported unwanted 39 side effects, such as tremor (6.36%), headache (2.54%), dryness of the mouth (1.27%), cough (0.85%), and dizziness (0.85%).
(16) In some cases there was a marked additional fall of arterial pressure in the orthostatic position, a sensation of dryness in the mouth, weakness and mild somnolence.
(17) The most frequent side-effects were: tremor of bands, polydipsia, polyuria, increase in appetite, dryness of mouth, general muscular weakness and memory reduction.
(18) The acetone is taken to dryness and the residue is dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide.
(19) The substance is extracted from acidified plasma into benzene, the extract is evaporated to dryness and the residue is methylated with an alcohol-free solution of diazomethane and submitted to chromatography on a glass column packed with 3% OV-17.
(20) Troublesome complications were seen in 18 (36 per cent) patients, namely intermittent velopharyngeal incompetence in five (10 per cent), pharyngeal dryness in 11 (22 per cent) and loss of taste in five (10 per cent).
(n.) A moderate degree of wetness.
(n.) That which moistens or makes damp or wet; exuding fluid; liquid in small quantity.
Example Sentences:
(1) To investigate the physical state of water in hydrating biological macro-molecules, the dielectric properties of water in hen egg lysozyme pellets with various moisture contents were studied using the thermally stimulated depolarisation currents technique.
(2) The gravimetric or loss-on-drying method is no longer listed as the required method; the 1.0% moisture limit is no longer specifically stated in the regulation.
(3) These revisions were made to bring the regulation into line with changes in residual moisture testing methods and the results obtained when new testing methods were applied to the determination of residual moisture.
(4) Glass ionomer cements have the disadvantage of being vulnerable to moisture.
(5) Yet, when temperature of incubation, soil pH, soil moisture content and nitrite concentration were varied in the three soils, and with addition of nitrite reductase inhibitors, it appeared in one soil that NO production was partially a biological process.
(6) Moisture on the skin was shown to increase the discharge to a standard stimulus, probably by its softening effect on the stratum corneum.
(7) The respiration of grain and fungi results in a loss in dry matter as well as the production of heat and moisture which contribute to further spoilage.
(8) The isolates differed in their ability to grow and produce fusarin C on corn with different moisture contents (16, 20, 24, and 28%).
(9) Wet heat shock (60 degrees C, 90 s) and caffeine (3.8 X 10(-4) M) afford significant radioprotection against post-irradiation O2-dependent damage which develops in seeds of approximately 3.5% moisture content.
(10) Because these fungi are fast growing and require high moisture for growth and for enzyme synthesis, the danger of contamination by toxin-producing fungi would be minimal.
(11) Successful colonization and invasion of experimentally inoculated feathers required addition of moisture and elevation of relative humidity within the cultures.
(12) High-moisture ear corn (HMEC) was treated with specific bacterial inoculants and evaluated for its aerobic stability and utilization for growth by beef steers.
(13) Special attention has to be drawn on the problem of microbiological stability because of the necessarily high moisture content of the dispersion.
(14) Chemical composition (moisture, protein, and fat) was determined on the lean portion.
(15) The amount of moisture retained in the patch was also calculated.
(16) The lyophilisate, when exposed to moist atmospheres, picks up moisture to a constant weight.
(17) Inverted or disconjugate caloric nystagmus after air stimulation is much more frequently due to tympanic membrane perforation, or moisture in the external ear, than to central nervous system disease.
(18) Resorption of these substances via the bronchopulmonary tract and a resulting systemic action cannot be excluded, especially if additional active moisturizing devices are used.
(19) A novel analytical method is described for sensitive determination of moisture transmission characteristics of packaging systems.
(20) For that matter, mulching with bark, grit or slate will help keep the surface roots cooler and retain moisture in hot weather.