

  • (n.) The act of entering or going into; ingress; as, the entrance of a person into a house or an apartment; hence, the act of taking possession, as of property, or of office; as, the entrance of an heir upon his inheritance, or of a magistrate into office.
  • (n.) Liberty, power, or permission to enter; as, to give entrance to friends.
  • (n.) The passage, door, or gate, for entering.
  • (n.) The entering upon; the beginning, or that with which the beginning is made; the commencement; initiation; as, a difficult entrance into business.
  • (n.) The causing to be entered upon a register, as a ship or goods, at a customhouse; an entering; as, his entrance of the arrival was made the same day.
  • (n.) The angle which the bow of a vessel makes with the water at the water line.
  • (n.) The bow, or entire wedgelike forepart of a vessel, below the water line.
  • (v. t.) To put into a trance; to make insensible to present objects.
  • (v. t.) To put into an ecstasy; to ravish with delight or wonder; to enrapture; to charm.

Compare entrance with other words:

entrance vs. entranced

entrance vs. ravish

doorstead vs. entrance

entrance vs. outsentry

entrance vs. propylaeum

entrance vs. reentrance

entrance vs. rapturous

entrance vs. inlet

entrance vs. ingress

doo vs. entrance

entrance vs. hall

approach vs. entrance

cat vs. entrance

entrance vs. women

enhance vs. entrance

enchant vs. entrance

entrance vs. ingredience

barbican vs. entrance

entrance vs. gatehouse

apodyterium vs. entrance

entrance vs. introit

entrance vs. marquee

entrance vs. gateway

bavarian vs. entrance

entrance vs. vomit

catstail vs. entrance

entrance vs. trapdoor

doorway vs. entrance

entrance vs. spellbound

entrance vs. portico

entrance vs. vestibule

entrance vs. trance

entrance vs. threshold

beginning vs. entrance

admission vs. entrance

entrance vs. entry

entrance vs. stoop

caisson vs. entrance

entrance vs. porch

entrance vs. leak

entrance vs. lodge

entrance vs. income

enter vs. entrance

admittance vs. entrance

admit vs. entrance

entrance vs. portcullis

entrance vs. portal

entrance vs. front

charm vs. entrance

catch vs. entrance

delight vs. entrance

entering vs. entrance

entrance vs. ingang

entrance vs. translate

access vs. entrance

catty vs. entrance