What's the difference between enticing and wooingly?
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Entice
(a.) That entices; alluring.
Example Sentences:
(1) The new slogan “for the thirsty” seems to lionise those who try different things: great for enticing new patrons but do you really want your loyal consumer base branching out beyond their usual pint?
(2) Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive, said buyers were snapping up "enticing deals on a wealth of advanced new products".
(3) It's hardly an enticing prospect for would-be adopters, who are repeatedly told that they stand a far better chance of being matched if they're prepared to take on a child who is disabled, has emotional or developmental needs, is in a sibling group, or is older (and therefore more likely to have endured repeated trauma and multiple placements).
(4) The zesty, citrus whiff of oranges freshens up the January kitchen, drawing a line under heavy celebratory food, and lighting up the virtuous, but enticing path to a lighter, healthier diet.
(5) In the real world the situation must be far more complex as will become evident but as a concept the avoidance of Ca2+ overloading is enticing.
(6) "As Android and Apple tear each other apart, Microsoft has been waiting in the wings and is in a very good position to move in and entice users to switch from Android to Microsoft, as we have already seen that user loyalty is low."
(7) While attention has focused on the enticing possibility of a bid for the papers from established newspaper owners such as Express Newspapers boss Richard Desmond, News Corporation mogul Rupert Murdoch and Daily Mail & General Trust, analysts and bankers believe a City-backed bid is far more likely.
(8) The picture window in the upper floor lobby frames a view of enticing blue sea.
(9) The answer lies in a mix of carrot and stick provision including investing in a more integrated public transport network, encouraging active transport in the form of walking and cycling, and enticing people out of their cars.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Luminous umbrellas lit beneath high wire artist Jade Kindar-Martin.
(10) Athens has lowered the minimum monthly wage for those under 25 years by 32% to about €500 to entice hiring.
(11) Prospects that are both enticing and simple, the latter encapsulated his response.
(12) He dropped out to set up Rawkus Records with friends, before his father enticed him into the family business, offering him the chance to run internet businesses at a time when the world's big media groups were first flirting with the online world.
(13) Wonga has come in for criticism from Creasy and other opponents of high-cost lenders, which entice consumers with large advertising budgets spent on extensive TV, press and outdoor campaigns.
(14) Until we are mathematically gone, I will believe.” Tottenham’s Son Heung-min grabs late winner after Watford red card Read more He also said he will do his utmost to entice reinforcements during the January transfer window, but admits that the club’s predicament complicates recruitment.
(15) Early signs were encouraging: Labour's controversial ID card scheme was scrapped and the enticingly titled protection of freedoms bill was conceived.
(16) The real solution is "freemium": you offer a lot to lots of people for free (with ads), but you entice those at the high end with paid-for stuff.
(17) In its review , the Economis t came up with a useful everyday analogy: high-frequency traders are like "the people who offer you tasty titbits as you enter the supermarket to entice you to buy; but in this case, as you show appreciation for the goods, they race through the aisles to mark the price up before you can get your trolley to the chosen counter".
(18) At least one half of the coalition might find such a prospect enticing.
(19) Letta was parachuted into power last April after Pier Luigi Bersani, the then PD leader, failed to entice Beppe Grillo's anti-establishment movement into a coalition.
(20) The animal, called Rat Hole, even refused to co-operate when the riders attempted to entice him back to his pen in what was described as a bovine removal exercise.
(adv.) In a wooing manner; enticingly; with persuasiveness.
Example Sentences:
(1) The striking weakness of Clegg's thesis was what it left out in its attempt to carve out a position for restless party activists as their poll ratings dip (down to 14% according to ICM) as Miliband tones down his own anti-Lib Dem rhetoric to woo them.
(2) Apart from a few diehards, it will be hard to mourn the defeat in 2010 of a political party that lost its moral bearings in its bid to woo middle England, slavishly reflecting back what it believed this narrow constituency wanted to hear.
(3) The idea of cutting corporation tax was floated in the Sunday Express last month as a way of wooing banks considering leaving the UK because of an impending Brexit.
(4) Unless those at the bottom of the heap can represent themselves, and the inarticulate will not know how to woo judges, they will be outlaws.
(5) Konstantin Malofeev, a wealthy Russian oligarch, Putin-backer and extreme nationalist who has said Ukraine is an artificial creation, appears to be a central figure in the funding and wooing of Russian support in Europe.
(6) The recorded comments emerged on the eve of a general election in which the Tory party is attempting to woo Liberal voters and gain seats in the south currently held by the Liberal Democrats by proving it will be tougher on discrimination and embrace equality.
(7) Greene King wooed Spirit in an attempt to expand in London and south-east England, where people have more money to spend on drinking and eating out.
(8) A group of ex-miners appear to have been wooed by Osborne when he visited them ahead of a trip to the Thoresby colliery in Nottinghamshire earlier this month to announce the government would underwrite a fuel-benefit scheme.
(9) Nevertheless Spielberg “is currently trying to woo me to go over there to do films with DreamWorks”.
(10) The dinner was part of efforts to woo the then influential Fifa vice-president Jack Warner, who has since quit football in disgrace.
(11) This does not stop further attempts to merge with other Arab nations – Sudan and Egypt decline his wooing as well.
(12) But at least they won it, Kim Jung-woo causing mild havoc in the area with a free kick in from the right, Lugano forced to head behind.
(13) Bearing in mind that the beaus will be queuing round the block to woo Gigi, perhaps she should bite the bullet and think of the dosh.
(14) Using the “golden era” phrase coined by David Cameron and George Osborne in their attempts to woo the Chinese , May said on Thursday: “I am determined that as we leave the European Union, we build a truly global Britain that is open for business.
(15) The court ruled that Woolas's claim, in mocked-up newspapers, that Watkins had "wooed" Islamic extremists and failed to condemn radical groups attacks, was deliberately and knowingly misleading.
(16) Outcry The Business Birmingham team has been wooing politicians and business people at home and has sent international trade delegations to India, France and five cities across the US.
(17) Elwyn Watkins claimed that Woolas knowingly misled voters in Oldham East in a desperate bid to stir up religious tensions in the last days of the election by claiming Watkins had "wooed" Islamic extremists.
(18) Rommey's attempt to woo Hispanic voters was further damaged on Thursday with the emergence of a clip from a video of a Romney fundraiser in which he said that illegal immigrants generally "have no skill or experience".
(19) For Vona is here to woo the estimated 50,000 Hungarian expats living in the UK, more than half of whom live in London and the south-east of England.
(20) On the diplomatic front, Abe is busily wooing his Asian neighbours.