What's the difference between encephalocele and hernia?
(n.) Hernia of the brain.
Example Sentences:
(1) Encephalocele is the most common cause of occipital midline extracranial mass associated with hydrocephalus.
(2) MRI showed an anterior basal encephalocele protruding into the nasal cavity.
(3) Necropsy findings revealed multiple congenital malformations with occipital meningo-encephalocele and agenesis of the cerebellum, 6 digits on the hands and feet, polycystic kidneys.
(4) This review is based on the sincipital encephaloceles with the other cephaloceles included for completeness.
(5) A congenital nasoglabellar mass is usually either a meningocele or an encephalocele.
(6) They consisted of four encephaloceles, six meningoceles, and five atretic cephaloceles.
(7) A rare case of sphenoethmoidal encephalocele with detailed pathological studies is reported.
(8) 1367 survivors (997 myelomeningoceles, 207 meningoceles, 81 lipomas of the cauda equina and 82 encephaloceles) were included in this study of sex differences.
(9) We describe a fetus with an asymmetric, nonmidline, parietal encephalocele that appeared to result from "expulsion" through the center of the membranous bone; the fetus also had laryngeal atresia, which caused pulmonary overdistension (fetal Valsalva maneuver) with consequent hydrops fetalis.
(10) The patient was admitted to our hospital 4 hours after birth because of parietal encephalocele.
(11) The triad of the syndrome consists of occipital encephalocele, polycystic kidneys and postaxial polydactyly.
(12) If the arachnoid is not intact, an encephalocele results which presents predominantly as a mass without a cerebrospinal fluid leak.
(13) The different types of cephalic axial dysraphic disorders presenting in arsenic-treated fetuses delivered at later gestational stages (predominantly exencephaly and encephaloceles) could all be traced back and related to one or the other of these early forms of disturbed neurulation.
(14) In case of other anomalies, the findings in the prenatal diagnosis and at autopsy were encephalocele, adrenal hypoplasia and a single umbilical artery.
(15) But, Hutchinson stated in his experience that first, a closure disorder of the neural tube caused encephalocele.
(16) Both had all three elements of the classical triad, namely, occipital encephalocele, renal cystic dysplasia and post-axial polydactyly.
(17) The CNS anomalies are hindbrain hernia, hydrocephalus, hydromyelia, syringomyelia, meningocele, myelocele, encephalocele, and anencephalus.
(18) The consistent segregation of these abnormalities in all three sibs in the absence of polydactyly and encephalocele suggested the possibility of a distinct syndrome.
(19) A large encephalocele dramatically demonstrates the superiority of MRI in imaging the brain herniating into the nose.
(20) The finding of mature neuroglial tissue in a mass from the head and neck region raises three differential diagnostic possibilities: teratoma, encephalocele, or heterotopic tissue.
(n.) A protrusion, consisting of an organ or part which has escaped from its natural cavity, and projects through some natural or accidental opening in the walls of the latter; as, hernia of the brain, of the lung, or of the bowels. Hernia of the abdominal viscera in most common. Called also rupture.
Example Sentences:
(1) The aetiological factors concerned in the production of paraumbilical and epigastric hernias have been reviewed along structural--functional lines.
(2) A paraesophageal hernia may be life-threatening and requires surgical correction when diagnosed.
(3) In all cases Richter's hernia was at the internal inguinal ring.
(4) The authors propose three regular procedures with which they are experienced: repair with a large retromuscular nonabsorbable synthetic tulle prosthesis for extensive epigastric eventrations, fillup aponeuroplasty using the sheath of the rectus abdominis associated with a premuscular patch in case of diastasis or of multiple superimposed orifices and suture associated with a small retromuscular auxiliary patch to treat small incisional hernias.
(5) Especially in the old patients (over 70 years) the incisional hernias represents an invalidating pathology whose treatment, for the high incidence of associated diseases of respiratory and cardiocirculatory apparatus in the aged, offers difficulties connected both to surgical methods and to the perioperative evaluation and preparation of patients.
(6) Four presented with diaphragmatic hernia and died in the neonatal period.
(7) Spigelian hernias continue to be misdiagnosed preoperatively, often forgotten in the differential diagnosis, as physical examination is usually of little benefit.
(8) The hernia ring, which was located medially to the suture line of previous herniorraphy, had strangulated the herniated bladder.
(9) It seems likely that diaphragmatic hernia is a non-specific consequence of several teratological processes.
(10) The majority of the scans revealed a reduction of the herniation, while 16 of the patients still had a hernia.
(11) This, in principle, is similar to creating an irreducible hernia.
(12) A horse with a parietal hernia and a horse with intestinal stragulation were treated surgically; in the latter, the involved intestine was resected.
(13) One goat anesthetized with thiamylal sodium, xylazine, and halothane for repair of an abominal hernia, and 7 of 29 goats similarly anesthetized for an experiment unrelated to considerations of anesthesia, developed signs of hepatic failure within 24 hours of anesthesia.
(14) The most frequent causes of failure of nucleolysis were lateral osseous stenosis (19 cases) and sub-ligamentous hernia (17 cases), apparently due to the ineffectiveness of the enzyme.
(15) Peritoneography was performed in 122 patients clinically suspected of hernia without definite palpation findings.
(16) The sexual adjustment of 91 married men (ranging in age from 51 to 77) who had undergone either transurethral prostatectomy or inguinal hernia repair was compared using the same measures and experimental design.
(17) Developmental A. Bochdalek hernia (pseudocavity) IV.
(18) It use will enlarge the choices of procedures best suited to the needs of a specific hernia.
(19) diastasis recti abdominis with pericardial hernia, ventral defect of the diaphragm, partial defect of the sternum, and tetralogy of Fallot.
(20) We have studied the epidemiology of inguinal hernias in preterm infants.