(1) A hypothesis to explain the phenomenon of synergism between two endwise-acting cellobiohydrolases is presented.
(2) As the enzyme seems to hydrolyse xylooligosaccharides endwise, with retention of configuration in the reaction product, the enzyme is a true glycosidase, probably operating by a double-inversion mechanism.
(3) R. japonicum 31 cells attached to each other in a tip-to-tip fashion and endwise to fungal hyphae with the polar tip in contact with the hyphal wall.
(4) Various dehydrogenation polymers (the so-called synthetic lignins) were synthesized from four different phenylpropenoids by endwise and bulk polymerizations and investigated for their anti-influenza virus activity.
(5) Our results suggest that the free Ca2+ concentration regulates the way S-100 disassembles microtubules (MTs): at microM Ca2+ levels, S-100 sequesters tubulin with concomitant increase in the disassembly rate; at mM Ca2+ levels, the S-100-Ca2+ complex probably interacts with MTs producing endwise disassembly.
(6) When polymers are induced to depolymerize by endwise subunit dissociation, the frequency of plugged microtubule ends increases transiently, suggesting that plugs temporarily stabilize microtubules.
(7) The model is based on Michaelis--Menten-type kinetics for concurrent random and endwise attack of the substrate involving end-product inhibitions and three types of enzymes: an endo-beta-1,4-glucanase, an exo-beta-1,4-glucanase, and beta-glucosidase.