(n.) Fine, dry particles of earth or other matter, so comminuted that they may be raised and wafted by the wind; that which is crumbled too minute portions; fine powder; as, clouds of dust; bone dust.
(n.) A single particle of earth or other matter.
(n.) The earth, as the resting place of the dead.
(n.) The earthy remains of bodies once alive; the remains of the human body.
(n.) Figuratively, a worthless thing.
(n.) Figuratively, a low or mean condition.
(n.) Gold dust
(n.) Coined money; cash.
(v. t.) To free from dust; to brush, wipe, or sweep away dust from; as, to dust a table or a floor.
(v. t.) To sprinkle with dust.
(v. t.) To reduce to a fine powder; to levigate.
Example Sentences:
(1) The antigenic composition of an extract of rat dust, as a source of aeroallergens for rat-sensitive individuals, has been investigated and compared to the antigenic composition of rat saliva and urine.
(2) At the end of the dusting period those animals treated with normally charged dust had significantly more chrysotile retained in their lungs than animals exposed to discharged dust.
(3) Differences between mean durations of dust exposure of workers with radiographic signs of lung fibrosis and those without such signs were statistically insignificant.
(4) Where the guanine content was more than or equal to 0.25% in the dry dust, mite numbers were higher than 10 mites per 0.1 g dust in 43 of the 44 samples.
(5) The contents of hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), in grinding dust were undetectable.
(6) The results of pathohistologic investigations are objectively demonstrated through a chart of morphological traits, thus facilitating the identification of the diagnostical morphological traits caused by different industrial dusts.
(7) A clinical investigation was made between workers exposed to dried sewage sludge dust and age matched controls not exposed.
(8) The median exposure of total dust was well below the Swedish threshold value, and the exposure of mould and bacteria was also low.
(9) Mattress dusts from the beds of 51 asthmatic children with positive skin tests to house dust mite were assayed for Der p I, Fel d I and certain viable fungi.
(10) According to the quantitative analysis between threshold titers of skin test and RAST titers using house dust and HD mites allergens, specific IgE production shall be decreased in the patients over 40 years old.
(11) Both the observance of occupational limit-values for dusts and other harmful materials at the work place, which have effects on the respiration system, and the medical survey of workers with the use of special methods for examination of respiratory system are necessary.
(12) Further, investigation of electrokinetic properties of these dusts by electrophoretic quasielastic light scattering is described.
(13) We have recently demonstrated in vitro a potential biological mechanism which could occur in vivo upon inhaling airborne graon dust, thereby constituting a potential inflammatory insult to the respiratory tracts of grain workers.
(14) After allowance for the fact that regression analyses suggested that the proportion of tremolite in dust was probably 2.5 times higher in Thetford Mines, Quebec, than in Charleston, the results from both matched pair and stratification analyses of tremolite fibre concentrations in lung were almost the same as for chrysotile.
(15) In vitro exposure of macrophages and neutrophils to inorganic dusts can enhance their oxidative metabolism, however the effects of inorganic dust inhalation on lung-inflammatory cell-oxidative metabolism remain unknown.
(16) Fifty asthmatics, candidates for hyposensitization with the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp), went through a series of allergy tests to evaluate the sensitivity of different organs to Dp.
(17) Specified cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of coal dust extract (mixture of solvent extractions of bituminous coal nitrosated by NaNO2) were investigated because of the association of an excess risk of gastric cancer in coal miners.
(18) History is littered with examples of byelection sensations that soon turned to dust.
(19) Inhalant allergens as mite house dust, animal danders, pollens, molds and food allergens are considered, now, to be the most sensitizing agents.
(20) Water from the reactors that were the source of Sonoda's drink is being used to spray trees to limit the buildup of dust and prevent fires.
(v. i.) To talk much and idly; to prate; hence, to talk lightly and artlessly, like a child; to utter child's talk.
(v. t.) To utter as prattle; to babble; as, to prattle treason.
(n.) Trifling or childish tattle; empty talk; loquacity on trivial subjects; prate; babble.
Example Sentences:
(1) The talk coming from senior Tories – at least some of whom have the grace to squirm when questioned on this topic – suggesting that it's all terribly complicated, that it was a long time ago and that even SS members were, in some ways, themselves victims, is uncomfortably close to the kind of prattle we used to hear from those we called Holocaust revisionists.
(2) An immensely cerebral man, who trained himself to need only six hours of sleep - believing that a woman should have seven and only a fool eight - Mishcon was not a man given to small talk, nor one who would tolerate prattle for the sake of it.
(3) Comparisons between present-day China and the soulless, dreary totalitarian socialist state immortalised in Orwell's masterpiece are difficult to sustain after seeing clutch after clutch of Chinese teenagers, dressed in the latest quasi-Japanophile fashion, walk down a mobbed Beijing pedestrian shopping arcade nibbling at bouquets of candy floss and prattling on as if the phrase "commodity fetishism" had never crossed their young lips.
(4) The opening prattle this week is all about the seven deadly sins.
(5) I think they're about to escort me from the building for prattling on in an unGuardian manner.
(6) Melancholia itself would have been talking point enough without Von Trier's prattling.
(7) These days depression is the stuff of postprandial dinner-party prattle, but Plath explored the condition with no sense of its being a "condition" that others shared, no established therapeutic vocabulary, and no Prozac.
(8) The South Americans have played 25 games, and are guaranteed to play two more including tomorrow's match • Three of Diego Forlán's four goals in World Cup finals history have come from outside the box 7:10pm: As ITV's panel prattling on about how surprising it is to see harmony in the Dutch camp - exagerrating the divisions of the past and reinforcing the view that English society remains stubbornly anti-intellectual (and anti-male knitting), afraid of anyone who does not fear to speak his mind - let's see what's happening in Uruguay.
(9) Anyway, I won't prattle on for there is more live action to be found: San Jose Earthquakes vs LA Galaxy is about to kick off.
(10) Or it could be that the Sun loves me when I'm a prattling, giggling, Essex boy "Shagger of the Year", when I'm in my proper place, beneath vacuous headlines, herding their flock towards dumb lingo and crap bingo, when I'm being cheeky on MTV or even unwisely invading answerphones, in a way that many would argue, is less offensive than the manner that they are alleged to have done.
(11) Inexperienced MPs who prattle on about deeper UK involvement in Syria don’t yet grasp how merely symbolic much of it is nowadays.
(12) When I hear him prattle on inanely I can imagine how Neil Lennon felt when the Geordie dullard kicked him in the head."
(13) 2.30pm BST If you'd like to see me, Ian Prior, Barry Glendenning and Owen Gibson prattling on in front of a camera about Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement, then you're in luck!
(14) The forced cheerfulness of Nicholson's earlier scenes with the hotel manager are a sharp contrast to the sense of anger and tension as he drives and listens to his wife and son prattle on.