(v. t.) To arise the surface of into bosses or protuberances; particularly, to ornament with raised work.
(v. t.) To raise in relief from a surface, as an ornament, a head on a coin, or the like.
(v. t.) To make to foam at the mouth, like a hunted animal.
(v. t.) To hide or conceal in a thicket; to imbosk; to inclose, shelter, or shroud in a wood.
(v. t.) To surround; to ensheath; to immerse; to beset.
(v. i.) To seek the bushy forest; to hide in the woods.
Example Sentences:
(1) The water is embossed with small waves and it has a chill glassiness which throws light back up at the sky.
(2) Customers at her plush boutique in central Cairo are offered a choice between chocolates coated with his face and others embossed with messages of adulation.
(3) In the passive task, subjects sat with their arms and hands immobilized while a rotating drum stimulator pressed the embossed letters onto the right index finger.
(4) A rare but distressing complication of frontal embossment was managed after osteoplastic flap surgery.
(5) This Registry, while accelerating and embossing confirmation of the suspected relationship, served an even more useful purpose by collecting under one roof and in front of one cluster of observers all the necessary and relevant data on a sufficiently large number of cases to enable rapid (1973-1974) wide dissemination of knowledge about the occurrence and behavior of the disease and its response to treatment.
(6) She was left at Nizhny Novgorod's railway station with her passport but no money, still wearing her prison overalls embossed with her name and prisoner number.
(7) Experiment 2 showed that tilt lowered performance for tangible, large embossed letters, as well as for braille.
(8) Heading towards the narrowest capillary spaces, groups of bacilli form, immediately after seeding, protrusions that emboss the outer contour of the droplet ("protuberances" Fig.
(9) I pull out my business card with the red embossed logo of Time magazine.
(10) This is where Irving is happiest, rolling around in swastika-embossed paper.
(11) An ostentatious leather-bound album with Kniga Dlya Dam embossed in gold on the cover opens to reveal a Chinese silk drawing of an entwined couple.
(12) Plastic surfaces embossed with patterns of dots designed to produce predictable alterations in temporal and spatial firing rate variation were used as stimuli in psychophysical and neurophysiological experiments.
(13) Shrunken cells with intracellular yolk granules embossed on the surface are produced by the strongly hypertonic Karnovsky's fixer (Final: 2010 mOsm).
(14) In the normal arachnoid membrane, two basic surface patterns were observed; one fenestrated and the other embossed with parallel fibers.
(15) These are inspired by the label's legendary tuxedo, le smoking , while the embossed rectangles on the packaging are modelled on art deco panelling in Yves's rue de Babylone home.
(16) Embossed letters, used previously in pattern recognition experiments in humans, were used to study the spatial patterns of neural activity evoked in peripheral fibers and cortical neurons in areas 3b and 1 of the primary somatosensory cortex of alert rhesus (Macaca mulatta) monkeys.
(17) Embossed in gold with the letters LXB, they stayed there for the remainder of the hour-long ceremony.
(18) In addition, when fusion was completed, occasional double lines of large particles transiently embossed the P face of the plasma membrane (postacrosomal) side of the fusion zone.
(19) Embossed upon it in oh-so-subtle slightly darker grey was an advert for Facebook.
(20) None of the past methods of marking call numbers on the spines or covers of books-direct hand lettering by pen, brush, or stylus; affixing cold release characters; embossing by hot type; or gluing labels which are handlettered, typed, or printed-nor even present automatic data processing systems have offered all the advantages of the relatively new Se-Lin labeling system: legibility, reasonable speed of application, automatic protective covering, permanent bonding, and no need for a skilled letterer.
(v. t.) To draw or let out wholly; to drain off completely; as, to exhaust the water of a well; the moisture of the earth is exhausted by evaporation.
(v. t.) To empty by drawing or letting out the contents; as, to exhaust a well, or a treasury.
(v. t.) To drain, metaphorically; to use or expend wholly, or till the supply comes to an end; to deprive wholly of strength; to use up; to weary or tire out; to wear out; as, to exhaust one's strength, patience, or resources.
(v. t.) To bring out or develop completely; to discuss thoroughly; as, to exhaust a subject.
(v. t.) To subject to the action of various solvents in order to remove all soluble substances or extractives; as, to exhaust a drug successively with water, alcohol, and ether.
(a.) Drained; exhausted; having expended or lost its energy.
(a.) Pertaining to steam, air, gas, etc., that is released from the cylinder of an engine after having preformed its work.
(n.) The steam let out of a cylinder after it has done its work there.
(n.) The foul air let out of a room through a register or pipe provided for the purpose.
Example Sentences:
(1) Peak Expiratory Flow and Forced Expiratory Mean Flows in the ranges 0-25%, 25-50% and 50-75% of Forced Vital Capacity were significantly reduced in animals exposed to gasoline exhaust fumes, whereas the group exposed to ethanol exhaust fumes did not differ from the control group.
(2) The use of functional test with the ACTH administration demonstrated organic affection of the CNS to sharply aggravate the weakening and even the exhaustion of the functional reserves of the glomerular and the reticular zones of the adrenal cortex developing during thyrotoxicosis, and also the reserve possibilities of the sympathico-adrenal system.
(3) Administration of one of the precursors of noradrenaline l-DOPA not only prevented the decrease in tissue noradrenaline content in myocardium, but restored completely its reserves, exhausted by electrostimulation of the aortic arch.
(4) Respiratory muscle endurance at a given level of load was assessed from the time of exhaustion and from the time course of the change in the power spectrum (centroid frequency) of the diaphragm electromyogram (EMG).
(5) 9 Women performed plantarflexion and dorsalflexion with maximum strength and at constant load of 60% MVC to exhaustion.
(6) The results suggest that, in PMA-stimulated neutrophils, cytosolic activation factors may be consumed or exhausted with an increasing period of time after the stimulation of neutrophils, and that the affinity of PMA-stimulated neutrophil NADPH oxidase to NADPH may almost be the same as that of control neutrophil oxidase.
(7) During heavy exercise at 65-75% of VO2 max, time till exhaustion correlates with the pre-exercise muscle glycogen concentration and exhaustion coincides with empty glycogen stores.
(8) Glycogen content of the rabbit vastus lateralis muscle was also significantly depleted after exhaustive, intermittent exercise.
(9) Currently, entitlement to CTC for families with one to three children is fully exhausted when gross household earnings reach about £26,000 and £40,000 a year respectively.
(10) Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO and 15 other strains of this species synthesized a polyester with 3-hydroxydecanoate as the main constituent (55 to 76 mol%) if the cells were cultivated in the presence of gluconate and if the nitrogen source was exhausted; 3-hydroxyhexanoate, 3-hydroxyoctanoate, and 3-hydroxydodecanoate were minor constituents of the polymer.
(11) It is concluded that acute intravenous injections of AVT augment the LH-releasing activity of LRH; chronic treatment for 48 h, however, with LRH + AVT leads to a significant depression of plasma LH perhaps due to an exhaustion of the releasable pool of LH in the anterior pituitary.
(12) On exhaustion of NADH, with residual oxygen, decay occurs in two phases to give a form in which haem b and flavin are oxidized.
(13) Their lipid metabolism did not seem to be affected at least partially by NO3- exhaustion.
(14) She was so exhausted from her trip to London she said she might stay there for 48 hours.
(15) Are we moving from a culture where MPs stayed in parliament until booted out, to one where many do five years and move on, frustrated and exhausted?
(16) The effect of various fuel additives on the ability of platinum-palladium catalytic converters to remove the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon components of automotive exhaust has been examined.
(17) Regional functional recovery following 2-minute CO was examined under two different conditions in eight dogs: patent coronary artery stenosis and fixed CSS that exhausted coronary reserve but did not cause a deficit in resting coronary flow or regional function.
(18) The reduction in the mechanical clearance in adult humans caused by exposure to high concentrations of diesel exhaust was found to be much less than that observed in rats.
(19) A timed sprint to exhaustion was performed after 45 min of exercise at 70% of VO2max, and a Wingate anaerobic test was used to measure total work and peak power.
(20) Oxygenator exhaust capnographic measurements systematically underestimated PaCO2 measured by a bench blood gas analyzer.