(n.) The lengthening of a syllable from short to long.
Example Sentences:
(1) Pleural lesions, bronchial ectasis and mediastinal and hilar lymph node changes could be diagnosed.
(2) The X-ray results have been classified according to the following points of view: milk duct ectasies, milk duct cysts, ectasies and cysts, intracanalicular proliferations and the so called "normal" duct system.
(3) Such character is enhanced when estrogens are used, disappearing ductal ectasis, becoming evident a granulation tissue of strange body in phagocytic activity and in contact with the pellet.
(4) These observations can be compared to multiple osteolyses and be grouped together under the name of "intraosseous capillary ectasies".
(5) The normal medical treatment for simple somnipathy is of no success in a prison and the prisoners abuse the normally used medicaments to get into a state of ectasy.
(6) The Authors, on the basis of 9 casual radiographic observations of thoracic aortic ectasy in subjects affected of neoplasms and previously treated with antitumoral drugs, hypothesize a possible correlation between the use of adriamycin and the appearance of the aortic lesion.
(7) A patient operated upon for acalculous cholecystitis was later found to have Caroli's disease, congenital ectasis of intrahepatic bile ducts.
(8) Besides malformation of the glandular duct like stenosis and ectasis, functional factors like the character of salivary secretion are suspected as being responsible for the disease.
(9) Histologic examination demonstrated typical cystic ectasies of all glandular ducts in the esophagus; they appeared on radiologic examination and are visible at endoscopy as little yellowish cystic lesions.
(10) Histologically, cryonecrosis showed capillary ectasis with hyperemia.
(11) Main finding is a heavy granulocytic infiltration of the subsynovial stratum, similar to that seen in non-specific purulent inflammation, accompanied by marked ectasis and hyperaemia of the synovial vessels.
(12) 1) What form does AAA take: an atheromatous, spindle-shaped and partially thrombotic ectasis.
(13) Menometrorrhagia and hypermenorrhoea are often present in patients who also suffer from a state of insufficiency of the utero-adnexal venous system interpretable as a clinical entity of system pathology and accompanied by pictures of acquired venous ectasis.
(14) In the lumen, stenosis, obstruction, ectasis, and deformation due to pressure were recognized, in addition to excessive secretion and pigmentation as morphologic abnormalities or abnormal findings at bifurcation.
(15) In contrast to other studies which included only patients with blunting and ectasis even cases without blunting of the fornices have a clinical symptomatology.
(16) Overt shrinkage of bronchial dimension was demonstrated in chronic obstructive bronchiolitis; in both diffuse panbronchiolitis (DPB) and broncho-bronchiolitis obliterans (BBO), narrowing of the peripheral airways combined with ectasis of the proximal bronchi proved to be a common feature.
(17) Different methods suitable for management of these vascular ectasies are briefly reported.
(18) Report on 2 patients, with a mediastinal enlargement at the right tracheobronchial angle revealing an ectasis of the orifice of vena-azygos.
(19) They may be functional (Graham-Steel-murmurs, for instance with idiopathic pulmonary ectasis or pulmonary hypertension), but are more and more the symptom of postoperative pulmonary insufficiency.
(20) A seven-year-old boy, who complained of painless swelling mass over the right neck on exertion, was diagnosed as right internal jugular vein ectasis by the duplex Doppler ultrasound.
(n.) An elementary sound, or a combination of elementary sounds, uttered together, or with a single effort or impulse of the voice, and constituting a word or a part of a word. In other terms, it is a vowel or a diphtong, either by itself or flanked by one or more consonants, the whole produced by a single impulse or utterance. One of the liquids, l, m, n, may fill the place of a vowel in a syllable. Adjoining syllables in a word or phrase need not to be marked off by a pause, but only by such an abatement and renewal, or reenforcement, of the stress as to give the feeling of separate impulses. See Guide to Pronunciation, /275.
(n.) In writing and printing, a part of a word, separated from the rest, and capable of being pronounced by a single impulse of the voice. It may or may not correspond to a syllable in the spoken language.
(n.) A small part of a sentence or discourse; anything concise or short; a particle.
(v. t.) To pronounce the syllables of; to utter; to articulate.
Example Sentences:
(1) Real ear CVRs, calculated from real ear recordings of nonsense syllables, were obtained from eight hearing-impaired listeners.
(2) In addition, they were tested with dichotic listening for correct reports of consonant-vowel syllables.
(3) There is recent evidence that children naturally divide syllables into the opening consonant or consonant cluster (the onset) and the rest of the syllable (the rime).
(4) Children in the first group were provided training by their parents that was intended to focus the child's attention on consonants in syllables or words and to teach discrimination between correctly and incorrectly articulated consonants.
(5) Older hearing controls (14-16 years) matched the deaf group in span and tended to recall most accurately written syllables which are not easily lipread.
(6) Free recall of nonsense syllables was significantly better when these were learned under active compound.
(7) Under some conditions, visual information can override auditory information to the extent that identification judgments of a visually influenced syllable can be as consistent as for an analogous audiovisually compatible syllable.
(8) The major findings were as follows: (1) no significant difference was found in consonant identification scores between aperiodic, aperiodic + vocalic transition, and vocalic transition segments in CV syllables compared to those in VC syllables; (2) consonant identifications from vocalic transition + vowel segments in VC syllables were significantly greater than those from vocalic transition + vowel segments in CV syllables; (3) no significant difference was found in vowel identification scores between aperiodic + vocalic transition, vocalic transition + vowel, and vocalic transition segments in CV syllables compared to those in VC syllables; and (4) vowel identifications from aperiodic segments were significantly greater in CV syllables than in VC syllables.
(9) In the first, span and free-recall measures were obtained for 24 subjects, each tested with four types of spoken material (nonsense syllables, random words, fourth-order approximations to English, and normal prose).
(10) A reading battery composed of eight different subtests was given to each patient (reading of letters, reading of syllables, reading of pseudowords, reading of words, reading of sentences, understanding commands, reading and comprehension of texts, and logographic reading).
(11) "I'm Ms Dy-na-mi-TEE-ee," she sang on the chorus, putting an emphasis on the penultimate syllable.
(12) Using tonal stimuli based on the nonspeech stimuli of Mattingly et al., we found that subjects, with appropriate practice, could classify nonspeech chirp, short bleat, and bleat continua with boundaries equivalent to the syllable place continuum of Mattingly et al.
(13) After learning to categorize syllables consisting of [d], [b], or [g] followed by four different vowels, quail correctly categorized syllables in which the same consonants preceded eight novel vowels.
(14) Discourse passages and consonant nonsense syllables, presented in quiet and in noise, were used as the test conditions.
(15) The interactive effects of these modifications were evaluated by obtaining indices of nonsense syllable recognition ability from normally hearing listeners for systematically varied combinations of the four signal parameters.
(16) This study was designed to investigate the effects of self-evaluative responses with feedback in a nonsense syllable recognition task (Experiment I) and a concept learning task (Experiment II).
(17) All subjects received 60 monaural and dichotic consonant-vowel (CV) nonsense syllables presented at equal loudness levels using the most comfortable level (MCL) as the loudness criteria.
(18) Stutterers react emotionally to syllables they stutter because they experience difficulty in articulating those syllables.
(19) For the reverberant condition, the sentences were played through a room with a reverberation time of 1.2 s. The CVC syllables were removed from the sentences and presented in pairs to ten subjects with audiometrically normal hearing, who judged the similarity of the syllable pairs separately for the nonreverberant and reverberant conditions.
(20) Well-formed syllable production is established in the first 10 months of life by hearing infants but not by deaf infants, indicating that audition plays an important role in vocal development.