What's the difference between emasculate and spay?



  • (v. t.) To deprive of virile or procreative power; to castrate power; to castrate; to geld.
  • (v. t.) To deprive of masculine vigor or spirit; to weaken; to render effeminate; to vitiate by unmanly softness.
  • (a.) Deprived of virility or vigor; unmanned; weak.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) His biggest part had been as a regular on a police show called The Division , in which he played "a slightly emasculated cop".
  • (2) Self-emasculation is the end result of an unusual psychiatric disorder, which initially requires surgical treatment.
  • (3) If the national leaders win – and to do so they have to resolve the Juncker problem – they will face charges of emasculating the election two weeks ago, of campaigning on a tissue of lies.
  • (4) The result is the emasculation not just of Scotland , but of Newcastle, Oldham, the Midlands, and countless other places not featured on the Circle line.
  • (5) *** I sometimes wonder when precisely I stopped thinking of myself as a socialist – as with so much else, I’d like to blame Blair for it; I’d like to tub-thumpingly decry his emasculation of the Labour party; his resistance to true industrial democracy; his personal greed and public duplicity – and, most of all, his enthusiastic participation in the Bush administration’s self-deluding “military interventions”.
  • (6) Smartphones are "emasculating" – at least according to Sergey Brin , the co-founder of Google, who explained his view while addressing an audience wearing a computer headset that made him look slightly like a technological pirate.
  • (7) Because – and I hate to break this to Piers – if you are emasculated by the notion of a woman making her own reproductive choices, then you were never much of a man to begin with.
  • (8) In fact, I struggle to think of something more emasculating for Batman than that – and that's before you consider that Catwoman apparently does it for him with a big, phallic rocket.
  • (9) In terms of the politics: well, Abbott will get the thumbs up from blokes who feel emasculated by the thought police.
  • (10) The key to regaining stable prices was to abandon the full-employment commitment, emasculate the trade unions, and deregulate the financial system.
  • (11) John Dowd, who served as the first law officer of New South Wales from 1988 to 1991, raised concerns that the government had budgeted insufficient funds for the Office of the Australian Information Commission (OAIC) and was “emasculating a statutory body, which can only be abolished by statute”.
  • (12) Some residents depend on the US military for employment, but campaigners say the bases emasculate the local economy, the poorest of Japan's 47 prefectures.
  • (13) We report a case of successful microvascular replantation following self-emasculation by a psychotic patient.
  • (14) In The Proposal , Sandra Bullock’s inhuman editor leaves female employees shaking, and so emasculates her male secretary she actually asks him to marry her.
  • (15) After furious lobbying from the public schools (the Headmasters' Conference was established to counter this threat), the endowed schools bill was completely emasculated, the only provision that remained was competitive exams, which only helped to entrench their social and financial exclusivity.
  • (16) The authorities are said to fear his links with the country's emasculated trade unions, a potentially large pool of support.
  • (17) Months of brutal repression that included mass round-ups, a succession of show trials, lengthy prison sentences and grisly executions has emasculated the Green movement.
  • (18) (Since then, parliamentary filibuster managed to emasculate the bill.)
  • (19) And that's no good for men, because they are becoming emasculated.
  • (20) The "feminisation of European culture" has been underway since the 1830s, and by now, men have been reduced to an "emasculate[d] … touchy-feely subspecies".



  • (v. t.) To remove or extirpate the ovaries of, as a sow or a bitch; to castrate (a female animal).
  • (v. t.) The male of the red deer in his third year; a spade.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (ATP:protein phosphotransferase, EC, has been studied in the vaginal epithelium, vaginal stroma, endometrium, and whole uterus of spayed mice treated with oestradiol-17 beta, and in the vaginal epithelium and uterus of spayed mice.
  • (2) Sequential P treatment reduced the degree of nuclear staining in the oviduct and endometrium below that found in spayed animals; however, such treatment only lowered the amount of cytosolic, not nuclear, ER significantly below spayed levels in those same tissues.
  • (3) Therefore, the effect of E on GH in spayed monkeys cannot be accounted for by a direct action on somatotrophs.
  • (4) Its concentration was maximal at proestrus and after administering 2-20 microgram of estradiol to spayed rats.
  • (5) The mean age of dogs with urinary bladder neoplasia was 9.5 years; 6 were males, 13 were females, and 2 were spayed females.
  • (6) Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus canis were the most frequently isolated bacteria in specimens collected from the vagina (in the area of the urethral orifice) of 20 normal intact bitches and 20 spayed bitches.
  • (7) However, when calculated on the basis of the DNA content of the myometrium, which was 8 times higher in the spayed than in the pregnant animals, the specific activities were lower in the tissue from spayed animals.
  • (8) Scedosporium inflatum Malloch et Salkin was found to cause osteomyelitis in a 6-year-old spayed female beagle.
  • (9) Mating during a period of 40 min at the beginning of hormonally induced estrus in spayed female rats resulted in a rapid decrease in receptivity as measured hourly by the lordosis response.
  • (10) Cerebral phaeohyphomycosis was diagnosed in a 9-year-old spayed dog that had a series of epileptic convulsions a day before death.
  • (11) Spayed animals were given progesterone for 4 days and then an injection of BCG serum or vaccine in 1 uterine horn.
  • (12) If the spayed beagle dam can be considered a model in which one may equivalate bone changes occurring in the ovarian hormone-deficient human female, we reach the following conclusions: The presence or absence of quasi-physiological levels of single ovarian hormones do affect the status of trabecular bone.
  • (13) Resorptive and formative characteristics on the periosteal and corticoendosteal bone envelopes were assessed on the ribs of intact, spayed and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)-supplemented Beagle dams.
  • (14) A 5-y-old spayed female Corgi dog was dipped with a d-limonene-based compound for flea infestation.
  • (15) A correspondence between the appearance of vaginal smears and the layers of the epithelium from which the cells had desquamated was established in untreated rats during the estrous cycle, in control ovariectomized rats and in spayed rats injected with either estrogen or progesterone.
  • (16) Thirteen adult cycling female cynomolgus monkeys were ovariectomized and treated for 28 days with 1) an empty Silastic capsule (Spay), 2) a 2-cm E-filled capsule (E), or 3) a 2-cm E-filled capsule for 14 days plus a 6-cm P-filled capsule implanted for an additional 14 days (E + P).
  • (17) A 6-year-old, obese, spayed female Doberman pinscher dog was presented for clinical examination with a 1-day history of repeated seizures and a long-term history of periodic bouts of ataxia, circling, and head tilt.
  • (18) Treatment of carcinomas in spayed (hormone-independent), nonspayed (hormone-dependent) rats, and of tumors which were refractory to treatment with estradiol dipropionate caused regression of the tumors.
  • (19) The report cites the results of three experiments designed to determine the effect of estrogen treatment on spayed and entire ewes.
  • (20) When small amounts of this compound were applied to the vulvas of anestrous or spayed females, males placed with these females became sexually aroused and attempted to mount them.