(n.) The oval or roundish body laid by domestic poultry and other birds, tortoises, etc. It consists of a yolk, usually surrounded by the "white" or albumen, and inclosed in a shell or strong membrane.
(n.) A simple cell, from the development of which the young of animals are formed; ovum; germ cell.
(n.) Anything resembling an egg in form.
(v. t.) To urge on; to instigate; to incite/
Example Sentences:
(1) Here we report that sperm from psr males fertilizes eggs, but that the paternal chromosomes are subsequently condensed into a chromatin mass before the first mitotic division of the egg and do not participate in further divisions.
(2) We similarly evaluated the ability of other phospholipids to form stable foam at various concentrations and ethanol volume fractions and found: bovine brain sphingomyelin greater than dipalmitoyl 3-sn-phosphatidylcholine greater than egg sphingomyelin greater than egg lecithin greater than phosphatidylglycerol.
(3) Whether hen's egg yolk can be used as a sperm motility stimulant in the treatment of such conditions as asthenospermia and oligospermia is subjected for further study.
(4) Increasing concentrations of cholesterol monotonically increase the dipole potential of egg phosphatidylcholine monolayers, from 415 mV with no cholesterol to 493 mV with equimolar cholesterol.
(5) The percentage of eggs clamped at values more negative than -65 mV, which responded at insemination by developing an If, decreased and dropped to 0 at -80 mV.
(6) Lead levels in contents and shells of eggs laid by hens dosed with all-lead shot were about twice those in eggs laid by hens dosed with lead-iron shot.
(7) Saturated acyl residues predominated in lysolecithin and unsaturated ones in acids released by hydrolysis of egg lecithin.
(8) By 30 min after insemination, the surface of the egg is relatively smooth.
(9) With both approaches, carbohydrate and fat had little influence whereas egg albumin had a significant inhibitory effect on the absorption of nonheme iron.
(10) Larvae from fresh water eggs, cultured in fresh water and 'normal' laboratory cultures reached 50% infectivity in 3-5 days, losing potential infectivity in 11-15 days post-hatching.
(11) Plakoglobin is present in the fertilized egg, increases in abundance by neurula stage, then declines at the tailbud and tadpole stages.
(12) Fertilization of golden hamster eggs was blocked both in vitro and in vivo by antibodies produced in rabbits against specific hamster ovarian antigens (HOA).
(13) Multiple spawnings of individual females were also observed during the spawning period affecting the relative fecundity of the eggs.
(14) The faeces of forty-two were examined microscopically for nematode eggs.
(15) In Experiment 1 (summer), hens regained body weight more rapidly, returned to production faster, and had larger egg weights (Weeks 1 to 4) when fed the 16 or 13% CP molt diets than when fed the 10% CP molt diet.
(16) The time of sperm penetration in the mouse eggs, however, was delayed for one-half to one hour when ejaculated sperm were used.
(17) Polypeptides of egg-borne Sendai virus (egg Sendai), which is biologically active on the basis of criteria of the infectivity for L cells and of hemolytic and cell fusion activities, were compared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with those of L cell-borne (L Sendai) and HeLa cell-borne Sendai (HeLa Sendai) viruses, which are judged biologically inactive by the above criteria.
(18) The pattern of day to day variability in egg counts from individuals can be characterized by the linear relationship between the logarithms of the variances and means.
(19) Rhabdomeres are substantially smaller and visual pigment is nearly eliminated when Drosophila are carotenoid-deprived from egg to adult.
(20) In conclusion, the main finding of the present investigation, based on the development of ME fragments comprising 40-50% of the total egg volume, is that ascidian embryos are capable of regulative development.
(n.) The theory of generation which holds that the germ is created entirely new, not merely expanded, by the procreative power of the parents. It is opposed to the theory of evolution, also to syngenesis.
Example Sentences:
(1) Here, however, it is shown that a more general version of epigenesis can be held, because of a new principle which states that it is mathematically possible to obtain not only a convergent generation of form, or structure, but also a convergent generation of information.
(2) The study suggests that various second-trimester prenatal disturbances in the epigenesis of one twin in a pair discordant for schizophrenia may be related to the fact that only one of the twins expresses his or her genetic predisposition toward schizophrenia.
(3) A quantitative re-examination was made of the influence of noradrenergic depletion on the epigenesis of kitten visual cortex.
(4) This, the first linear morphometric analysis of the epigenesis of the fetal mammalian adrenal cortex, has shown that in the fetal sheep during the latter two thirds of gestation and in the newborn lamb, there are two periods of rapid growth separated by a period of much reduced growth.
(5) The epigenesis of the different muscles is related to the appearance of their various functions.
(6) Two sequential stages occur: 1) the realisation of an intrinsic programme of maturation, by which cortical specificity appears at eye opening and increases independently of visual experience 2) a phase of "epigenesis" beginning at 19 days, during which functional modification depends on visual experience.
(7) It has been observed that the activity of acid phosphatase does not remain constant, but undergoes changes at different phases of epigenesis.
(8) We report here that functional changes in single neurons of area 17, analogous to those known to take place during epigenesis of visual cortex, can be induced experimentally during the time of recording.
(9) Next, epigenetic influences on synaptogenesis are examined, and later in the article the concept of epigenesis is integrated with that of hierarchy.
(10) A mathematical modeling approach called epigenesis theory is presented which relates three aspects of pathogenesis to the population distribution of disease.
(11) The activity rhythmically becomes higher and lower throughout the whole period of epigenesis.
(12) Both specific epigenesis and specific cell kinetics are involved.
(13) The theory of epigenesis is the undisputed paradigm of embryology, and it is still based on the classical concept proposed by Aristotle: the idea that embryonic development is a generation of structures which takes place according to a design--today we say a set of instructions--already present in the fertilized egg.
(14) Epigenesis theory unifies the sufficient-component causes model and the simple independent action model and exceeds either model in the range of observations it can explain.
(15) Epigenesis theory defines the following multivariable relations between two disease causes: 1) "Complementary" causes contribute different causal actions to the sole pathogenic process leading to disease.
(16) Models of disease causation pertinent to IDDM are presented with a primary focus on the recently developed epigenesis theory.