What's the difference between ducks and vocative?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) The move was confirmed by a Lib Dem aide, who said Tory claims to be green were "already a lame duck and are now dead in the water".
  • (2) The temperature of the anterior and middle hypothalamus of conscious Pekin ducks was altered with chronically implanted thermodes.
  • (3) Previous studies in the rat, mouse and duck had suggested that agents present in cigarette smoke might induce a cytochrome P450-mediated detoxication pathway, leading to protection against aflatoxin-induced primary liver cancer.
  • (4) Prolactin plasma concentrations decreased rapidly at the end of incubation in ducks which successfully hatched young as well as in unsuccessful incubators.
  • (5) From ducks A. laidlawii, M. anatis and various unclassified strains were isolated, among these M. anatis and unclassified arginine splitting mycoplasma strains proved to be pathogenic.
  • (6) The early phases of hepadnaviral infection were studied in primary duck hepatocyte cultures.
  • (7) In intact ducks changes in blood flow were recorded as changes in digital subcutaneous tissue temperature.
  • (8) But on Sunday night it was hard to duck the euphoria.
  • (9) In the Commons on Monday , John Whittingdale, the culture secretary who only in February chaired the committee that concluded “No future licence fee negotiations must be conducted in the way of the 2010 settlement”, ducked the invitation to explain how exactly the same thing had just happened again.
  • (10) He was never an intellectual; at Oxford, he did no work, and was proudest of playing squash and cricket for the university, though against Cambridge at Lord's he failed to take a wicket and made a duck.
  • (11) Adult mallard ducks fed 0, 2, 20, or 200 ppm of cadmium chloride in the diet were sacrificed at 30-day intervals and tissues were analyzed for cadmium.
  • (12) Typical herpesviral capsids and virions were seen in negatively-stained preparations of duck embryo fibroblasts.
  • (13) To study the effect of air sac pressures, a controllable pressure difference was produced between the air sac orifices of fixed duck lungs.
  • (14) Images of dead ducks in oil sands tailings pond have been plastered on billboards in Denver, Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis.
  • (15) You cannot now duck the fact that we have an electoral system which is completely out of step with the aspirations and hopes of millions of British people," he said.
  • (16) Three Newcastle disease viruses (NDV) isolated from wild ducks in Japan were evaluated for their biological activities, pathogenicity and immunogenicity against one-day-old chickens.
  • (17) With these synthetic peptides, radioimmunoassay systems for dog, rat, and duck C-peptides were developed.
  • (18) On the basis of the antiviral action of sulfated polyanions in human immunodeficiency virus and other viral infections, we studied the effect of dextran sulfate and heparin on duck hepatitis B virus infection.
  • (19) The (Na+ plus K+)-ATPase activities in salt gland homogenates increased 3- to 4-fold after saline treatment of ducks for 3 weeks.
  • (20) Compared with intact ducks, neither decerebration nor brain stem transection at the rostral mesencephalic (RM) level had any effect on development of diving bradycardia, or heart rate at the end of two-min dives.



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to calling; used in calling; specifically (Gram.), used in address; appellative; -- said of that case or form of the noun, pronoun, or adjective, in which a person or thing is addressed; as, Domine, O Lord.
  • (n.) The vocative case.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We report on experiences with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and the results of vocational rehabilitation.
  • (2) Being the decision-making agent, the rehabilitee must therefore be offered typical situational fragments of a possible educational and vocational future, intended on the one hand to inform him of occupational alternatives and, on the other, to provide initial experience.
  • (3) This empirical fact has in recent years been increasingly dealt with in pertinent German-language literature, the discussion clearly emphasizing the demand that programmes aimed at the vocational qualification of unemployed disabled persons be provided, along with accompanying measures.
  • (4) Education, vocational training and preparation for independent or assisted living situations are integral parts of management, and the pediatrician must be aware of community resources.
  • (5) 380 former patients with different diagnoses treated in a university medical center have been asked by a self developed questionnaire for their experiences in treatment and medical rehabilitation, their actual impairment in physical and vocational functioning, their estimation of rehabilitation success, their actual employment problems and the changes of job conditions due to cancer.
  • (6) Commonwealth annual funding for vocational education and training (VET) had increased by 25% in real terms since Labor came to office in 2007, amounting to more than $19bn, according to Rudd.
  • (7) The author then describes new approaches to improving the vocational integration of persons with epilepsy, by focussing on the one hand on extending the range of occupational assessment, and the adoption of new job placement assessment, and the adoption of new job placement strategies on the other, which concurrently seek to influence those factors that are detrimental to the occupational outlook of the person with a seizure disorder (notably frequent seizures, psychiatric problems, low educational levels, negative employer attitudes).
  • (8) David McCauley, acting industrial officer for the prison officer’s vocational branch of the Public Service Association, said this was just the latest in a long lines of method for getting drugs over walls.
  • (9) Ivanka Trump thinks she is in Beauty and the Beast: more like Macbeth | Jill Abramson Read more Later in the day, the White House spokesman, Sean Spicer, said Trump was due to visit Siemens’ Technische Akademie, a vocational training college, and US architect Peter Eisenmann’s Holocaust memorial.
  • (10) The stress on clinical staff is huge; shortages of key members of the team, high levels of demand and proposed contract changes are driving many to question their vocation and even to take strike action.
  • (11) The results indicate new ways for well-directed, disability-related promotion in vocational rehabilitation.
  • (12) Previous programmes to demobilise troops following the civil war with Sudan – by offering short-term vocational training, for example – have proved largely ineffective , raising questions about how such programmes should be structured and, crucially, who would fund them.
  • (13) Survivors in greater distress reported more problems in other areas of functioning, including sexual, social, vocational, and persistent conditioned nausea.
  • (14) -- this empirical study surveys the vocational and financial as well as the family and interpersonal situation of spinal cord-injured persons in the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • (15) A comparative analysis of the cases indicates that penal care measures are predominantly effective in those cases where the delinquents are subjected to intensive expert diagnosis, therapeutic care and vocational counselling and vocational aidmeasures at the commencement, during and subsequent to their respective periods of confinement.
  • (16) Most disabilities encountered by private vocational rehabilitationists are musculoskeletal injuries resulting from traumatic industrial accidents rather than congenital disabilities most often seen by the state's Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.
  • (17) It is totally unclear to them how they can get the skills needed for a successful career.” The report, Overlooked and Left Behind, argues that “a culture of inequality between vocational and academic routes to work” pervades the education system.
  • (18) Mr Hunt, your plans for the health service have revealed a worrying ignorance of the realities of life in the NHS, and your comments about our lack of professionalism and vocation are unspeakably insulting.
  • (19) Because of course nothing is more destructive of the sanctity of his own vocation than the suggestion that we simply don't need this kind of conservation – if that's what it really is – at all; that on the contrary, the entire "relaunch" is simply the bastard offspring of an orgiastic union between Mammon and science, consummated on the Stonehenge altar stone and observed by the fee-paying public.
  • (20) Improved social functioning of adolescents with behavioral disorders (BD) is of critical importance for the successful integration of these students in school, domestic, vocational, and community settings.