What's the difference between ebb and recede?



  • (n.) The European bunting.
  • (n.) The reflux or flowing back of the tide; the return of the tidal wave toward the sea; -- opposed to flood; as, the boats will go out on the ebb.
  • (n.) The state or time of passing away; a falling from a better to a worse state; low state or condition; decline; decay.
  • (v. i.) To flow back; to return, as the water of a tide toward the ocean; -- opposed to flow.
  • (v. i.) To return or fall back from a better to a worse state; to decline; to decay; to recede.
  • (v. t.) To cause to flow back.
  • (a.) Receding; going out; falling; shallow; low.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In such circumstances faith in the project inevitably ebbs among the faithful.
  • (2) Hytner announced a new initiative to help two regional theatres with fundraising – an increasing source of income in the arts as public money ebbs.
  • (3) "I don't know why," he says, but it's something that didn't even happen at his lowest ebb: amid the bleakness of the early 70s, he somehow kept sporadically producing incredible songs: Til I Die, This Whole World, Sail On Sailor… There's always touring, however.
  • (4) It exacerbates an environment of disaffection and disempowerment and does nothing but isolate the very community that best understands these challenges.” Race relations have reached a low ebb following the release of the government’s anti-terrorism laws, which many Muslims say have dredged up Islamophobia in the community by equating terrorism with Islam.
  • (5) CaM-independent basal Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase, Na+-K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase were not effect at 1.0 microM of EBB at which CaM-dependent Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase was already potently inhibited.
  • (6) This finding may have particular meaning in the very young animal when natural antibodies are at ebb: cellular defense mechanisms may function less efficiently at this time and effect a greater reliance on humoral antibacterial systems.
  • (7) Loyalist communities in particular are at their very lowest ebb socially, politically and economically.
  • (8) We needed to basically build an organisation that was part of the ebb and flow of the internet,” he said.
  • (9) He said the prime minister had broken a pre-election promise not to have any "top-down re-organisation of the NHS" and told him: "Every day he fights for this bill, every day trust in him on the NHS ebbs away, every day it becomes clearer the NHS is not safe in his hands."
  • (10) On the other hand, the Brahms Third Symphony that he brought to London with his orchestra in 1998 still revealed a masterly control of ebb and flow in a work which Abbado had always regarded as one of the most difficult to conduct from the technical point of view.
  • (11) Total coronary resistance (TCR) increasing effect of Ni ions was significantly augmented during the first 2-3 hours after burn and bleeding (ebb phase).
  • (12) When glucagon was administered to the rats in the ebb phase, RME increased significantly.
  • (13) In his mid-80s, in his conservatory at home in Essex, he summarised the order of his interests as "travelling, writing and growing lilies"; he travelled before he turned writer, beginning in the relatively incorruptible Spain of the early 1930s, and going on for more than 60 years to observe the ebb and flow of governments, the dissolution of indigenous tribal cultures and the activities of missionaries, bandits, profiteers and political scene-shifters.
  • (14) Yet it will almost certainly ebb again, as policymakers and publics react, security services adapt and the militants suffer attrition of every sort.
  • (15) Interest in mental deficiency was at low ebb in the 19th century.
  • (16) Returning to the musical theatre after Company, he provided the book for the John Kander-Fred Ebb musical The Act (1977) which served as an excellent vehicle for the singing, dancing and acting talents of Liza Minnelli.
  • (17) There was an ebb and flow to the tie, with Moussa Sissoko in barrelling form.
  • (18) The battle between countervailing factions in the Trump White House continues to ebb and flow, but the president’s reflexes in times of adversity lead him to fall back on the “America First” narrative that got him elected in the first place.
  • (19) Nightwork not only taps into the "low ebb" of certain circadian performance rhythms, it also involves sleep disruption, social and domestic disruption, and the chronic equivalent of jet lag, all of which can radically affect performance and safety.
  • (20) The action of HIP2 and APT4 could be obviously inhibited by the calmodulin inhibitor EBB.



  • (v. i.) To move back; to retreat; to withdraw.
  • (v. i.) To withdraw a claim or pretension; to desist; to relinquish what had been proposed or asserted; as, to recede from a demand or proposition.
  • (v. i.) To cede back; to grant or yield again to a former possessor; as, to recede conquered territory.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Whereas the abdominal pain subsided rapidly under oxygen therapy and liquid nourishment, the radiological changes receded gradually.
  • (2) If the role of surgery has receded somewhat in other areas of gynaecological cancer, the reverse would seem to be true in ovarian cancer.
  • (3) Here's the details: • EU COMMISSION FORECASTS FRENCH DEFICIT AT 4.1% OF GDP IN 2013, 3.8% IN 2014, 3.7% IN 2015 • EU COMMISSION FORECASTS ITALIAN DEFICIT AT 3.0% OF GDP IN 2013, 2.7% IN 2014, 2.5% IN 2015 • EU COMMISSION FORECASTS SPANISH DEFICIT AT 6.8% OF GDP IN 2013, 5.9% IN 2014, 6.6% IN 2015 • EU COMMISSION FORECASTS GREEK DEFICIT AT 13.5% OF GDP IN 2013, 2.0% IN 2014, 1.1% IN 2015 • EU COMMISSION FORECASTS PORTUGUESE DEFICIT AT 5.9% OF GDP IN 2013, 4.0% IN 2014, 2.5% IN 2015 • EU COMMISSION FORECASTS CYPRUS DEFICIT AT 8.3% OF GDP IN 2013, 8.4% IN 2014, 6.3% IN 2015 Sony Kapoor of the ReDefine thinktank tweets that the forecasts show that European leaders should not be talking about the crisis being over, even though the risk of the euro breaking up has receded.
  • (4) Attacks provoked by glyceryl trinitrate appeared to begin when the vasodilatory effect of this substance was receding.
  • (5) Now is the time to help our neighbours in distress, listen to their stories, and remember them when the floodwaters recede.
  • (6) It’s time for governments, business and people the world over to respond and the most obvious place to start is by calling a halt to Shell’s reckless search for Arctic oil.” NSIDC is yet to provide a full analysis of this year’s melt, noting that there is a chance that changing wind patterns or low season melt could see the ice recede further.
  • (7) However, tuberculosis has not receded uniformly among all segments of the population.
  • (8) Increased activity persists in the high density lipoproteins after the lipemia recedes.
  • (9) We are up against a very strong king tide so some of the floodwater will take time to recede.” New Zealand prime minister Bill English addressed the situation on social media on Saturday.
  • (10) Over the decades, the Mauna Loa readings, made famous in Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth, show the CO2 level rising and falling each year as foliage across the northern hemisphere blooms in spring and recedes in autumn.
  • (11) During the further course of treatment the symptoms receded under heparin and phenprocoumon over a period of 8 months, except for hemiparesis on the left side especially affecting the arm.
  • (12) His pencil or pastel notes, readjusts, notes again with more emphasis the advancing or receding edge of a continually moving body.
  • (13) These glaciers are receding world-wide, in the Himalayas, Andes and Rocky Mountains.
  • (14) These are reciprocal schemes which in turn become progressively anonymous as they recede away from the face to face situation.
  • (15) The sensomotoric and speech symptoms receded only slightly.
  • (16) Lung function normalised during this treatment course, radiological findings and antibody titres receded.
  • (17) The concept of a regional solution has gradually receded further into the background.
  • (18) The chorea receded and disappeared as the patient became euthyroid.
  • (19) Addressing concerns over her health, Clinton told 60 Minutes that she still had some lingering effects from the concussion that led to her blood clot, but that the doctors had told her that they would recede.
  • (20) Responses including a cellular infiltrate in the anterior chamber, protein extravasation, and iris vessel dilatation became evident within six hours, peaked at 24 hours, and began to recede by 48 to 72 hours after the injection.