What's the difference between duse and ouse?



  • (n.) A demon or spirit. See Deuce.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) She grew up expecting a career in regional theatre, spent eight years at college studying the stage – only leaving at the age of 26 – named her dog after 19th-century Italian actor Eleanora Duse, and once said her father's profession meant that, when it came to the theatre, she "was like a homing pigeon.
  • (2) For them, Guillem descends straight from the stage divinities of the 19th century, "sacred monsters" such as Sarah Bernhardt and Eleanora Duse, after whom her latest project is named.
  • (3) B cell line GM 2606 (Akeson, A. L., D. A. Wiginton, M. R. Dusing, J. C. States, and J. J. Hutton.



  • (n. & v.) See Ooze.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) "It is almost as dan­ger­ous to be an ABT mem­ber as it is to encounter one," the Anti-Defamation League study says.
  • (2) The brains of monke guinea pigs asphyxiated at birth pletely resuscitated, and killed a ous times thereafter revealed no chial hemorrhages.
  • (3) Otherwise, just a mile or so north, in Newton-on- Ouse, there's the Dawnay Arms , an excellent gastropub.
  • (4) The path continues along the tree line, following the river Ouse south.
  • (5) Lane restrictions apply.” High-sided vehicles were also advised to avoid using the Ouse bridge on the M62 in Yorkshire.
  • (6) Five flood warnings were in place on Sunday for the north-east, with properties at risk from rising water levels in a number of rivers including the Ouse in York.
  • (7) The Ouse Washes reserve, part of the flood relief system for the Great Ouse river, was hit by flooding after the Environment Agency was forced to open sluices on to the washes to prevent floods elsewhere on the 150-mile river catchment.
  • (8) In York, the Ouse broke its banks, engulfing buildings in the city centre.
  • (9) The original working group has now formed itself into the Ouse Valley Energy Services Company Ltd, and with the help of government grants is rolling out subsidised renewable energy technologies across the area.
  • (10) The Humber Bridge and the M62 over the Ouse Bridge, near Howden, were both closed to high-sided vehicles.
  • (11) All are areas familiar with flooding, including Keswick campsite in Cumbria, the Ouse in central York and the Derwent at Stamford Bridge – site of the celebrated battle in 1066.
  • (12) He said the short-term impacts on the river Ouse would be minimal but measures had been put in place to protect the environment.
  • (13) The importance of this lies not only in the understanding of skilled manipulative activity but also in the avoidance of overuse syndrome (OUS) or repetitive strain injury (RSI).
  • (14) The RSPB said the agency was trying to find replacement land that could be managed for the birds to nest in, taking pressure off the Ouse Washes, an internationally important "special protected area" for birds.
  • (15) The estuaries and lower reaches of the Rivers Thames, Great Ouse, Severn and Broadlands are prone to the invasion of up to 20 different invasive Ponto-Caspian species and for this reason are considered potential hot-spots of invasion.
  • (16) The wine, the food, the excellent transport systems, the clogs ... and the greatest golfers in the world”, great European rivers “like the Rhine ... or the Ouse”, and even quotes a 2 Unlimited lyric.
  • (17) The occurrence of cervical cancer among 511 inmates of the Detroit H ouse of Correction was investigated.
  • (18) Environment Agency flood warnings were in force on the river Ouse at Naburn near York and at Keswick on Derwentwater in Cumbria and there were a further 32 alerts to the possibility of flooding in England and Wales, 17 of them in south-west England.
  • (19) During surgery, three adenomat--ous polyps were found; three Leionas and one Neurnoma.
  • (20) The source of infections was so-called special public bath-ouse which accounted for about 31.8% of all cases which however, was lower than the 50% in Honshu island.

Words possibly related to "duse"

Words possibly related to "ouse"