What's the difference between engraved and printed?



  • (imp.) of Engrave
  • (p. p.) of Engrave
  • (a.) Made by engraving or ornamented with engraving.
  • (a.) Having the surface covered with irregular, impressed lines.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) From then on, different features were added over the years, including more use of colour, watermark portraits of the queen, highly detailed machine engravings, reflective foil patches and holographic strips.
  • (2) The authors devised a brain biopsy technique through only one burr hole under real time monitoring, using a small foot-print transducer, 12 mm in diameter, and a special trocar with engraved scales on its surface.
  • (3) "The National Gallery of Australia currently has more than 50 engravings related to this painting, and there exist many more.
  • (4) Photograph: islandersa1 flickr They were also instructed to engrave their possessions with special metallic pens, to clutch their bags with both hands, to hide any property they might have in their cars, and not even to trust their valuables to hotel vaults.
  • (5) It has been a battle fought out in the past few days on the wall of the former US embassy, where the “Death to America” slogans that had been there since the 1979 Islamic revolution were painted over this week – only to be replaced by a plaque engraved with anti-American slogans put up by ultra-conservative students.
  • (6) And a cameraman has just spotted that the engraver is now engraving Arsenal's name into the trophy: equally premature?
  • (7) He and Mitchell agreed on a limited edition of wood engravings based on the play, printed on handmade papers.
  • (8) The stone slabs engraved in the 19th century with the name of Cromwell and his relatives are usually covered by a blue carpet bearing the RAF crest.
  • (9) Guidance of the neuritic processes can be observed with small grooves engraved on quartz and plastic substrates, and simple shapes with few processes and bifurcations on each neurite could be obtained using adhesive microstructures.
  • (10) This nitrous oxide effect was present at all dial settings studied except the lowest engraved (0.25) concentration.
  • (11) The virtues of graft were drummed in by his parents, Nettie, a bookkeeper and Martin, an engraver – so successfully that at 17 Woody was earning more than them both combined , rattling out gags for comedians and columnists.
  • (12) It was safer just to go on living together, though they did have engraved gold wedding bands, and Eva still wears hers today.
  • (13) If he dies there, what should be engraved on his tombstone?
  • (14) On the back of the seat was a plaque engraved with "Much-loved aunt".
  • (15) The first one is a case history, the second one is more general discussion with a fine engraving added.
  • (16) Systemic information, together with genetic information engraved on macromolecules and matter described by physics and chemistry, represents the existential basis of life.
  • (17) The new techniques of mechanical reproduction of photographs in printing slowly but surely replaced the lithos and wood engravings.
  • (18) If a bot manages to fool two or more of the judges, it will win its creator a gold medal engraved with Turing's image, and $100,000 (£64,000).
  • (19) And then I engraved this very delicate and traditional life drawing on to it, in words, and now that's become part of it.
  • (20) Someone, one day, may have to own up to making a considerable dent in the silverware itself, just beneath the engraving "Chelsea Football Club 2012", though this was not the time to be talking of depressions of any kind.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Print

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The small print revealed that Osborne claimed a fall in borrowing largely by factoring in the proceeds of a 4G telecomms auction that has not yet happened.
  • (2) When very large series of strains are considered, the coding can be completely done and printed out by any computer through a very simple program.
  • (3) A combined plot of all results from the four separate papers, which is ordered alphabetically by chemical, is available from L. S. Gold, in printed form or on computer tape or diskette.
  • (4) "We were very disappointed when the DH decided to suspend printing Reduce the Risk, a vital resource in the prevention of cot death in the UK", said Francine Bates, chief executive of the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths, which helped produce the booklet.
  • (5) How does it stack up against the competition – and are there any nasties in the small print?
  • (6) A wide range of development possibilities for the printed circuit microelectrode are discussed.
  • (7) Because while some of these alt-currencies show promise, many aren't worth the paper they're not printed on.
  • (8) This week they are wrestling with the difficult issue of how prisoners can order clothes for themselves now that clothing companies are discontinuing their printed catalogues and moving online.
  • (9) These letters are also written during a period when Joyce was still smarting from the publishing difficulties of his earlier works Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” Gordon Bowker, Joyce’s biographer, agreed: “Joyce’s problem with the UK printers related to the fact that here in those days printers were as much at risk of prosecution on charges of publishing obscenities as were publishers, and would simply refuse to print them.
  • (10) In the 1980s when she began, no newspaper would even print the words 'breast cancer'.
  • (11) Information and titles for this bibliography were gleaned from printed indexes and university medical center libraries.
  • (12) Subscribers to the paper's print and digital editions also now contribute to half the volume of its total sales.
  • (13) A microcomputer system is described for the collection, analysis and printing of the physiological data gathered during a urodynamic investigation.
  • (14) Many other innovations are also being hailed as the future of food, from fake chicken to 3D printing and from algae to lab-grown meat.
  • (15) The four are the spoken language, the written language, the printing press and the electronic computer.
  • (16) Comparison of these tracks and the Hadar hominid foot fossils by Tuttle has led him to conclude that Australopithecus afarensis did not make the Tanzanian prints and that a more derived form of hominid is therefore indicated at Laetoli.
  • (17) The conversation between the two men, printed in Monday's edition of Wprost news magazine , reveals the extent of the fallout between Poland and the UK over Cameron's proposals to change EU migrants' access to benefits.
  • (18) Brand names would instead be printed in small type and feature large health warnings and gruesome, full-colour images of the consequences of smoking.
  • (19) An interactive image-processing workstation enables rapid image retrieval, reduces the examination repeat rate, provides for image enhancement, and rapidly sets the desired display parameters for laser-printed images.
  • (20) But printing money year after year to pay for things you can’t afford doesn’t work – and no good Keynesian would ever call for it.