What's the difference between enharmonic and inharmonic?
(a.) Alt. of Enharmonical
Example Sentences:
(a.) Alt. of Inharmonical
Example Sentences:
(1) A final experiment, with a stimulus duration of 1 s and slower modulation rates, showed that listeners could detect incoherence for some inharmonic complexes.
(2) When the complex was inharmonic, performance was near chance at all modular delays, both for component frequencies between 1500 and 2500 Hz, and for component frequencies between 400 and 800 Hz.
(3) The second demonstrates that, for inharmonic sounds, coherence of FM has no effect on the phenomenon of modulation detection interference (see Moore & Shailer, this symposium) once within-channel cues (combination tones and beating) are masked by background noise.
(4) Preference for the root note shifted to preference for the highest note as the triad type became increasingly inharmonic, suggesting that the former depended on inference of a missing fundamental.
(5) Spectral noise levels served as an index of the inharmonic (noise) components present from 100 to 2500 Hz for sustained vowels.
(6) Each vowel production was analyzed to produce a narrow-hand (10 Hz) frequency-by-amplitude acoustic spectrum in which the levels of inharmonic energy, i.e., noise components, were measured in dB SPL over the frequency range 100--3000 Hz.
(7) In experiment II the fundamental frequency was fixed at 200 Hz, and thresholds for inharmonicity were measured for stimulus durations of 50, 110, 410, and 1610 ms. For harmonics above the fifth the thresholds increased from less than 1 Hz to about 40 Hz as duration was decreased from 1610-50 ms. For the lower harmonics (up to the fourth) threshold changed much less with duration, and for the three shorter durations thresholds for each duration were roughly a constant proportion of the harmonic frequency.
(8) This was determined by recording FFR to inharmonic and quasi-frequency-modulated signals.
(9) For inharmonic complexes, performance for the target-distractor combinations was equivalent to that found for targets presented alone, suggesting segregation of the targets and distractors into separate auditory objects.
(10) The present study used the same two-component stimuli to test the prediction that gravid females would better detect harmonic sounds in noise than inharmonic ones.
(11) Three different two-tone complexes were synthesized and presented to measure detection thresholds--a harmonic complex of 900 + 3000 Hz (periodicity of 300 Hz, mimicking the structure of the natural advertisement call); an inharmonic complex of 830 + 3100 Hz; and a second harmonic complex of 828 + 2760 Hz (periodicity of 276 Hz).
(12) For the inharmonic complex, for which there is no stable first-harmonic periodicity, the mean 'critical ratio' was 24 dB.
(13) These stimuli can be considered as an alternative to harmonic stimuli, since inharmonic components play an important role in sound analysis and therefore in the perception of sound.
(14) Females did not, however, choose the harmonic sound over the inharmonic sound in this condition, at the higher signal-to-noise ratio, or in either of the unmasked situations.
(15) Thresholds were measured for the detection of inharmonicity in complex tones.
(16) The forward-masking properties of inharmonic complex stimuli were measured both for normal and hearing-impaired subjects.
(17) The results suggest that inharmonicity is detected in different ways for high and low harmonics.
(18) The levels of inharmonic (noise) components were measured for the range 100 to 2600 Hz within each vowel spectrum and the mean of those measures provided an index of vowel spectral noise level.
(19) Specifically, for a group of three "naive" listeners, thresholds were measured for 3-, 7-, and 21-tone inharmonic complexes as a function of the amount of practice in a mixed-block design.
(20) For low harmonics the inharmonic partial appears to "stand out" from the complex tone as a whole.