What's the difference between dye and woad?



  • (v. t.) To stain; to color; to give a new and permanent color to, as by the application of dyestuffs.
  • (n.) Color produced by dyeing.
  • (n.) Material used for dyeing; a dyestuff.
  • (n.) Same as Die, a lot.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The most successful dyes were phenocyanin TC, gallein, fluorone black, alizarin cyanin BB and alizarin blue S. Celestin blue B with an iron mordant is quite successful if properly handled to prevent gelling of solutions.
  • (2) The actions of the polyvalent cationic dye Ruthenium Red and the enzyme neuraminidase were studied at the frog neuromuscular junction.
  • (3) Significant increases in the extravasation of dye were observed in both animal groups sensitized with IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies.
  • (4) While the reduced form of the "derived" polyphenolic compounds, generated during tissue homogenization, appeared to enhance dye binding with bovine serum albumin, their influence on the protein assay directly in crude homogenates was extremely diverse.
  • (5) To selectively stain polyanionic macromolecules of growth plate cartilage and to prevent artifacts induced by aqueous fixation, proximal tibial growth plates were excised from rats, slam-frozen, and freeze-substituted in 100% methanol containing the cationic dye Alcian blue.
  • (6) This dye is concentrated and secreted by the parietal cells.
  • (7) The rhodamine 123-induced growth inhibition was partially reversed by treating the dye-pre-exposed infected erythrocytes with the proton ionophore carbonyl-cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, which dissipates transmembrane proton gradients.
  • (8) The duration of electrophoresis was based on the migration of a marker dye for a predetermined distance.
  • (9) Effects of fixation with glutaraldehyde (GA), glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide (GA-OsO(4)), and osmium tetroxide (OsO(4)) on ion and ATP content, cell volume, vital dye staining, and stability to mechanical and thermal stress were studied in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (EATC).
  • (10) By using pH- or Ca(2+)-sensitive dyes and recording at the ion-sensitive and -insensitive (isosbestic) wavelengths, the method can measure both cell volume changes and intracellular ionic activities.
  • (11) An argon dye laser system with lambda em=630 nm (400 mW cm-2) was used for PDT with a total light dose of 400 J cm-2.
  • (12) In a complete system, consisting of a dye-donor couple, ferredoxin, thioredoxin and ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase, light activation of purified spinach fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase was observed in vitro.
  • (13) When given 30 min after acetic acid instillation SC-41930 prevented the rise in myeloperoxidase and dye extravasation observed in the acetic acid inflammed tissue.
  • (14) A comparison was made between the Q's estimated by the CO2 rebreathing method during tethered swimming and previously published data on Q determined by the dye-dilution method during free swimming in a flune.
  • (15) A novel staining procedure for enumerating osteoclasts on neonatal mouse calvaria with the vital fluorescent dye acridine orange is described.
  • (16) Thus, angiographic dye appears to decrease heart rate by a direct effect on pacemaker tissue and by reflex vagal suppression of the sinus pacemaker.
  • (17) The purpose of this study was to compare the level of apical dye penetration when different sealers were used.
  • (18) This protein which we call CBP-58 bears similarities to the endoplasmic reticulum protein, calreticulin, in that it has a pI of 4.7 containing approximately 30% glutamate and aspartate, has a high capacity for calcium, and stains blue with the carbocyanine dye, 'Stains-all'.
  • (19) Minced and triturated fragments from the spinal cord of normal rat fetuses (15-18 days gestation) labeled with the fluorescent dye fast blue (FB) were successfully transplanted into juvenile myelin-deficient rat spinal cord under direct observation.
  • (20) In vitro, the soluble core PEI and membrane both bound reactive substances of limited aqueous stability, such as from [14C]N-methyl-N-nitrosourea ([14C]NMU), and aqueous stable dyes of molecular weight up to 1000.



  • (n.) An herbaceous cruciferous plant (Isatis tinctoria). It was formerly cultivated for the blue coloring matter derived from its leaves.
  • (n.) A blue dyestuff, or coloring matter, consisting of the powdered and fermented leaves of the Isatis tinctoria. It is now superseded by indigo, but is somewhat used with indigo as a ferment in dyeing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) N.m.r.-, magnetic-c.d.- and e.p.r.-spectroscopic studies of oxidized and reduced cytochrome f from charlock, rape and woad are reported.
  • (2) Well, most people outside Ukip’s woad-wearing tendency and the wilder shores of Tory little Englanderism can probably say yes to that.