(n.) That which is eminent or lofty; a high ground or place; a height.
(n.) An elevated condition among men; a place or station above men in general, either in rank, office, or celebrity; social or moral loftiness; high rank; distinction; preferment.
(n.) A title of honor, especially applied to a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church.
Example Sentences:
(1) Unilateral VNAB lesions induced similar alterations but these were restricted to the ipsilateral PVN and median eminence.
(2) It was also demonstrated that the plexus of the median eminence is, at its periphery, in direct communication with the systemic venous twigs.
(3) For this purpose fragments of hypothalamus containing arcuate-periventricular nuclei and median eminence were incubated in vitro and endogenous DA released into the medium was assayed by radioenzymatic assay.
(4) In an interview with the Guardian, James Hansen, the world's pre-eminent climate scientist, said any agreement likely to emerge from the negotiations would be so deeply flawed that it would be better to start again from scratch.
(5) The seasonal rhythm in hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal function was studied in 3-week-old, meat-hybrid chickens, bred under standard conditions, CRF content in the median eminence and ACTH content in the adenohypophysis showed the maximum in February, the minimum in August, to return practically to the February level by November.
(6) One arcuate cell identified as projecting to the median eminence was nonresponsive to supraoptic stimulation.
(7) These findings indicate that rGRF-LI is localized in the median eminence and arcuate nucleus in the rat and that rGRF-, SRIF-(1-28)-, and SRIF-(1-14)-LI are present in a 1:2.10:6.29 ratio on a molar basis.
(8) Since 1930 Dr. Rakowiecki has started as self-taught astronomy studies becoming soon one of seven most eminent Polish astronomers.
(9) (1970) previously used for the study of hemoglobins, was found to be eminently suitable for the study of O2 affinities of hemocyanins.
(10) The action potential of the nerve was recorded in 50 nerves of 25 normal subjects, by antidromic stimulation of the median nerve 10cm from the surface recording electrode over the midthenar eminence.
(11) However, DIO-prone [3H]PAC binding was only 14-39% of DR-prone levels in 9 areas including 4 amygdalar nuclei, the lateral area, dorso- and ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus, median eminence and medial dorsal thalamic n. Although it is unclear whether this widespread decrease in [3H]PAC binding implicates brain alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the pathophysiology of DIO, it does correlate with a phenotypic marker (increase glucose-induced NE release) which predicts the subsequent development of DIO on a high-energy diet.
(12) Special attention was given to the portal vascular system of the median eminence and the pars distalis.
(13) On the other hand, the change in the stroma was more eminent in the periglandular region than in the periluminal and deep regions in most conditions.
(14) The light microscopic analysis showed accumulation of Gomori-stainable products in the median eminence and a striking depletion of this material from the neural lobe.
(15) induced a marked increase in histamine (HA) in the anterior (AHR) and posterior (PHR) hypothalamic regions, the median eminence (ME) and adenohypophysis (Ah) with no apparent effect on the concentration of HA in the neurohypophysis (Nh), as measured by high-performance liquid chromatography.
(16) A rich network of fibers was observed in the median eminence coursing towards the pituitary stalk.
(17) Electrolytic lesions in the median eminence of deafferented rats caused an elevation of serum prolactin which was more marked in female than in male rats.
(18) Moreover, in the rat brain we found immunoreactive material in neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, in the parvocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus, in fibres of the external region of the median eminence and in neurosecretory exohypothalamic fibres.
(19) All parts of the periventricular region of the hypothalamus receive an input, including the preoptic and anterior parts in which somatostatin-containing neurons that project to the median eminence are clustered.
(20) The structure and ultrastructure of the following regions of the hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS) in the population cycle of lemming were studied: supraoptic (SON), paraventricular (PVN) and arcuate nuclei (AN), the median eminence (ME) and posterior pituitary (PP).
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Flourish
Example Sentences:
(1) Behind her balcony, decorated with a flourishing pothos plant and a monarch butterfly chrysalis tied to a succulent with dental floss, sits the university’s power plant.
(2) Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) was conceptualized more than 35 years ago, but its clinical application only flourished in the past 10 years after a number of technical refinements.
(3) For creativity to flourish, schools have to feel free to innovate without the constant fear of being penalised for not keeping with the programme.
(4) Everton ended with 10 men after Seamus Coleman limped off with all three substitutes deployed but there was no late flourish from a visiting team who, with Fernando replacing Kevin De Bruyne after the Irish defender’s departure, appeared content to settle for 1-2.
(5) Let's stay together Modern love places more value on how an individual can flourish in relationships, according to a 2013 study in the Journal of Communication , and thus Generation Y have a different romantic dynamic than their parents.
(6) After a hiatus, Smith is back with a flourish for her genre-bending new novel How to be Both , and David Mitchell has been longlisted for a third time, for The Bone Clocks .
(7) A successful economy and a healthy, creative, open and vibrant democratic society depend on a flourishing creative sector,” Corbyn said.
(8) The lessons from successful, modern economies is that the state has to be active in supporting, promoting, and demanding innovation in order to flourish.
(9) The contrast between these two worlds – one legal and flourishing, the other illegal and stubbornly disregarding of state lines – can seem baffling, yet it may have profound consequences for whether this unique experiment spreads.
(10) They opened it with a flourish to reveal a packet of Trill bird seed.
(11) The prospect of that tap being turned off has already seen capital pouring out of emerging markets and currencies, potentially exposing underlying weaknesses in economies that have been flourishing on a ready supply of cheap credit.
(12) The second-best team in the Bundesliga were inhibited by Klopp’s return to the Westfalenstadion last week but initially would flourish at Anfield – another Tuchel prediction.
(13) The arts will flourish, teachers will be admired and respected, and in charge of their own profession again.
(14) Unless comprehensive studies are set up to review past evidence and carry out lifespan studies of those exposed, speculation will flourish.
(15) Not only did erections survive unscathed, but sexual harassment continued to flourish.
(16) "Our proposals remain unchanged and will create an open standards-based internet-connected TV environment within which competition and innovation can flourish.
(17) We will celebrate that the centre is still in existence, is still flourishing and is probably one of the most successful CILs in the country.” Without the momentum created by the independent living movement, he adds, broader policy initiatives in social care, such as personalisation and co-production – involving users of services as partners in making policy and designing services – would never have happened.
(18) Larson said misconceptions about Tubman had flourished in part because she was a “malleable icon”.
(19) The house flourished but the marriage was bitterly unhappy and ended in divorce.
(20) Ahrendts' exit may also be delayed as she helps put the final flourishes to Burberry's plan to take back its Japanese licence in-house when it comes up for renewal next year.