(v. t.) To deprive of nerve, force, strength, or courage; to render feeble or impotent; to make effeminate; to impair the moral powers of.
(a.) Weakened; weak; without strength of force.
Example Sentences:
(1) In light of the appearance of cyclic enervative episodes, this study suggests limitations to primate models of panic disorder utilizing oral yohimbine.
(2) On the one hand, they are enervated, depleted, losing energy, as shops and restaurants find that their businesses can’t be sustained by the occasional populations of these neighbourhoods.
(3) There are signs that we will soon be exhausted by the Anthropocene: glutted by its ubiquity as a cultural shorthand, fatigued by its imprecisions, and enervated by its variant names – the “Anthrobscene”, the “Misanthropocene”, the “Lichenocene” (actually, that last one is mine).
(4) In deprivation-reared subjects, low-dose yohimbine produced reductions in tension and enervation, and increases in "normal" behaviors.
(5) That it developed later than other Southern medical schools has been attributed to multiple factors, among them rural isolation, restricted communication, limited transportation, sparse population, cultural deprivation, and climatologic enervation.
(6) But he missed the chance to be there at the beginning for artist-director Katsuhiro Otomo 's earlier masterpiece – 25 this year – when its enervating hyper-realism left retina burn in the eyes of action fans and film-makers worldwide.
(7) Enervation of the vas deferens and epididymis may be blocked and cause a smaller emission.
(8) David Cameron – whose natural comfort zone still remains talking breezily about the good times and giveaways around the corner – didn't come into politics to preside over an enervating decade of economic pessimism any more than Ed Miliband did to shrink the state.
(9) Conventional approaches using pooled subject data to increase the degree of freedom for statistical inference are enervated by the resultant introduction of intersubject variability.
(10) In 15 patients with acquired polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic recurrent polyneuropathy) the conduction velocity was measured in the peripheral nerves of the upper and lower extremities, the latency of the F wave was determined, and the somatosensory evoked potentials were assessed stimulating the median enerve and posterior tibial nerve.
(11) Response to oral yohimbine differed in several ways from subcutaneous and intravenous sodium lactate infusions, including prominent enervative symptoms and the appearance of sexual arousal.
(12) The majority of patients showed only minor impairment or normal results in the lower segment, which would point to a double or single enervation from the branches of the cervical plexus.
(13) Plannui The sheer enervation felt when surveying the rows of series-linked shows on your DVR planner that you will never have time to watch.
(14) Somuncu is among those who believe the book itself will not take off in terms of sales, describing it as “enervating and boring”, but he is convinced that the fascination for it would be far more muted now, had German authorities – more specifically the Bavarian government, which has held the rights to it – been more open about it.
(15) At university, Obaro was part of a grime collective, but on The Sound of Strangers EP Ghostpoet has come up with a different sort of music with a different kind of enervated energy.
(16) In the normal subjects, yohimbine, at both doses, produced increased tension and enervation and decreased species-typical "normal" behaviors.
(17) Obama’s victories over the last six years aside, this is a familiar spectacle for left-leaning Americans, enough so that the breast-beating is almost as enervating as all of those defeats.
(18) "I can't be held responsible for all that has happened since," she says when I bring this up, her eyes flashing and her enervated east-coast drawl undercut with just a hint of anger.
(19) Yohimbine significantly increased episodes of motoric activation and affective response interspersed with intervals of behavioral enervation.
(20) In addition, three more delimited forms of distress -- feelings of enervation, dysphoria, and sleep disturbances -- show higher levels among the older cohort.
(n.) One of the whitish and elastic bundles of fibers, with the accompanying tissues, which transmit nervous impulses between nerve centers and various parts of the animal body.
(n.) A sinew or a tendon.
(n.) Physical force or steadiness; muscular power and control; constitutional vigor.
(n.) Steadiness and firmness of mind; self-command in personal danger, or under suffering; unshaken courage and endurance; coolness; pluck; resolution.
(n.) Audacity; assurance.
(n.) One of the principal fibrovascular bundles or ribs of a leaf, especially when these extend straight from the base or the midrib of the leaf.
(n.) One of the nervures, or veins, in the wings of insects.
(v. t.) To give strength or vigor to; to supply with force; as, fear nerved his arm.
Example Sentences:
(1) Such a signal must be due to a small ferromagnetic crystal formed when the nerve is subjected to pressure, such as that due to mechanical injury.
(2) They are going to all destinations.” Supplies are running thin and aftershocks have strained nerves in the city.
(3) Elements in the skin therefore seemed to enhance nerve regeneration and function.
(4) The possibility that the ventral nerve photoreceptor cells serve a neurosecretory function in the adult Limulus is discussed.
(5) Following central retinal artery ligation, infarction of the retinal ganglion cells was reflected by a 97 per cent reduction in the radioactively labeled protein within the optic nerve.
(6) During the performance of propulsive waves of the oesophagus the implanted vagus nerve caused clonic to tetanic contractions of the sternohyoid muscle, thus proving the oesophagomotor genesis of the reinnervating nerve fibres.
(7) The oral nerve endings of the palate, the buccal mucosa and the periodontal ligament of the cat canine were characterized by the presence of a cellular envelope which is the final form of the Henle sheath.
(8) Sixteen patients were operated on for lumbar pain and pain radiating into the sciatic nerve distribution.
(9) The dependence of fluorescence polarization of stained nerve fibres on the angle between the fibre axis and electrical vector of exciting light (azimuth characteristics) has been considered.
(10) No monosynaptic connexions were found between anterodorsal and posteroventral muscles except between the muscles innervated by the peroneal and the tibial nerve.
(11) Histological studies of nerves 2 years following irradiation demonstrated loss of axons and myelin, with a corresponding increase in endoneurial, perineurial, and epineurial connective tissue.
(12) The ATP content of the cholinergic electromotor nerves of Torpedo marmorata has been measured.
(13) Plasma NPY correlated better with plasma norepinephrine than with epinephrine, indicating its origin from sympathetic nerve terminals.
(14) Based on several previous studies, which demonstrated that sorbitol accumulation in human red blood cells (RBCs) was a function of ambient glucose concentrations, either in vitro or in vivo, our investigations were conducted to determine if RBC sorbitol accumulation would correlate with sorbitol accumulation in lens and nerve tissue of diabetic rats; the effect of sorbinil in reducing sorbitol levels in lens and nerve tissue of diabetic rats would be reflected by changes in RBC sorbitol; and sorbinil would reduce RBC sorbitol in diabetic man.
(15) Standard nerve conduction techniques using constant measured distances were applied to evaluate the median, ulnar and radial nerves.
(16) An experimental autoimmune model of nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation has been used to assess the role of NGF in the development of various cell types in the nervous system.
(17) Noradrenaline (NA) was released from sympathetic nerve endings in the tissue by electrical stimulation of the mesenteric nerves or by the indirect sympathomimetic agent tyramine.
(18) However, none of the nerve terminals making synaptic contacts with glomus cells exhibited SP-like immunoreactivity.
(19) The number of axons displaying peptide-like immunoreactivity within the optic nerve, retinal or cerebral to the crush, and within the optic chiasm gradually decreased after 2-3 months.
(20) Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity has been found to occur in nerve terminals and fibres of the normal human skin using immunohistochemistry.