(n.) A real being, whether in thought (as an ideal conception) or in fact; being; essence; existence.
Example Sentences:
(1) In our opinion, a carcinologically "malignant" metastatic myxoma remains a questionable pathological entity.
(2) Sinus lining cells give rise to a well defined entity of neoplasia which is proposed to be termed sinus lining cell reticulosarcoma.
(3) Epidermolytic PPK is a well delineated autosomal dominant entity, but no recessive form is known.
(4) Doctors, who once treated human body as an entity, are so specialized that none seems to know any more that the head bone is still indirectly connected to the great toe.
(5) Pancreatic ascites is a distinct clinical entity which should be differentiated from cirrhotic, tuberculous or malignant ascites.
(6) Purulent bronchitis appears to be a distinct, treatable entity in patients with HIV infection and may accompany bacterial pneumonia, bronchiectasis, and P carinii pneumonia.
(7) The recent identification among non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphomas of a high-grade malignancy entity of possible thymic origin and defined as lymphoblastic convoluted-cell lymphoma allowed the morphologic and radiological diagnosis of nine cases of this disease.
(8) There is no reason to describe deafness and deafmutism in an area with severe endemic goitre as a separate entity.
(9) This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that the majority of deaths attributed to presenile dementia and the majority of deaths from senile dementia are the result of the same disease entity.
(10) This condition is a clearly defined radiological and clinical entity.
(11) On radiographs, this entity usually presented as clusters of 1- to 3-mm plaques raised above the smooth and featureless duodenal mucosa; this was seen in 17 (68%) of 25 patients.
(12) Although these two destructive entities are completely different in many respects, they share a common denominator: the initial lesions are brought about by an aggregate of bacteria known as plaque.
(13) The literature on this uncommon syndrome was reviewed and it was found that there are an open prevalence of this entity in children younger than 15 years, as well as severe respiratory complications in affected patients.
(14) Autism is a heterogeneous disease entity containing different clinical subgroups, which do not manifest similar radiologic pictures.
(15) This appears to be a newly described entity, although it resembles a Becker's nevus without hypertrichosis or an typical café au lait spot.
(16) The familial association of epilepsy and cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL (P)) is analyzed assuming both entities share common genetic predisposing factors.
(17) Data in the literature reveal that two distinct entities do not exist, but that there is instead a continuous transition from low to normal values.
(18) Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy is a distinct clinical entity, with ophthalmic involvement in 10% of patients.
(19) The histological examination of the biopsies taken during colonoscopy differentiated less clearly between these two entities than the macroscopic judgement by the endoscopist.
(20) The different entity of reversibility of bronchial obstruction is due to the various mechanisms intervening in different patients.
(v. t.) To put together so as to make one; to join, as two or more constituents, to form a whole; to combine; to connect; to join; to cause to adhere; as, to unite bricks by mortar; to unite iron bars by welding; to unite two armies.
(v. t.) Hence, to join by a legal or moral bond, as families by marriage, nations by treaty, men by opinions; to join in interest, affection, fellowship, or the like; to cause to agree; to harmonize; to associate; to attach.
(v. i.) To become one; to be cemented or consolidated; to combine, as by adhesion or mixture; to coalesce; to grow together.
(v. i.) To join in an act; to concur; to act in concert; as, all parties united in signing the petition.
(v. t.) United; joint; as, unite consent.
Example Sentences:
(1) The findings indicate that there is still a significant incongruence between the value structure of most family practice units and that of their institutions but that many family practice units are beginning to achieve parity of promotion and tenure with other departments in their institutions.
(2) The influence of the various concepts for the induction of lateral structure formation in lipid membranes on integral functional units like ionophores is demonstrated by analysing the single channel current fluctuations of gramicidin in bimolecular lipid membranes.
(3) Microionophoretically applied excitatory amino acids induced firing of extracellularly recorded single units in a tissue slice preparation of the mouse cochlear nucleus, and the similarly applied antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (2APV) was demonstrated to be a selective N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist.
(4) The Frenchman’s 65th-minute goal was a fifth for United and redemptive after he conceded the penalty from which CSKA Moscow took a first-half lead.
(5) This article describes a number of syndromes affecting the nail unit.
(6) The small units described here could be inhibitory interneurons which convert the excitatory response of large units into inhibition.
(7) The program met with continued support and enthusiasm from nurse administrators, nursing unit managers, clinical educators, ward staff and course participants.
(8) No significant change occurred in the bacterial population of our hospital unit during the period of the study (more than 3 years).
(9) Pokeweed mitogen-stimulated rat spleen cells were identified as a reliable source of rat burst-promoting activity (PBA), which permitted development of a reproducible assay for rat bone marrow erythroid burst-forming units (BFU-E).
(10) Twitch-tetanus ratios were calculated and found not to be related to unit contraction time.6.
(11) The hospital whose A&E unit has been threatened with closure on safety grounds has admitted that four patients died after errors by staff in the emergency department and other areas.
(12) High-grade and low-grade candidemia were defined as 25 colony-forming units or more per 10 ml and 10 colony-forming units or fewer per 10 ml of blood, respectively.
(13) Writing in the Observer , Schmidt said his company's accounts were complicated but complied with international taxation treaties that allowed it to pay most of its tax in the United States.
(14) The level of significance of the statistical estimate of the change in the number of phonoreactive units (its increase due to deprivation) amounts to 92%.
(15) the class- and specificity-restricted antigen-sensitive units.
(16) This article reviews the care of the chest-injured patient during the intensive care unit phase of his or her recovery.
(17) Focusing on two prospective payment systems that operated concurrently in New Jersey, this study employs the hospital department as the unit of analysis and compares the effects of the all-payer DRG system with those of the SHARE program on hospitals.
(18) Asthma is probably the commonest chronic disease in the United Kingdom, and its attendant morbidity extends outside the possible scope of the hospital sector.
(19) Gallic wine sales in the UK have been tumbling for the past 20 years, but the news that France, once the largest exporter to these shores, has slipped behind Australia, the United States, Italy and now South Africa will have producers gnawing their knuckles in frustration.
(20) The committee reviewed the history, original intent, current purpose, and effectiveness of meetings held on the unit; when problems were identified, suggestions for change were formulated.