(1) Findings on plain X-ray of the abdomen, using the usual parameters of psoas and kidney shadows in the Nigerian, indicate that the two communities studied are similar but urinary calculi and urinary tract distortion are significantly more prominent in the community with the higher endemicity of urinary schistosomiasis.
(2) Socio-economic improvement or behavioural changes appear necessary for the control of trachoma in endemic areas.
(3) Thirty-six dogs were seropositive, 28 of which had not traveled to endemic areas.
(4) The studies reported here examined physical interactions between V. cholerae O1 and natural plankton populations of a geographical region in Bangladesh where cholera is an endemic disease.
(5) Since then the intensive development of anti-malaria campaigns in urban areas over about ten years led temporarily to a considerable decrease in the level of endemicity, while in rural areas it remained unchanged.
(6) Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and its concentration were measured in thyroid tissues obtained from patients with Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, differentiated thyroid cancer, and endemic goiter (before and after iodine supplementation) as well as in normal thyroid tissue (paranodular tissue) from patients with follicular adenomas.
(7) XLP was first described in 1975, when EBV was still focused on as an immediate oncogenic agent, but with some uncertainties raised by the absence of EBV in most non-endemic Burkitt lymphoma.
(8) Routine vaccination of travellers to endemic areas cannot be recommended; however, for people travelling to regions with a high transmission rate vaccination should be considered.
(9) There is no reason to describe deafness and deafmutism in an area with severe endemic goitre as a separate entity.
(10) Patients with reactive arthritis, sacroiliitis, spondylitis or Reiter's syndrome following intestinal infection from Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella or Campylobacter organisms have been reported from endemic areas and after epidemic dysenteries.
(11) These preliminary results suggest that finger stick blood samples, collected on filter paper, could be used for FTA-ABS testing of remote rural populations--such as in areas where yaws is endemic.
(12) The underlying health problems that are still endemic to this region will probably be reflected to a greater extent in longer term follow-up.
(13) This test by virtue of its high sensitivity and the facilities in processing a large number of specimens, can prove to be useful in endemic areas for the recognition of asymptomatic malaria and screening of blood donors.
(14) This latter event might be one of the factors which results in a correlation of Burkitt's lymphoma with malaria endemic regions.
(15) Two populations living in separate areas in Tanzania known to be endemic for S. haematobium were investigated for the effects of the infection on community health.
(16) In many of the special nursing homes for aged, not a few aged women practiced activities uniquely associated with traditional religion on strongly reflecting the fact that endemic religion is deeply embedded in their thinking.
(17) To define the epidemiology of HIV-2 infection, we conducted a case-control study among hospitalized patients at an acute care hospital in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, a country with endemic HIV-2 infection.
(18) V. cholerae was isolated throughout the year indicating the endemicity of cholera in Bombay.
(19) Earlier studies of adults there had shown an intermediate degree of HBV endemicity (hepatitis B surface antigen carrier rate greater than 2%).
(20) Calcification on abdominal radiographs, especially serpiginous, seen in the region of the neck of gallbladder, appears to be the clue to the diagnosis of gallbladder schistosomiasis in people from endemic areas.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a particular place, or to a definite region or portion of space; restricted to one place or region; as, a local custom.
(n.) A train which receives and deposits passengers or freight along the line of the road; a train for the accommodation of a certain district.
(n.) On newspaper cant, an item of news relating to the place where the paper is published.
Example Sentences:
(1) The patterns observed were: clusters of granules related to the cell membrane; positive staining localized to portions of the cell membrane, and, less commonly, the whole cell circumference.
(2) A series of human cDNA clones of various sizes and relative localizations to the mRNA molecule were isolated by using the human p53-H14 (2.35-kilobase) cDNA probe which we previously cloned.
(3) The predicted non-Lorentzian line shapes and widths were found to be in good agreement with experimental results, indicating that the local orientational order (called "packing" by many workers) in the bilayers of small vesicles and in multilamellar membranes is substantially the same.
(4) Villagers, including one man who has been left disabled and the relatives of six men who were killed, are suing ABG in the UK high court, represented by British law firm Leigh Day, alleging that Tanzanian police officers shot unarmed locals.
(5) It would be fascinating to see if greater local government involvement in running the NHS in places such as Manchester leads over the longer term to a noticeable difference in the financial outlook.
(6) This scintigraphic localization of osteomyelitis seldom has been reported.
(7) Local embolism, vertebral distal-stump embolism, the dynamics of hemorrhagic infarction and embolus-in-transit are briefly described.
(8) This computer is connected to a fileserver via a local area network and is used exclusively for data acquisition.
(9) In addition autoradiography was performed to localize labelled cells in the inner ear.
(10) Handing Greater Manchester’s £6bn health and social care budget over to the city’s combined authority is the most exciting experiment in local government and the health service in decades – but the risks are huge.
(11) Community owned and run local businesses are becoming increasingly common.
(12) This effect was more marked in breast cancer patients which may explain our earlier finding that women with upper body fat localization are at increased risk for developing breast cancer.
(13) This study was designed to investigate the localization and cyclic regulation of the mRNA for these two IGFBPs in the porcine ovary, RNA was extracted from whole ovaries morphologically classified as immature, preovulatory, and luteal.
(14) These findings suggest that clonidine transdermal disks lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, but produce local skin lesions and general side effects.
(15) Angiopathic and traumatic influences conditioned by metabolism, apart from local peculiarities are taken into consideration.
(16) Immunofluorescence analysis of Pr-28 antigen showed that the antigen was localized mainly in perinuclear cytoplasm.
(17) The authors report 4 new cases of heterotopic pancreas in children with prepyloric, jejunal, Meckel's diverticulum and mesenteric localization.
(18) The Nazi extermination of Jews in Lithuania (aided enthusiastically by local Lithuanians) was virtually total.
(19) Results in May 89 emphasizes: the relevance and urgency of the prevention of AIDS in secondary schools; the importance of the institutional aspect for the continuity of the project; the involvement of the pupils and the trainers for the processus; the feasibility of an intervention using only local resources.
(20) The amino-terminal region of a 70 kDa mitochondrial outer membrane protein of yeast and the presequence of cytochrome c1, an inner membrane protein exposed to the intermembrane space, are thought to be responsible for localizing the proteins in their final destinations after synthesis in the cytosol.