(n.) One who has been deceived or who is easily deceived; a gull; as, the dupe of a schemer.
(n.) To deceive; to trick; to mislead by imposing on one's credulity; to gull; as, dupe one by flattery.
Example Sentences:
(1) Meanwhile Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, waiting anxiously for news of the scale of the Labour advance in his first nationwide electoral test, will urge the electorate not to be duped by the promise of a coalition mark 2, predicting sham concessions by the Conservatives .
(2) 4.13am GMT 49ers 38 - Packers 24, 4:13 4th quarter On 4th & 1 on the GB 18, Kaepernick dupes the Packer line into jumping offsides...and they do!
(3) Vengeance and the wish to punish are understandable reactions to feeling duped and fooled.
(4) Years earlier, she had duped him into bankrolling her travels.
(5) She is very hurt that he duped her about who he was.
(6) Just hours after her admission, two Australian radio DJs impersonating the Queen and Prince of Wales duped hospital staff into divulging intimate medical details.
(7) Women are always "vulnerable" dupes, never simply adults who have made decisions.
(8) Duped by Mexico’s mafia: Guatemalan couple fall victim to border gang Read more After four years of fruitless appeals she entered the church on 7 August to escape a final deportation order that took effect the following day.
(9) A central question will be whether those smuggled were trafficked against their will or were duped into entering the UK illegally, possibly with the offer of a nonexistent job.
(10) He thinks the question of whether HP's shareholders were "duped" is irrelevant; Meg Whitman, the current chief executive, was one of those who approved the purchase as a director: "The management and directors of HPQ do not have what it takes to turn this company around.
(11) The trade-off is that she got the comfort, but others may now be duped,” he added.
(12) Veloso has consistently insisted she was duped into carrying 2.6kg of heroin into Indonesia.
(13) Physicians need to know how to avoid becoming duped, dated, impaired or "script doctors."
(14) "Heightened [military] pressure forced the LRA to try [its] time-tested tricks of buying time by duping the CAR authorities into 'negotiations' to purportedly allow Kony and his LRA to 'surrender' and resettle in Nzako, CAR," he said.
(15) Does he believe they did a good job, or does he share Brian Binley's fears that they were duped by City investors?
(16) Albany MP Peter Watson was particularly scathing, saying those who had encouraged Smith had “duped him” into thinking he had the numbers to succeed.
(17) The Australian made the most of the contact, collapsing in false agony - and then the aggressor tried to dupe the referee by doing the same.
(18) Ward said CTL's vetting procedures had been consistent with local standards, but that no amount of screening could ensure that firms won't be "duped by dishonest clients".
(19) Jackson said his sense the audience did not feel duped was supported by a "99.9% positive" response on Facebook and Twitter.
(20) Admittedly, this is one of the film's funnier parts, but it also dupes its female lead to an uncomfortable degree, a trend that continues throughout.
(a.) Hard; harsh; severe; rough; toilsome.
(a.) To last; to continue; to endure.
Example Sentences:
(1) Such anomalies can only be explained by a longue duree.
(2) Decorum prevents me from revealing the punchline," says Beau Dure.
(3) The wheat cDNA clone codes for a protein with ten tandem repeats of an 11 amino acid sequence and has homology to other Group 3 LEAs reported in barley, carrot, cotton and rape (L. Dure et al., Plant Mol Biol 12: 475-486, 1989).
(4) The deduced amino acid sequence shows a high degree (62.2%) of similarity to that of a protein that is abundant during late embryogenesis of cotton (LEA D34; Baker JC, Steele C, Dure III (1988) Plant Mol Biol 11: 227-291).
(5) Durings 18 months, clinical signs of the disease were noted in 2 animals only.
(6) The other 26 awoke and recovered spontaneous breathing within 1-4 h following the type of anaesthesia and operating procedure they had submitted, which dured from 15 to 330 min.
(7) This reacherys point out that nitriding plasma a durings increase and cutis greater capacity establish.