What's the difference between eclipsis and ellipsis?



Example Sentences:



  • (n.) Omission; a figure of syntax, by which one or more words, which are obviously understood, are omitted; as, the virtues I admire, for, the virtues which I admire.
  • (n.) An ellipse.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Several features of tumor cell nuclei were measured, including area, surface, major and minor axis of best fitting ellipsis and extinction (DNA content).
  • (2) During the fetal period the organs under study take the shape of the ellipsis since the width-thickness dimensions dominate over the length dimensions.
  • (3) • Rachel Warren, UEA, to Rita Yu, UEA, 19 August 2008 (email 310) This is a clear illustration of the danger of people posting excerpts online using ellipsis (...).
  • (4) Dependent variables included lexicalization versus ellipsis, pronominalization, and definite and indefinite article use.
  • (5) Subject ellipsis was particularly strong, as it is in normal Hungarian.
  • (6) The direction of the main axis to the best fitting ellipsis according to the nuclear size was used for construction of the Johnson-Mehl diagrams.
  • (7) In the measurement model, a microvessel intersection figure is considered as an ellipsis.
  • (8) The number of cohesive ties increased with both age and MLU, due to increased pronominal reference and conjunctions (while clausal and verbal ellipsis decreased).

Words possibly related to "eclipsis"