(v. t.) To break or dash in pieces; to demolish; as, to elide the force of an argument.
(v. t.) To cut off, as a vowel or a syllable, usually the final one; to subject to elision.
Example Sentences:
(1) "The truth is a large part of the media today not merely elides the two but does so now as a matter of course."
(2) Arguing that one drug should be legalised while others not seems to elide this question of public policy.
(3) For one thing, they assume that Euroscepticism elides into far-right extremism, when sometimes it does and sometimes it does not.
(4) The musical history of multi-racial Britain is usually elided to omit the 50s, jumping to the Jamaican insurgency of the 60s, but in London at least there was a vibrant scene, ranging from the big band swing of Jamaica's Leslie "Jiver" Hutchinson to the steel band of Trinidadian Russ Henderson.
(5) We studied the fine structure of the envelope of Escherichia coli auxotroph K1060 after the cells were grown in the presence of one of the following fatty acids; oleic, palmitelaidic, or elidic acid.
(6) Every presidential aspirant issues that boilerplate – as it elides an explanation of what the candidate thinks is worth fighting for – but Clinton’s long public record, which she uses as a selling point against Trump, gives reason to doubt it.
(7) And couldn't poor Brod see that in eliding Lehár's jolly and farcical operetta with Wagner's crushing toten lieder , Kafka manages in a single aside to undermine the entire airy and castellated edifice of late German romanticism?
(8) The mistake here is to elide styles of play that are boring (Ivan Lendl then, Milos Raonic now) with personal qualities that might be boring, but have nothing to do with tennis.
(9) It's a densely packed insult, in which Grayling manages not only to elide criminality with stupidity, but also takes a difficult background as a reason to disregard a person's judgment, and most strikingly, uses the fact that someone has been arrested as an indication that they are probably guilty.
(10) So the focus for investigation has slipped from extremism to "an awareness of the risks associated with extremism" in the elided phrase now used by Ofsted inspectors to condemn the schools most heavily involved, such as Park View academy.
(11) It is at once both public and deeply private , facilitating both an openness and vulnerability which elide other forums.
(12) That's hardly a landslide, even if you elide Euroscepticism and the far right together, which I do not.
(13) Compared to What also acknowledges but quickly elides a scandal from early in his career where Frank had a relationship with a man he hired, first for sex and later as his driver, who ran a prostitution ring from Frank’s apartment .
(14) What has happened of course is that hacking has been elided with a different set of criticisms of the press, which is that it too enthusiastically and brutally invades the privacy of the innocent, that it engages in character assassination too unthinkingly, and that it is slow and mean-spirited in correcting mistakes.
(15) When you are a white, socially powerful person travelling overseas and you're describing the people you meet in simplistic terms, you elide the reality of their lives and turn them into Disney sideshow attractions there for your entertainment, rather than human beings going about their daily lives.
(16) Frischmann was part of a strange ménage à trois that elided into Britpop - itself one of the most peculiar cultural episodes of recent times.
(17) Then, while we are distracted by visions of garrulous Roman senators, he casually elides philosophy with all expertise and then all expertise with the reading of chicken entrails.
(18) Obama effectively offered to trade an end to the Iraq war for continuation of the war on terrorism, something both his liberal supporters and conservative critics elided as it fit neither the picture of Obama the liberal savior or Obama the naive peacenik.
(19) "Causing offence" is so easily elided into inciting hatred, then inciting violence, then to being the cause of actual violence.
(20) Put simply this country was not ceded by treaty and the high court’s decision in Mabo elides the distinction between conquered and settled.
(n.) A vocal, or sometimes a whispered, sound modified by resonance in the oral passage, the peculiar resonance in each case giving to each several vowel its distinctive character or quality as a sound of speech; -- distinguished from a consonant in that the latter, whether made with or without vocality, derives its character in every case from some kind of obstructive action by the mouth organs. Also, a letter or character which represents such a sound. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 5, 146-149.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a vowel; vocal.
Example Sentences:
(1) The obtained results are used to study the relation between the acoustic characteristics of these vowels and the corresponding articulatory dimensions.
(2) The current study explored the temporal course of the perception of vowel duration.
(3) In addition, they were tested with dichotic listening for correct reports of consonant-vowel syllables.
(4) Test items in each of the 4 groups therefore contained different amounts of information regarding the nature of the following vowel, due to coarticulatory influences of the vowel on the preceding consonants.
(5) Coarticulatory effects of the vowel on the aperiodic portion were found to (1) occur early in the aperiodic portion, (2) vary with consonant and vowel, and (3) vary with vowel feature.
(6) As for vowel formant, missing anterior teeth and missing posterior teeth presented more such differences for formant i and formants i and e, respectively.
(7) Vowel identification was best when at least two kinds of cues were available.
(8) Three male and 2 female subjects produced six repetitions of 12 utterances that were initiated and terminated by vowels and consonants of differing phonetic features.
(9) The perception of voicing in final velar stop consonants was investigated by systematically varying vowel duration, change in offset frequency of the final first formant (F1) transition, and rate of frequency change in the final F1 transition for several vowel contexts.
(10) These results suggest that Japanese monkeys process formant and pure-tone frequency increments differentially and that the same mechanisms mediate formant frequency discrimination in single-formant and vowel-like complexes.
(11) The major findings were as follows: (1) no significant difference was found in consonant identification scores between aperiodic, aperiodic + vocalic transition, and vocalic transition segments in CV syllables compared to those in VC syllables; (2) consonant identifications from vocalic transition + vowel segments in VC syllables were significantly greater than those from vocalic transition + vowel segments in CV syllables; (3) no significant difference was found in vowel identification scores between aperiodic + vocalic transition, vocalic transition + vowel, and vocalic transition segments in CV syllables compared to those in VC syllables; and (4) vowel identifications from aperiodic segments were significantly greater in CV syllables than in VC syllables.
(12) Comparisons between normalized spectral energy within a selected high frequency range revealed that energy within this frequency range for vowels produced by TE speakers was significantly higher than that produced by normal speakers.
(13) The amount of variability found in the labeling of speech contrasts may be dependent on cue salience, which will be determined by the speech pattern complexity of the stimuli and by the vowel environment.
(14) Acoustic information about the place of articulation of a prevocalic nasal consonant is distributed over two distinct signal portions, the nasal murmur and the onset of the following vowel.
(15) The shorter latency N2 was found for the separating features of vowels or intensities but not for consonants.
(16) After learning to categorize syllables consisting of [d], [b], or [g] followed by four different vowels, quail correctly categorized syllables in which the same consonants preceded eight novel vowels.
(17) The ability of listeners to identify 10 vowels under two conditions was investigated.
(18) In this article, acoustic analyses are reported which show that the spectral properties of stuttered vowels are similar to the following fluent vowel, so it would appear that the stutterers are articulating the vowel appropriately.
(19) The perceived goodness of i parallel vowels declined systematically as stimuli were further removed from the prototypic i parallel vowel.
(20) All subjects received 60 monaural and dichotic consonant-vowel (CV) nonsense syllables presented at equal loudness levels using the most comfortable level (MCL) as the loudness criteria.